Homelessness More Expensive Than Housing

Homelessness is more expensive than housing, believe it or not. It's even MORE expensive when you're a homeless targeted individual. Bad combination. Homeless or not, the gang stalkers make our existence more expensive & forced wasteful to live. I say forced wasteful because they destroy anything good we have, & make everything more expensive for us. 

Ex: If we get a car, they force a TI to have to waste more unnecessary money on repairs because the perp DELIBERATELY destroyed it, & then blame the TI. If a TI is housed, the perps would ruin the plumbing & then blame the target. Then, the target is unjustly held responsible for paying for repairs out of pocket. Another perp plumber would come & pretend to "fix" the plumbing, & then the cycle keeps repeating.

Here's that questionnaire again.





Also, see this.


Cory Resilient is vocal & outspoken about homeless corruption in Canada. Very similar to what we have to go through in the US. He's supposedly targeted, as well.


& this video is like what I talk about all the time.


Look at these, if you haven't already.



Here are some links to back up the fact that homelessness is more expensive than housing. This system is senseless! The system holds people hostage with the 3 1/2 times the rent rule. + rent is rising.



















** https://www.dailydot.com/irl/extended-stay-hotels/

Causes of homelessness












Homelessness is expensive!







Homelessness a middle-class problem


How Finland ended homelessness.


Tiny houses built for homeless seized


The struggle is REAL. My version. My homeless targeted individual living experience.


I believe that homelessness is part of human trafficking. So many agencies fraudulently & illegally profit off of poor & homeless. They make so much money off of us, yet we're forced to pay $600/month or more to live in a prison-like setting. Some people say, "Well, I thought homeless shelters were free!" Nope! Contrary to what you've heard, homeless people are NOT riding the gravy train! The only homeless who get a free life are probably the protected druggie criminals who kiss ass at shelters or kiss ass with the crooked Masonic bully fag cops. Everyone wants you to just shut up & follow the rules. & to be grateful for a roof over your head. Many homeless shelters are compared to a concentration camp &/or prison. Exploitative prison scam cults. 

Here's a REMINDER of what my experience was like at the New Orleans Mission. I'm not welcome back there.

"This place is a scam cult, exploiting the homeless. All who gave "positive" reviews are brainwashed, & the mind control programming is working. I'm glad that I was able to see this for what it is. There were some people who picked me up from the aquarium & "love bombed" me. Pretended to be cheerful & happy. Please research how a cult operates. I'm sorry I even gave those people my personal information & Social Security #. They didn't get my bank account information, but they tried to tell me that they'll confiscate my food stamp card & take 80% of my income & leave me with 20. The guy, Ray, tried to manipulate me into joining their fake discipleship program, & he told me that salvation is free, but peace of mind is earned, & only "earned" through THEIR program! I was not expecting this. After filling out paperwork, there was a mean young lady who gave me pajamas I didn't want to wear, & she wanted to confiscate my cellphone & search through my belongings. I don't remember her name. I told her to her face that the center is like a prison, & that they're worse than the Salvation Army. They better not use my personal information for sinister purposes, or else I'm suing. People giving 5 stars & high reviews are blinded by Satan."

I should've also mentioned about how they force you to go through the humiliation of being molested (lie & say that they're "frisking", & they confiscate & steal your belongings) & then going to forced church service being brainwashed/indoctrinated, JUST TO GET DINNER! They throw up devil horns hand signs (🤘), while singing how much they love Jesus. Fucking DEMONIC! They're such perverts! They love to bust in on you while showering. Shelters are filthy & disgusting! I could go on!

My free ebook on my homelessness experiences.










Being both homeless AND targeted, you can't get to live like the traditional homeless people. Life is more expensive for you, too. In MY personal situation, I can't eat at soup kitchens or stay in shelters because I get abused & bullied & mobbed out of there by staff, volunteers & other homeless. The guy at the Washburn Center threatened me with a knife, & Michael Kimberl tried to gaslight me & act like he didn't believe me, even after pulling up the cameras. After awhile, he later saw the evidence & believed me. After that, he didn't call the cops, but he just suspended the guy from the place for a day or so. Since then, I never SET FOOT in that place again! 

When I had Section 8 housing in Los Angeles, that's when the noise campaigns & vibrating (directed energy weapons torture) started in probably September 2015. It was too unbearable. It happened in every city & state. That's the MAIN reason how I ended up homeless. 

