Psych Games: From DV To GS

From Domestic Violence To Gang Stalking

(I will be using a few character names from this website + a rare name).

Blanche Dixon didn't know what she was in for. She recently got married & is now pregnant. She married Roshan Carter. Biggest mistake she ever made. Before the wedding night, he seemed TOO perfect to be true. She was manipulated into feeling so blinded by his so-called "perfection" that she thought he WAS God! He's just a human. 

She met him at a church dinner. He kept staring at her. She wondered if he was a predator. She suspected that he was low-key following her around or stalking her at the event, but she just didn't want to look "crazy" if she ever spoke up & said anything. Her intuition was correct. She thought he was a little creepy. 

She DEFINITELY thought he was physically unattractive, undesirable & grotesque looking. He looked anorexic, & his eyes were popping out. She wondered if he was on any drugs. Nope. He just looks like that. He had such BAD acne that she thought that he looked like hell face! Hell-faced UGLY! He was a mahogany complexion with freckles & long, reddish light brown dreads. He had small & discolored black & pink lips like a smoker. 

The church dinner function was over, & she was trying to walk back home. It wasn't that dark outside. She would've walked 4 miles, but she unknowingly walked right past his 2-door Mercedes Benz convertible. He opened the door for her in the most gentle & romantic way. He tried to talk to her seductively. Very charming. He looked DEEP into her sapphire colored eyes. Not contacts. Those were her real eyes. 

Roshan asked her, "Do you need a ride? I saw you walking, & I was going to offer you one on your way here, but I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable."

Blanche was shocked. She was speechless. She was always told that the most physically unattractive people are the ones who treat you better. The church's Wednesday Bible study couples group always drilled Isaiah 53:2 in the members's heads. Always mentioning that Jesus Christ was physically unattractive, but that Satan was attractive, yet deceiving. They loved to compare Isaiah 53 & Ezekiel 28 before every Bible study session, thinking that it would stop people from making the mistake of getting with an attractive, yet evil man. 

Blanche's feet were hurting so badly, & she was somewhat limping from her walk earlier. Walked that far with dress shoes. Plus, it had gotten VERY cold. She let her guard down & accepted the ride. She was nervous the whole time. Roshan was being very nosy. Was he a perp gathering Intel? Was he trying to groom her to be her handler? I'm pretty sure. He was asking about her weaknesses & strengths, likes & dislikes. He was VERY manipulative & charming. A smooth talker, a slick talker & a 💩 talker. 

Roshan isn't even a Christian, but he secretly stalked & followed her to the church function. He even lied & said that he's a part-time member of the church who backslid & hasn't attended church in over a year because of the "death" of his NON-EXISTENT "aunt", & that it was his favorite Aunt's death anniversary. He lied to her, saying that his "Aunt Trudy" was a "DEVOUT Christian" & a member of the church. The truth is, that he has no aunts! His mom is an only child, & his dad has 3 brothers. He played it off REALLY good, like he was a member of that church. 

He gave her a ride home, asked her out, & got her phone number. He buttered her up & love bombed her. More like lust bombed her! He was HEAVILY infatuated & obsessed. Always commenting on her having a savory, juicy rump. She was a peanut butter complexion with sandy brown hair & those blue jewel-looking eyes. He was always complimenting her looks. 

Blanche really let her guard down. She wondered if she was bewitched into backsliding, herself; & committing sins that she normally wouldn't do. He pressured her into fornication. She thought that the fornication with him was the best she ever had & unexplainably mind-blowing. She became addicted to him like a powerful drug. She thought she was going crazy & felt like a dog in heat. She was no longer herself. 

She eventually got pregnant, & Roshan was EXCITED! He wanted to celebrate, while she felt doomed. She felt afraid of the church shunning her for conceiving a baby out of wedlock. He was distracting her & keeping her from church, anyway. He rushed a quick marriage. They got married in the church. She wasn't showing yet, & she kept her pregnancy a secret. Nobody at the wedding knew that she was expecting. 

