Save Your Money!

Throughout the years, I've had to hear fake narcissistic "lectures" about saving money. It all started from foster care. Remember me telling y'all about the former foster mom giving us only $20/month for allowance? She was supposed to give us $37, via the state foster care. & she would look for loopholes & excuses to not give us the allowance. Or, she would pick an argument with me or wrongfully punish me for an excuse to not give it to me. 

She would always bitch & yell, talking about me not being responsible or mature, with spending money. Yet, she never taught us! She expected us to not spend the $20 at all. But she wasn't going to tell us that. Meanwhile, she was living the HIGH life! The rich folks life. Expensive, fancy mink coats, BMW convertible & a 9-bedroom, 2 story house. She expected for us to buy everything cheap & on sale. The Extra Value Meal at fake McDonald's or 90% off clearance Black Friday clothes. Or clothes from the thrift store. I was 18 years old in college, still wearing other people's hand me down clothes from when I was 8 years old in 3rd grade. & I was always falsely accused of being "ungrateful". All of us. My twin sister, included. Now, my twin sister copied the foster mom's abuse & projected that onto me, when we should be banding together to expose her & expose the system. My twin sister is a sold out perp (gang stalker)! 

Speaking of being "ungrateful", it was actually the foster Aunt Mikki who was the first one who falsely accused us of being ungrateful. There was an incident where the foster mom had Mikki to "babysit" us in foster care respite in Alabama. The foster mom gave her sister Mikki $50 spending allowance for us. Mikki took us to Dollar Tree. She didn't give us guidelines on what to spend the money on. She falsely accused us of being ungrateful when she illegally confiscated the entire $50 from us & kept it for herself. Then, she lied to her sister (the foster mom) & said that we're ungrateful & spent up all the money. This was when Mikki starved & tortured us in Alabama for 3 weeks. I was 15 years old. Yelled at us for getting a glass of WATER to drink! She left out BBQ cheeseburgers. I didn't know it had been sitting out. Mikki said, "Good! I hope you get sick as a dog!" & I GOT sick! Mikki & the foster mom Adrienne Felder falsely accused me of faking sickness & food poisoning, for attention. They refused to heal me or take me to the doctor. The foster mom falsely said, "You're not sick! You're MAKING yourself PSYCHOLOGICALLY sick!" At that same time, the foster mom falsely said that I was the one who stressed her out & caused her to be sick with high blood pressure, & that it's MY fault that she can't eat salt anymore. (My twin sister copied this manipulation tactic & started using it on me. She copied the foster mom's abuse with blaming me for stressing her out & making her have XYZ "illness".) When the foster mom would pour like over a 1/2 measuring cup worth of salt on her food. Always making food too salty. 

So, we were supposed to go on a fake IDMR cult convention at Opryland Hotel in Nashville, TN. We went. I wanted to go SOOOOO bad! I wanted to keep my hair natural. The foster mom tried to force me to get a relaxer/perm. I didn't want to get the relaxer in my hair. So, she called me an "ungrateful son of a bitch" (copying off of her sister, Mikki calling us "ungrateful") & threatened to punish me from going on the convention. She got mad that I got to have my way that time! I still went to the convention with my hair natural. I didn't care about the fake cult conference. I just only wanted to go on the trip & go to that hotel. 😁😆

Narcissistic Abusers... I'm sick & tired of them being so narcissistic & self-righteous about spending & saving! I'm an adult now, & they want for me to "spend the money wisely". They lie & say, "Well, Candy doesn't know how to manage money.", just so other people can hijack my income. I've been my own payee with my disability checks & never in my life got evicted for nonpayment of apartment rent! They want for me to account for every penny that I spent my money on. & If I spent any part of my Social Security check on a 5 cent peppermint, then they go & smear campaign & lie, saying that I'm irresponsible & don't know how to manage money. Yet, they would use & take advantage of MY small little check & spend it on gambling at Harrah's in New Orleans or something. Or they'll take my entire paycheck to buy lavish Valentine's Day gifts for their LGBTQIA lovers.

I've been suffering poverty & EXTREMELY low income ALL of my life! I have a Bachelor's degree & am wrongfully blacklisted from employment. Part of the gang stalking. Dealing with the abusive, narcissistic fake mental health people threatening my income, talking about me spending irresponsibly or recklessly. I'm in high financial debt because the mentally slow, crazy biological family members parasitically bullied me & took advantage of my student loan money. Dealing with abuse from both biological & foster family, I've struggled with assertiveness. I'm glad I don't get taken advantage of as much as I used to. 

How do you tell a disabled person or a blacklisted person, "Go get a job!", or they say, "There are PLENTY of jobs out there!" Yet, @ the same time, simultaneously telling you in that SAME conversation, "Nobody's going to hire you!". & they tell employers NOT TO hire you! People who haven't experienced my struggles make everything sound SO easy! But it's not. 

