It's International Women's Day, Alright!

Valentina Santana-Reyes woke up this morning & realized that it's International Women's Day today. She finally got her own apartment that the domestic violence shelter helped her get. She moved in last week. She looked in the mirror before trying to put on her makeup (for the 1st time since her last beating from her ex-boyfriend & child's father, Vladimir), & she felt discouraged by the unhealed wound from when her perpetrator pinched & twisted a piece of her face, right below her right eye. She started to cry. She tried to wrestle against self-pity. She felt like had NO ONE really, to turn to, for emotional support, & felt afraid that her friends wouldn't believe what she went through.

She tried to peruse through some Bible scriptures & then started praying for some healing & comfort. She tried not to give up. After that, she started googling symptoms of domestic violence & coercive control. She stumbled upon the topic of narcissistic abuse. She felt like this was confirmation from what she had just got done praying about. The symptoms fit Vlad to a T! 

Coincidentally, as she was researching about narcissistic abuse, she got a text. Guess who it was from. Vlad. She tried to ignore it, but he kept on sending her harassing, threatening text messages, letting her know that her every move is being watched & tracked. She wondered how he got her new number so quickly. How did he even get her new address? Because before they even broke up, he secretly put 2 Apple AirTags in her car. 1 right at the ceiling of the driver's side, & the other on the back of her car, right above the license plate, & he was counting on her to be too stupid to ever find out. Hidden in plain sight. He also put secret cameras in her car. She had NO IDEA that she was being secretly recorded long before the breakup & final assault. She recently did business with telling the utility company her new address & phone number, while in the car. If she would've known about all of this, she would've never had any phone conversations in her car. 

This made her feel even MORE doomed & hopeless. She kept emotionally fighting against it. Her neighbor from across the street came outside, watering the plants, wearing a yellow T-shirt with brown writing, saying, "Not Today, Satan!" This helped Valentina feel even more confident. So, she went back inside & started playing Heather Headley's song, "I Wish I Wasn't".

(Author's Note: Here's the song right here. )

& right after, coincidentally, her song, "Me Time" started playing.

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She said that hopefully, after today is over, she can find a new man & then start jamming to THIS song.

Valentina's Got A Man!

(Chante's Got A Man )

She wanted to live vicariously through her PERSONAL Woman's Day celebration! She saw a "Woman's Day" magazine & tossed it in the trash with confidence. She wanted to rewrite her personal history & never look back. She joked to herself that maybe she can have an article spot in a future Woman's Day magazine or a Reader's Digest. 

Valentina decided that she was going to go out & about, bare faced & bare footed, flaws & all. Carefree & bold. She has her newfound freedom today. This is her PERSONAL Independence Day today! She lived this day to the fullest!

She called up a few female friends & told them the good news. Her friends thought she was high as a kite, but no. It was a natural high. They all decided to go & pamper themselves. From a mini road trip to a gourmet fancy brunch to a shopping spree to a spa to getting hair & nails done. Manicure & pedicure. 

Valentina surely did find her a new man that night. His name was Obadiah. She wasn't scared of entering a new relationship. Further down the road, he wined her & dined her, put a ring on it, walked down the aisle with her, loved her, protected her, & cherished every moment with her. He even accepted her child that wasn't his, while having a quiver full of new babies together. Even a set of identical twin boys. He was her TRUE knight in shining armour. She was his TRUE helpmeet. 

He must've been feeling like this.

(Sam Salter song, "I Love You Both" )