The Sugar Shortage

I admit that I have been suffering a sugar addiction since foster care, because of the narcissistic abuse. Narcissistic abuse & cults rewire the brain & can cause eating disorders in some people. Christiane Northrup on the "Food Matters" documentary said, "It's not fat that makes you fat. It's SUGAR!" Also, in 2006, the abusive fake foster family used to narcissistically lecture me, saying, "Keep eatin' all 'lat sugah! Ya hear?" But psych meds make patients addicted to everything unhealthy. Constant hunger & tiredness. This is by illuminati government design. 

Since there's the talk about the egg shortages, I'm going to do a "what-if" fictional short story scenario about a shortage of sugar. BTW, the government has been exposed for DELIBERATELY setting egg & chicken factories on fire & then raising the prices. The NWO government wants to force us to eat bugs for the Agenda 2030. They're sneaking it into our food now. 

Here's the short story.

Dalena has always felt insecure about her body image because a classmate used to always yank her hair & call her, "Fattie Wattie Pattie Hattie" in elementary school, when she was always skinny as a child. She would cry. She never understood why the boy used to call her "fat", when she was skinny & perfectly healthy. She asked her teachers & parents if they thought she was fat. She was afraid to tell that she was being teased. 

Because of the elementary school bully, Dalena currently has a junk food addiction. She used to be so badly anorexic that she almost died, at one point. Then she recovered. After her recovery, she became bulimic. Her eating disorders led her to the mental institution, where she was forced to take toxic psychiatric drugs. The psych pills made her insatiably hungry. There was junk food galore in the psych unit. With her trauma of simply being in the psych ward, food & sleep were the only 2 things that comforted her. Excessive hunger & sleep are the side effects of those medications, anyway. 

She started to gain MASSIVE weight. Luckily, she was weaned off of the medications because the medications were causing her heart problems. The food addiction stuck with her. It's been said that high fructose corn syrup & white sugar are more addictive than cocaine. It was very hard for her to quit eating sugar.

Dalena panicked when she heard on the news about there being a SEVERE national sugar shortage. It was also spread all over social media. She saw an online news article about the sugar plant in Raceland, Louisiana, (as well as other locations) being burned down. She figured that it had to be a government conspiracy. 

People started panic buying & acting like as if it's Black Friday 2.0. It was so bad that the government called for a State of Emergency & sent in the National Guard & FEMA. Brainwashed, unprepared people went wild! Dalena felt like everything was too much to handle. She, herself, wasn't prepared. She didn't even bother fighting. She felt like she would rather just let herself starve than to fight in a crowd.

Dalena's former friend, Saul (from the psych hospital), told her about natural living & foraging for wild edibles. He showed her where she could go for water. He introduced LifeStraw to her & showed her a river. He also taught her how to fish. He introduced her to Christianity & the Bible. She had a TOTAL life transformation & was no longer afraid of the suffering. Eventually, this life change put an end to ANY eating disorders, & she was able to have a good diet, for once.