I've told people countless times how hard it is toe even GET INTO a homeless shelter! & me being targeted, I get mobbed out of there. Wrongfully banned. 

How do you tell a homeless person, "Save your money!"? People who never donated to me telling me, "You should take those donations & save it for an apartment." If it was that simple & easy, I would've been housed by now. 🤦‍♀️

Remember when I told y'all about the 3 & 1/2 times the rent rule for apartments? 

Here's a rant video I did this morning.

Maybe the person on the YouTube comment didn't mean any harm, but I was triggered. Triggered because of so many other people's narcissistic lectures, implying that I'm wasteful with the donations given to me. I've BEEN wanting to do a blog post on this topic on me being told to save money! With the part-time, seasonal job that they recently workplace mobbed me from, I would tell so & so, "I got a part-time seasonal temporary job." & then, they say, "Oh, great! Now, you can start saving some money." Triggering & upsetting! If that's the case, then I could've successfully gotten housing when I was working at Seville Quarter. I called places, & they said that I have to have at least 3 & 1/2 times the rent as my income, + been employed for at least 6 months. With workplace mobbing, I barely can last 2 months. Gang Stalkers don't want us Targeted Individuals to independently better ourselves then they blame us for the setups, traps & failures that THEY caused us! They want us to take responsibility for THEIR abuse & torture inflicted on US!

With my financial situation, there's nothing I can save. Online narcs & perps DEMAND an answer for where my fundraiser & donation money is going, when they never donated SHIT! & they tell everyone else not to donate to me. Remember that Arctic Freeze that just happened last month? Y'all know DAMN WELL that that's where the donation money is going! For hotel room out of unlivable weather. I show y'all proof, & y'all STILL falsely accuse me of "scamming"! & y'all are the narcissistic sex trafficking gang stalkers! I only get bits & pieces of little donations here & there. Random & sporadic. I'm tired of people trying to dictate & police/control how, when & where I should live! 

I was trying to use the fundraiser for permanent housing or a vehicle to live & work in, so that it could propel me to get back on my feet. The gang stalkers block me from attempting my side hustle of writing. Much of those donations have been for emergency hotel room nights out of bad weather. The sex trafficking perp fake "Darnell Williams" (the guy who keeps creating MULTIPLE accounts to harass & spam my videos with smear campaigns & lies) sabotaged me almost getting help on TikTok, & now I'm wrongfully shadowbanned on TikTok, as well as YouTube & Twitter.

When I had my Section 8 housing, it was impossible for me to save anything with JUST an SSI &/or Social Security check. If I get paid on the 3rd of the month, I end up broke for the rest of the month, by the 5th of the month. So, what make you think it could be easier, while homeless; when people say that homelessness is more expensive than housing? Working people with homes & cars say that most Americans are 1 paycheck away from homelessness. So, save what, when you become broke the day after paying all your bills, minus groceries? 

People say that Social Security & SSI isn't meant for to be your sole income. That's why people have been urging others to have side hustles & diversify their income. Sex trafficking gang stalkers won't allow me! They even threaten to get my Social Security benefits taken away. Lying & saying that I'm not disabled. 

I had to block someone on YouTube this morning because I told that person how difficult it is for me to get food stamps. Again! She refused to understand. I told her about the Waterfront Mission playing with my mail. Yet, claims she was only trying to help. That person must not be a targeted individual! That's the one who said, "Why don't you move to Orlando? There are plenty of jobs out there!" Doesn't mean that I'll be guaranteed a good job. The gang stalking network won't allow me to make over $12/hour. They only want me with minimum wage, part-time jobs. & getting workplace mobbed off of a minimum wage job within 3 days. Mobbed out of homeless shelters within 2 hours. Mobbed out of an apartment within 5 days & forced to have to break the lease, & then my credit score gets ruined with nearly 70 points deducted. Are you getting it yet? 

I have a hyperacusis hypersensitive ear condition, & people think I'm full of shit or nuts. How can I save any money, when I have only $7.79 in the bank, as of this second? & it's from donated money. A small bit left over from yesterday's hotel room donation. I would've had $2.30, if I didn't have that $5.49 discount (Or was the discount $6.49? I don't remember.). & a narcissistic abuser would expect for me to responsibly manage the $2.30 & stretch it for the rest of the month, which is impossible. They tell me to get rid of my phone & storage unit. I NEED my storage unit, unless I can get permanent housing again. Well... how do you expect me to get another job, then? They say, "How are you homeless with a cellphone & internet access? I call bullshit!" My Social Security check. I've been on the housing list for almost 4 years.