Ooooooh! I'm TELLIN'! - Popular Fake TI Perp
This isn't a smear campaign against the man. I have concrete proof. Roy Eacups is part of the Rotary Club. I just googled his name, & that was 1 of the 1st topics that came up.
I said, "Something about his Twitter icon looks Masonic. I can't put my finger on it."
YouTube search, "Rotary Club Exposed". It shows so many videos of the club being connected with freemasonry.
Well, lo & behold!
He claims to be a victim of RNM, V2K, MK Ultra, DEW, Ritual Abuse & other stuff.
He was supportive & nice towards me in 2020, but I was never close with him. He even made a supportive comment on 1 of my YouTube videos.
In 2021, for Hurricane Ida & all that flooding, I never asked him for any money. I just simply asked him if he could retweet, spread the word & share my GoFundMe, PayPal & CashApp (he has a lot of Twitter followers) to help me get a hotel room & safe out of the hurricane. He ignored the SHIT out of me. I never disrespected the man or did him anything before. He ignored me for days, so I blocked him. He blocked me right back. He's always talking about, "God bless you". Smh!
I went into someone's (I'm not going to say the person's name.) Twitter space, & Mr. Roy entered in. I didn't mention Mr. Roy's name, but as soon as he entered, I was already talking about how I was dogged out & mistreated by the TI community for Hurricane Ida (before he entered the chat). Then, he exited. What makes me less deserving? I saw Mr. Roy spread & share other TI's GoFundMe! Has Mr. Roy Eacups ever suffered homelessness? I bet he hasn't!
I could've BEEN had help off the streets & got housing! I suffer the SAME targeting, gang stalking, narcissistic abuse, setups, workplace mobbing, blacklisting, vibrating, sex trafficking, remote neural monitoring, sleep deprivation, MK Ultra, etc. as many others. Online gang stalkers are plotting to get me Baker Acted, as we speak! I'm an author, & I'm blocked from making a living from my writings. My short stories. I'm tired of being wrongfully hated, punished & ignored! The fake TI perps are more hurtful & damaging than the regular perps.
It's possible that he listened to Shayla Avant's smear campaign about me, because me & her had a Twitter feud behind a misunderstanding. But what the hell! She's 1 of the popular fakes & also has Luciferian one eye symbolism on her Twitter profile pic & her blog logo. She's a New Ager & a narcissistic bully. She even calls TI's schizophrenic.
In the beginning, she did support me & even donated $25 to my GoFundMe. She even put my blog & ebook links up
Since the Twitter feud, she wrongfully banned me from her fake Surveillance Survivors website. I used to be a big supporter of that website & had MUCH respect. I said, "Just because you deleted me out of your database doesn't make me less targeted! 🖕"
How can you speak against slander campaigns, when you do the same?
Winnie Mangwende ganged up on me & defended Shayla. She tried to talk about how my GoFundMe was just a luxury project, & how I have a bad reputation for being an ungrateful scammer & beggar with a bad attitude. She didn't care about the evidence videos I showed about it flooding at the library here in downtown Pensacola. Winnie, why listen to the perps? She once told me that if I were living in the UK, the she would offer for me to come & love with her. Then, earlier this year, me & her argued because she bragged about believing & defending fake, retarded Tricia's lying videos about me. She ignorantly laughed & thought it was funny. I would feel so bad for her about her nose bleeds. When did she sell out? She started to act like a messy perp. I thought Winnie was supposed to be a friend!
Don't get me started on Targeted Justice! I heard that that's a CIA front. How come they can get donations? I had bad personal experiences with Susan Fortunato Olsen & Doris Claus (Midge Mathis)!
This is the most concrete & blatant proof of my gang stalking ever! & y'all STILL deny it! I'm still homeless on the streets & struggling.
If my life ends, the TI community has JUST AS MUCH blood on their hands as the perps. This is PATHETIC that I can't get any support. Even emotional! Everyone wants me to just shut up & ignore. Lack of support is what CAUSES someone's mental deterioration! Everyone is such a controlling, narcissistic bully! The TI community is no better than the workplace mobbing! Just the same.
People like @blingqueendiva1, Lizzie LeBoeuf (who used to support me & consider me her hometown sister) & others ignore me on Twitter for nothing. Well, y'all ain't got to worry about me no more! People do it on YouTube, as well. Ignore & block me without a cause, but talk to everyone else. & y'all say y'all love Jesus! 🙄
I had to block Targeted Tony & David Atkins for being bossy & controlling, defending & agreeing with my perps & also making me feel uncomfortable. Acting like they thought they owned me. Anthony used to donate to me, but he was very manipulative & controlling. David wanted to know all my damn business. He's married & acts like he wants to keep up with my EVERY MOVE! He promotes New Age & has 1 eye symbolism on his Twitter icon, but professes to be Christian. Melody K. used to support & defend me, but then she would always slide in my DM's trying to police & control what I tweet. Trying to bully me. Then, she went off on me & unfollowed me. Ginarooski joined the shut up & ignore cult, & she would act like a controlling, narcissistic bully over the phone. She always would act she misunderstood everything I did or said. In the beginning, she used to support & defend me & even donated quite a few times. People be flipping & changing! Just weird! I'd be here ALL NIGHT, venting about every bad encounter with everyone. I'm just giving a few examples. Oh, yeah. Zina Antoaneta, Bobbi Pietsch, Gangstalking Aattention Awareness, Richard Moore & many others have me blocked without cause. For no reason. I never even talked to them.
On YouTube, Gang Stalking Simulation & Ronald Soriano have been bullying me & playing both sides. I'm scared to try to open up to someone new & then get hurt again. I can't trust anyone anymore!
I'm tired of holding my emotions in & having nobody supportive to talk to! I'm tired of people being so controlling. I'm tired of being singled out & treated differently (in a bad way). Why would another targeted individual treat me like I lack common sense?
It's really scary for me to be wrongfully jailed, institutionalized or dead, & no one to care because they feel like I "burned my bridges". I'm emotionally hypersensitive & disabled. I'm a cult survivor. I was in foster care. I still have been trying to fight to get my own jobs & housing, & the perps keep sabotaging me! They're vibrating my organs as we speak!
& I know the TI community has more hatred & less respect for me because I'm HOMELESS & am forced to be dependent & needy. They look down on me. I've been fighting to get back on my feet. This is the WORST real life nightmare!
Update: 12/07/2022
So, I just found out that the @blingqueendiva1 person on Twitter got hateful & blocked me for no reason. What a hypocrite! She talks in her bio about United Snakes of AmeriKKKa & racism, yet talks that lingo like a "saved Christian" yet, she hates me for no reason. I'm a fellow TI & a real one, & I'm a Black female, just like her. I didn't even do her anything. At first, she used to militantly ignore me, & then I blocked her. Then unblocked her. She now has me wrongfully blocked. I blocked her back, again! Fake bitch!