The Road To Recovery And Deprogramming

Timberwood: Short Stories Edition - Vol. 29

Hello, everyone. This is Volume 29 of my Timberwood cult short story series. I'm using this FICTIONAL short story as another example to bring awareness to & expose how cults can operate. I do NOT condone or agree with these acts. This is to EXPOSE the truth & expose wickedness. My heart goes out to anyone who feels helpless, hopeless & trapped in a cult. Maybe this short story can help you realize if you or a loved one is in a cult. I want to help set people free. I hope to finish working on my novel soon. I'm a former cult member, so I know what it's like. I'm homeless & struggling to stay off the streets & survive. I'm currently in a hotel but probably will be back on the streets again by Thursday, being gang stalked, terrorized & harassed.

You're under NO obligation to donate, & this short story (as well as the others) is totally free to read. If you feel like you want to help me, anything is appreciated. Thanks so much in advance. I would appreciate of you just simply read my short story. If you can't afford to donate, then that's understandable. I love you.

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Catalina Guerrero had JUST started to come to her senses & believe the truth about Timberwood being an actual cult. Yay! She finally broke free from the hypnotic spell that she was under. She had been rejecting the truth & in denial for a couple of years, now. Now that she has been educated on the truth & been doing her research, she feels like the deception that she fell for is the BIGGEST trauma shock that she has EVER endured. Finding out the truth is her BIGGEST trauma. More than the abuse that she actually suffered in the cult. She felt SO betrayed.

People had been warning Catalina to get out while she can & save her soul. She was stubborn. Addicted to the cult. That was all she knew. She felt scared, alone & embarrassed by the truth that she found out. She went crazy. She was depressed & having crying spells, along with raging fits. She tried everything she could to avoid feeling suicidal because she REALLY wanted to see the outcome of all of this.

Catalina is a 5'0" tall Puerto Rican with dark brownish black, waist length curly hair. Loose curls. She's a peanut butter olive complexion with cat green eyes. People think she LITERALLY looks like a cat! Many of the men in the cult found her to be VERY attractive. But at the same time, they thought she was stuck up. Maybe she acted "stuck up" because of being hypervigilant & not knowing who to trust. She got tired of being pimped out & exploited. 

One day, she called up Lauren Castillo & confided in her to share her personal experiences. They both were on the phone for 8 hours, talking. They were able to put 2 & 2 together. They said, "Wow! So, Kristina was right."

Some people say that Kristina is like the Harriet Tubman of Timberwood. Freeing all the slaves. That's why Kristina is targeted. The cult hated how many people were waking up to the truth & leaving. They try to infiltrate the support group meetings of the former members who left the cult. There are quite a few double agents that play both sides. It's been said that Kristina better watch her back & protect her kids. The cult tried to get access to the kids.

Lauren Castillo kept exclaiming, "Freedom! ...  Freedom!"

Kristina & her sister Taschika told Catalina to get saved, pray & read + obey the King James Version Holy Bible as a way to strengthen. They warned her that this is a spiritual battle. 

Some of the former cult members tried to unsuccessfully go back to a normal life, but couldn't, because Timberwood made sure that everyone who leaves the cult would become blacklisted from regular, normal employment or start their own businesses. If you ain't working for Timberwood, then you ain't working for NOBODY ELSE! They won't let you. This makes some of the members feel even moreso trapped in a difficult maze, & then they end up running right back to Timberwood. Timberwood won't even let you go back to school & get a better education (AWAY FROM THEM). In the cult, some of the children weren't allowed to go to school, & they were forced to be both illiterate & ignorant. 

Sadly, everyone had to try to relearn how to live a normal life again. It's like they've been locked up in a psychological & mental padded cell for many years. Some people were born & raised in Timberwood, & that's all they knew. They had to learn how to live & function out in normal society like a baby learning how to walk for the 1st time. 

Catalina wondered how to deprogram from thinking about sex all the time, since Timberwood is a sex trafficking, MK Ultra mind control cult. She was forced to prostitute for the cult, just like many of the other cult members. Almost everyone was forced to be bisexual & promiscuous. How did a few get away scot free from the sexual perversion? Some members felt like the others were lying about not having to have LGBTQIA encounters. How were they able to escape some of the Satanic Ritual Abuse, yet stay in the cult? Are they lying to protect themselves from feeling even more traumatized to mentally relive those memories? Or are they the lucky few? 

Many people say that Timberwood kept up lots of constant chaos & drama, in order to distract the members from getting some solitude & quiet time; in hopes that the members wouldn't have an opportunity to wake up & figure out the truth. The cult had their OWN problem, reaction, solution & their OWN order out of chaos! They kept their members hypnotized & in a trance. 

Timberwood CONVENIENTLY has its own fake mental health system & fake prison for those with modern day drapetomania. Runaway slaves. They even fake some members' deaths + have fake obituaries, funerals & burials if they try to leave. They drug you to sleep & put heavy makeup on you, pretending that you're dead. Then, after the fake funeral & burial, they put you in their secret prison to torture you, like as if you're really suffering in hell. The members who were able to escape & survive said they thought it was WORSE THAN a concentration camp! Some members get murdered FOR REAL! It's devastating. & then the members, whose deaths were faked, unintentionally traumatize their family & friends once they're proven to still be alive. & they're also traumatized. 

After leaving the cult, some people have difficulty trying to get back into normal life again. They can't get a house/apartment, a job or a car. They end up on drugs & becoming depressed. Some of them become homeless, jobless, & rejected from normal society because people see them as "weird", while they're trying to deprogram & adjust to normal society. The active cult members make sure to smear campaign you & gang stalk you. Unlike the fake Mormon & fake Jehovah's Witnesses cults, Timberwood doesn't believe in disfellowshipping or excommunicating their members. So many people tried everything they could to do bad things, on purpose, hoping that they would get kicked out of Timberwood. The only kicking out is death. Timberwood & every other cult is sending SOOOOOOO many people on the path to hell & eternal damnation. People being both victims of evil & also being brainwashed to commit acts of evil. 

Timberwood tries to destroy & ruin EVERYTHING you try to accomplish, away from them. They recruit, bully & force people to join. They beat you into submission. They figure out your weaknesses, exploit them, & then play all kinds of psych games. Psychological games. They feel like only the "strong" & the "loyal" members survive. It's best to not join at all, & don't let their tricks for money & power sway you. They won't allow you to be in control of your own finances, anyway. 

Some of the former members took matters into their own hands & self-declared that they're out of Timberwood. They're risking their lives & their children's lives, fighting for the truth, helping to liberate the lost, & also winning souls to Jesus Christ.