The night of the wedding, Roshan falsely accused Blanche of cheating on her. He falsely accused her of having a baby by another man, who so happens to be his best friend, Clarence Lloyd Lester. Clarence is a private business owner who has his own LLC. Just because Blanche was 1 of Clarence's customers at a clothing store the previous week, Roshan falsely accused her of cheating. Why didn't Roshan confront her before the marriage? He was LYING! He played psych games with her by lying & saying that the Holy Spirit revealed to him in a vision that she was cheating, & that the baby wasn't his. Now, mind you. Blanche was 100% faithful towards Roshan the ENTIRE time! Despite not finding him attractive. 

That night, poor Blanche was SO confused at such a RANDOM false accusation. She was scared. She cried herself to sleep. She sobbed & hyperventilated like a baby & kept repeating, "I didn't do it! What's going on here?" 

Roshan lied down next to her & fake apologized. He started rubbing, caressing & kissing her back & shoulders. He treated her like as if he was trying to calm down & soothe a cranky infant. 

He whispered in her ear & said, "I'm sorry I ruined this night for us, baby. It's going to get better. I promise. Let me make it up to you."

The next morning, they went on a honeymoon to New Zealand, that the church paid for. The honeymoon lasted for about a month. She saw his true colors. She saw him for who he really was. She felt hopeless, helpless & trapped. He thought it was OK to be violent towards her, as long as it wasn't her STOMACH that he was hitting. 

Blanche & Roshan got back home to the US, & the abuse got worse. He told her, "I better NOT catch you shopping at Clarence's store. Now, do we have an UNDERSTANDING!?"

She replied back, "But I thought you said..."

He over talked her even louder & repeated everything by individual syllables, "I. BETTER. NOT. CATCH. YOU. SHOPPING. AT. CLARENCE'S. STORE. NOW. DO. WE HAVE. AN UNDERSTANDING!?" She started bawling her eyes & sobbing hysterically. She said, "I don't wanna be married to you anymore. I want a divorce. I don't deserve this. You're a monster!" He put his hands on her, & she called the police on him & pressed charges. She was afraid that the abuse would get worse if she told the cops that she was pregnant. She ended up in a domestic violence shelter & received counseling.

Because of that, he secretly went behind her back & got her put on the gang stalking list. What a coward ass! He somehow found out where the domestic violence shelter was, & he had everyone (including those church members) stalking & spying on her EVERY move & then reporting everything back to him, once she got out of the shelter & ran back to him & forgave him. He even had his flying monkeys frightened of him. EXTREMELY loyal & obedient to him. He developed his own fake cult of having her stalked, followed & harassed. He didn't care how much distress he caused her & their unborn baby. 

She was being sleep deprived & tortured with directed energy weapons. She kept feeling her pregnant belly being zapped & vibrated, with increased intensity at night. Her morning sickness was on OVERDRIVE! She sensed that Roshan & his goons wanted her dead. She later found out that Roshan was former military, & that he's a freemason who took out a life insurance policy on her. She also found out that he was a warlock. She found out about narcissistic abuse, gang stalking & the New World Order. She connected dots & realized that everything goes hand-in-hand. She lost a lot of sleep, doing DILIGENT research, trying to figure out what was going on. Her church members, family members, friends & coworkers were all in on it. They all betrayed & turned her backs on her seemingly overnight. Everyone kept calling her crazy, saying that she needs to be mentally institutionalized. They would send her harassing messages, threatening to have her baby trafficked. 

She eventually lost her job, under the false guise of discrimination against expectant mothers. That was just a coverup of her being blacklisted. She tried to get low income housing & was tricked into believing that she was experiencing housing discrimination. She was forced to be homeless & couldn't get another job anywhere. She didn't realize about being falsely framed & set up. 

Blanche eventually had the baby, & a fraudulent gang stalking court judge (who wasn't even a REAL judge with a license. He was just a paid actor.) declared her to be a mentally unfit mother. CPS took her baby away, to never be seen again. Of course, this messed her head up. When she became hysterical, police brutality led to her demise. We don't know what happened to that baby. Roshan didn't care about Blanche or the child.