Rejected By 2 Cincinnati Social Security Offices

This is what I wrote in my YouTube community post the other day.

I went to the other (2nd) Social Security office, & the fake #gangstalking security guard created a fake street theater incident to prevent me from getting to handle my business & change my address. Everyone in the waiting room was laughing at me. If you want to see the videos, ask me for the link. (I'm not talking to you online perps. I'm talking to my trusted supportive subscribers!) What makes y'all think it's so easy to get food stamps at the snap of a finger?

I'm disabled, but I never asked to be cursed with being forced against my will to be on Social Security, in the 1st place! The former foster mom & fake social worker did that for their own GREED!

Oh, & BTW, I STILL need URGENT help with a hotel room out of the extreme cold weather.

#Homeless #TargetedIndividual #GangStalking #WritingCommunity #Christians

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Well, here's the TikTok link to what happened. They staged & planned this fake street theater incident on purpose.

Here's the aftermath rant.

Here's me talking about the downtown Social Security office incident.

Here's what happened 2 days before @ the DMV on what the world calls "Valentine's Day".

I just got here, & I'm made to feel unwelcome & unwanted here, even getting run out of not only just Pensacola, but the perps wanted me out of the South, PERIOD! Away from that nice, warm weather.

& look @ what happened today.

I said that leaving Pensacola wasn't going to be any better. Some TI's say that it's pointless to move when the perps try to run us off, but I got wrongfully banned & falsely accused of weird shit @ too many places. 

Here's what happened a little over a week ago.

The crazy perp who kicked me out of the park & made death threats at me.

Just SENSELESS & unnecessary!

Basically rejected from everywhere here in Cincinnati. Moreso than in Pensacola. They don't want me here. 

When I panhandle for help in downtown Cincinnati, people are meaner & worse than downtown Pensacola.

I was getting more donations & better help with food & stuff in downtown Pensacola than here. I would be lucky if I could get $5. Here, I get NOTHING! It's frightening, because I REALLY AM missing meals here! I've been having to beg like crazy for money for food & bus fare, so that I can go job hunting & get other business handled. I had to suffer out in 27 degree weather last Sunday. The coldest temperature I've ever had to suffer in as a homeless person. There's no way I can go back to Pensacola. The next time I will go, is if I'm still alive to get all my stuff out of my storage unit, if there's some MIRACLE that I can get permanent housing again! 

UPDATE 03/26/2023: Since the perps strategically waited 6 days after uploading the video to my TikTok (probably the fake "Darnell Williams" perp) to get it wrongfully taken down, I re-uploaded it.