The NEXT Conference

I started working on this on 11/08/2022 Tuesday.

Hello, everyone. This short story will be the sequel to this one below.

+ also, look at this.

I hope you enjoyed these, too.

As of today, 11/08/2022, I'm still suffering sleep deprivation from over a week's worth of lack of adequate sleep. I slept for about 7 hours last night. The previous nights, I got very little sleep. That's not going to stop me from writing. If my writing is bad today, it can always be improved & edited at a later date. Thanks for reading, & thanks for the support.

Consider this YouTube video for reference. PLEASE watch it!

Mind Control Made Easy. Become a cult leader today.

Timberwood: Short Stories Edition - Vol. 26

Ever since some of the former Timberwood cult members found out the truth, they've been doing whatever they could, to defy the cult. The cult wanted everyone to believe that they're in it for life, & that there's no escape. Some people didn't have a say-so in refusing to join. Unfortunately, they were abused, bullied & coerced to join. Some were brought up in it as babies & children. Born into it.

Kristina was trying to let everyone know that yes, there IS a way out. That the cult just wants to trap you in order to set you up to go to hell when you die. The cult brainwashes their members to believe that being sex trafficked for money & being physically pretty is their earthly "salvation". But the members don't realize that until after they've awakened from their MK Ultra mind control trance.

Some additional members left Timberwood, after rejecting the truth for over a decade. Mr. Earl Price, Sr. had an idea for a Counter Conference. That is, a conference that defies the fake Timberwood cult traditions. He regrets rejecting the truth for so long, & is finally ready to come into his acceptance. He even renounced his freemasonry membership. He urged his family members to leave. His son, Earl, Jr. ("Kurl" AKA Kurlicious) was already out of the cult & suffering as a homeless targeted individual, right along with his best friend, Carlos Sanchez. Kristina warned everyone to EXPECT to be surveilled, sabotaged & gang stalked for leaving the cult. 

[Author's Note: Even in the 1st "conference" short story, some of the members who were present in the cult at that moment defied the rules, but had to pay DEARLY for it!]

1 of Mr. Earl's nieces, Trenise, teamed up with Jessica to help me, Nola Bordelon, to get my own hotel room, by myself. This time, it was in the Winter. We settled with going to stay at a ski resort in Colorado. It was just before the so-called "Christmas" holidays. 

Taschika was jokingly telling her sister, Kristina, "Hey, activity planner! Let's whip up an itinerary."

After that, everyone joked & laughed about how Kristina's supposed "role" or "job title" in the cult was the "Activity Coordinator", but she never really got to plan or coordinate any leisure activities because she was so busy trying to fight against being sex trafficked & trying to get out of that trapped maze of being a cult sex slave. When she was in Timberwood, all of her plans were unsuccessful because of sabotage. It was all orchestrated & planned. She was tricked into thinking that she was going to get a job as an Activity Coordinator, since she has a Master's degree in psychology & also a Master's in Mathematics & Applied Engineering. Now, here's her chance to be the Activity Coordinator AWAY FROM Timberwood. Yep. Remember those Fruit Fest events?

Mr. Earl's nephew, Kendall & also his niece, Trenise, joined in & helped Kristina plan this trip out. The trip was like a 2-week long retreat with post-cult support group meetings 2 hours a day, 5 days a week. We gave ourselves the weekends off, for leisure activities. Timberwood didn't like what we were doing, so they planted fake "agents" who pretended like they wanted out, as usual. But they weren't successful in their plans to destroy us.

Each 2-hour meeting day was a different topic. Sometimes, there was even that open talk "venting". Everyone surely missed Mr. Tharen, Sr. hosting the meetings. They would wonder up what would things be like, if he wasn't murdered off for attempting to self-publish his tell-all book on how the Timberwood cult ruined his family. Instead, his baby brother, Mr. Tim (the youngest) took his place & started hosting all the meetings. The former Timberwood cult members wonder whether or not Mr. Tim will write his own version of a tell-all book, exposing the cult. Mr. Tim would also be risking his life. He's already risking his life, hosting the meetings.

Mr. Earl, Sr. felt deep sorrow for his mistakes & his wrongs. He had enough money to treat & house everyone who wanted to come & learn the truth. He supplied the finances, while Kristina, her husband, Tharen, Jr. & also Trenise & her brother Kendall helped plan out the trip. 

Kendall rented out 5 charter buses for everyone, to take us wherever we wanted. We mostly stayed at Vail Ski Resort. Mr. Earl, Sr. paid for everyone's hotel rooms, while a guy, named Chancey, paid for everyone's food & excess spending. We did a little bit of shopping & got a few souvenirs, but not too much, because we learned the truth about materialism & consumerism. Trying not to be covetous. 

Trenise's nephew, Tremarcus, whom they call "Spidey-Cat", is her sister, Tracie's son. Spidey-Cat, along with Mrs. Jacqueline Smith's son, Jacob, teamed up with Tracie's new boyfriend, Freddy (Kristina's childhood friend), Jamaal & the Latin Boys, as well as me, to go around different neighborhoods in Colorado, New Mexico, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Arizona, Utah and Wyoming to go pass out flyers (gospel tracts) that warn people against joining cults, while simultaneously sharing & spreading the Gospel & educating people about Timberwood. We did 1 state a day, for 4 days, each week. 3 days off. Lol! Mrs. Jackie was the van driver. She didn't mind. She loved it.

Some former Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Scientologists & other former cult members from other cult groups joined us on our retreat, as the days went by. Even a few Hollywood celebrities. That made Timberwood even MORE mad! More people were waking up to the truth, leaving Timberwood & other cults & turning to Jesus Christ. Timberwood HATED it! 

On our chill days, on weekends, we would go to visit different lakes, hot springs, amusement parks, museums, etc. The guys went hunting & fishing. We made sure there was no drama or fighting. Everything was peaceful. No rebellion against our group because the infiltrators were spotted, called out & ejected at the 1st offense. There was that reminder that there's strength in numbers. 

At the end, there was even a farewell fruit fest party, just before we left Vail Ski Resort. The trip was broadcasted Live on every social media platform you can think of. Timberwood was defenseless & couldn't do anything about it. How's THAT for showing the devil who's boss?


Edited & finished on 11/21/2022.

I probably might re-edit, amend & add more during a time when I'm less sleep deprived.