Being targeted, you're mobbed from EVERYWHERE! Not welcome or allowed anywhere. Hell, I'm even ex-communicated from the so-called TI "community"! (I don't remember whether or not I did a blog post, talking about HOW I became chronically homeless in the 1st place!) 

I put up this fundraiser



this petition


to make people aware of the truth about my situation & also get help. The perps have a false smear campaign narrative to maintain.


I'm wrongfully banned from many homeless shelters, restaurants & hotels, especially downtown in Pensacola & my hometown New Orleans. The perps (especially online) got me wrongfully banned & fired from quite a few jobs. I could've been able to eat healthier for cheap at Bodacious. I could've bought $5 smoothies from fake Ever'man. Now, I'm left to be forced to eat at more expensive places. Inflation is making everything worse. I can't stay at Hospitality Inn anymore. The cheapest hotel in the city! 

I have to eat out at restaurants 2 or 3 times a day. I don't seek to eat expensively or stay in expensive hotels, like the online perps lie about. I have bills, too. Cellphone & storage. If I could get permanent housing, then I could get rid of my storage unit, & that's 1 less bill/expense to pay. Plus, I have to pay for bus fare (sometimes taxi or Uber) & laundry. I get $837 in Social Security. They wrongfully suspended my SSI. I'm not even going to try to go back & fight with them. I'm traumatized by the Social Security Administration workers' abuse, manipulation, gaslighting & setups!

Here's the situation. With the food issue, I'm not allowed to store any food other than water in my storage unit. They flip out over a canister of SALT being in there! It sucks, because I can't be a prepper, storing food. That was the only storage unit I could get. If I had a permanent home, extended stay hotel or weekly motel to stay in, I would have a refrigerator where I could store food. I could have cooking facilities. If I ate out while housed, I could eat less & then store leftovers. Since I'm on the streets & have to eat at restaurants, I feel that I have to eat all the food, so that it won't go to waste. It would be more convenient to go to food banks, if I had a permanent home. I could save SOOO much more money on food! If I had a permanent address, I could get food stamps, & I won't have to worry about Waterfront Mission playing with my mail. But then again, the perps would stall a target from trying to get food stamps, anyway. With my homeless situation & how the buses run, I don't have the convenience to run here & there for a meal. Especially the fact that I have to go shower WAAAAY across town. If I had a car, it would be MUCH easier. 

If I carry around my sleeping bag, I have to suffer harassment, bullying & abuse from restaurant workers, library security guards, transit bus drivers & more. Because I look OBVIOUS homeless. Getting kicked out & banned. Ask narcissistic whore Heidi & those other fake O'Riley's skanks! Ask the perp faggot at Badlands! Ask the fake AJ guy & his wife Judy from AJ's Southtowne. I heard that Fosko has ZERO tolerance for homeless. That's 1 of the reasons why I quit going there. I even got kicked out of the Doghouse Deli. A few of my sleeping bags & other items have been stolen before. I have to feel worried every day, fearful & traumatized about my valuables being stolen. It's a RELIEF when my sleeping bag is still there! I can't hide or have any privacy because the fake babysitting perps are always watching. 

So, until I can get permanent housing &/or a job which could LEAD ME to permanent housing, I will have to keep panhandling both online & in person for money for food & hotel room. I have a place to shower now. Now, I have to ask for hotel room help, only in unsafe weather. It's SO hard to get help! I was hoping to have had permanent housing by October. December is almost here. I asked 31 Christian organizations/churches for help on Twitter, & they all ignored me. I asked nearly 300 targeted individuals for help on an email list. Only 1 sent me a little bit over $11. About 50 of them had email accounts that didn't work.

Hate crimes against homeless.



Perfect example of why I don't go to soup kitchens. This happened on Thanksgiving a few days ago.


The lady was on her best behavior once I came back, filming.


I don't care HOW shitty & "incoherent" I sound! You gang stalking SOB's keep forcing me to be sleep deprived. So, what you get is what you get! You no likey, you no readey! 🤷‍♀️

Update: 12/05/2022

Governments want the homeless to not stay homeless. They view it as a problem because it is expensive to society and it is ugly. The problem is they go about it the wrong way. They hassle us with little legal technicalities, technicalities that ultimately lead to courtroom battles.



Update: 12/16/2022

Why no one wants to solve the homelessness problem.
