A Bouquet Of Spring Flowers

Little Brandon ran out into the field one Saturday morning, right after the crack of dawn. His breath was taken away by the sweet, fruity scents. He got a detention for losing his homework; so he tried whatever he could, to make up for it. He knew he couldn't use the excuse, "My dog ate it." 

He couldn't resist, so he started picking one of each. A daffodil, a tulip, a pansy, a buttercup, a sweet pea, a rose, a bluebell, & an iris. He even found some daisies, sunflowers, clovers & also dandelions. He found an object that looked like a cornucopia & put the flowers in there. He tried whatever he could, to make it look pretty for his teacher. He thought that the more he could impress her, the more likely she would be, to cancel his detention. 

He met a girl, while he was picking the flowers. Guess what her name was. Daisy Meadows. He thought she looked lovely, & he was going to give the flowers to her instead, but he was determined to erase that detention. 

When he got back to school that following Monday, his teacher, Ms. McJohnson, was flattered. She forgave him & cancelled the detention because she looked at the flower picking as a form of community service. As a result, she ordered the class to do a science assignment with going outside to pick, label & identify spring flowers. She added some fun & brought edible flowers to class that following Friday. They baked a GIANT cake together & decorated it with the edible flowers. The whole class enjoyed it.