Overused Phrases Narcissistic Abusers Say

They overuse & over exaggerate these phrases (like witchcraft) to manipulate & convince people that their lies, false rumors & smear campaigns are the truth.

-Literally (or they unnecessarily say, LIKE literally), after every sentence. 

Ex: I sat here for over LITERALLY 4 hours, waiting for you to get the baby ready to go to the doctor!

Reality: The narc waited 4 MINUTES. Not hours.

-Mind You

Ex: Now mind you, I just met this guy.

Reality: You knew him all your life. Stop lying!

-This, that & the 3rd

Ex: Now you're sitting here doing this, that & the 3rd, while you should be doing your homework!

Reality: The victim was doing her homework the whole time.

-'Cause at the end of the day

Ex: 'Cause at the end of the day, it's gonna be YOU to suffer, not (the other bully). 

Reality: Why should the victim have to be punished for exposing the truth?

-They start their sentence with "NOW" to over exaggerate their adulthood.

EX: Now, I done JUST washed all these dishes, & your making my kitchen dirty again? 

Reality: It was YOU who put that fork in that sink! Don't blame me.

They use that to try to frighten, bully & intimidate you. Trying to blind you with inducing fear.

If you can think of any other phrases, let me know in the comments. They always try to outdo other people. Thinking they're superior to everyone else.

*Ah! Here's another 1.

They love to say, "At this point". When they get fed up.