ZZZZZ... Don't Wake Me Up!

Here's another attempt at writing a children's short story. I'm writing this in hopes that I can EARN some money, writing for a living. I'm homeless outside on the streets in the cold. This is my 1st short story written since being in Cincinnati. Tomorrow makes a week since I've been here.

Dottie, the deer, is asleep in her cage at the zoo. It's early in the morning. Gina, the giraffe, opened everyone's cages & let them out, one by one. She said, "Shh! Don't tell the zookeepers."

Dottie is the only 1 who needs extra sleep because Eric the elephant kept her up all night. Eric's cage is next to Dottie's. 

Floyd, the flamingo, nudged Dottie & said, "Wake up. It's time to put on our daily show for the human customers."

Dottie responded, "Don't wake me up!", & then went back to sleep.

5 minutes later, Joan, the jackal came & woke her up.

Dottie woke up again & screamed, "I SAID... DON'T WAKE ME UP!"

Betty the bee came buzzing. For sure, Dottie was at wits end at this point. 

All Dottie could do is have an emotional meltdown, in which she woke herself up & the rest of the zoo animals for the day, for good! 

The animals were all up & ready to see their human customers. Dottie groaned, "Ok, how much are we going to get compensated for this?"

Otis, the orangutan, replied, "Oh, stop whining! When do we ever get paid for this. You know you love this complimentary volunteer work, now put on your fancy show & look cute!"

Dottie put on her fancy show & looked cute. She actually stole the show from all of the other zoo animals. All eyes on Dottie. Since she put on such a fantastic show, she was rewarded with getting to sleep early for the night, & Eric was kept up all night & harassed by Courtney the cow.