A Recipe A Day Keeps Misery Away (Free Cookbook Ebook)

Started: 04/21/2023

Now that I'm off the streets (not homeless anymore), & currently have a place to live, I plan to write & publish a cookbook that features 14 days (2 weeks) of different random, unique recipes + a couple of bonus short stories that include cooking & recipes. No consistent order. The days aren't consecutive. No categories. Just day by day. This is my 1st cookbook to publish, so please don't be so hard on me. I hope the 2nd one will come out better. I WAS going to do 30 days, but with the way things are looking... Perps are trying to have me BACK on the streets homeless again. So, there's a chance I may not get to have 30 whole recipes, like I wanted. Sad to say this! ๐Ÿ˜” Things can NEVER get to go as planned, with this targeting!

Finally making my cookbook wish come true! 

I Wish I Could've Written & Published A Cookbook!


Update: On Sunday, 04/23/2023, I decided that the recipes of this book won't be about just food, but also natural health & beauty recipes. These recipes are lifesavers, & y'all can thank me later. ๐Ÿ˜

With my 1st recipe book, I plan to show recipes & YouTube videos of some of my cooking & natural health remedies, using the crockpot/slow cooker & also the toaster oven that 1 of my subscribers gifted me. Also, some microwave survival recipes from WHEN I WAS HOMELESS on the streets & staying in hotels/motels. Yes, I WILL "cheat" & scrape up some of my OLD recipes from back in the day! 

As I learn & get better, I plan to write a more well-organized 2nd "TOTALLY cookbook" ebook, specializing in soups, stews, casseroles & desserts. If I'm successful enough, then hopefully, I can have a book with healthy smoothies & juices. Ever since 2007, I used to want to own a restaurant that specializes in soups, stews, casseroles & desserts. I've always wanted to be entrepreneurial. Ever since 2006, I've always wanted to be an author. Here I am. Writing! Self-published, baby!

I'm originally from New Orleans. I'm not the best cook, but I know my food tastes good. I'm not skilled like an executive chef, but my dishes are good enough to get by. I can make jambalaya & a Po' Boy. I can make pralines. I know how to make beans & rice. I never made gumbo before. I don't know how to barbecue on the grill, but I can throw BBQ sauce on some meat & bake it in the oven. 

This would be a lovely restaurant idea.


*Disclaimer: I'm a (formerly homeless) Targeted Individual, being Gang Stalked & tortured with Directed Energy Weapons. The gang stalkers think it's funny to try to have me back on the streets again. I'm also an author & an aspiring cook. Any negative reviews on any of my Amazon Kindle e-books, that you see, are fake, non-genuine, inauthentic insults towards the target (ME), to sabotage my way of living. These people are human (sex/organ/labor, etc.) traffickers. They're part of a Satanic criminal cult network organization. They're narcissistic abusers who get paid to slander & destroy innocent lives. Don't participate. They get paid to write fake "bad" reviews on all of my ebooks, to try to keep me forced homeless & sabotage my income. They're on their way to hell! Please don't pay attention to them & let them deter you from supporting an innocent person. 

Starting this on 04/24/2023.

Recipe Day 1 - Let's start with a detox bath,which will make you happy. Boost your mood. You can customize the recipe with the essential oils of your choice. Since coconut oil & olive oil clog drains, I would only use these oils in warm climates or during the summer. I use jojoba oil during the winter or any time of the year.

From this blog post.


Candy's Personal Detox Bath
on March 10, 2022

Refer to this video.


Ok. So, this recipe right here below is my FAVORITE detox bath, EXACTLY how I want it! Exactly how I like it. It's a recipe, but not for food, guys! Even though some of the ingredients are edible/ingestible.


-2 cups of Dr. Teal's lavender oil epsom salt
-1 box of 1 lb. baking soda
-1/4 cup of Himalayan Pink Salt
-1 cup of unfiltered, raw apple cider vinegar with the mother
-2 caps full of Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay
-1 cup of virgin coconut oil ONLY DURING THE SUMMER when it's hot (because you don't want the coconut oil clogging up your drain), or you can add 1/4 cup of jojoba oil any time of the year. 

*Or, you can use plain Epsom salt, & the essential oils of your choice. Put 10 drops in the bathwater. You can use peppermint oil, lavender oil, orange oil, cedarwood oil, lemongrass oil, etc.


-Put a tub stopper in the tub.
-Put all of the above listed ingredients into the bathtub.
-Set your phone timer for 45 minutes & let it run.
-Climb into the bathtub & start running your bath water for as hot as you can handle it. Don't burn yourself, now!
-Stir up the water with your hands &/or feet to get rid of any clumps.
-Switch positions between sitting up straight, lying on your back, (getting your hair wet & submerged), lying on your belly, etc. every 5 minutes. This also helps to keep you from getting bored.
-Make sure you have a tall 32-oz. cup of ice water to drink, to prevent from being overheated.
-After the 45 minutes is up, shower or bathe as usual. If you don't want to get your hair wet, then just detox from your neck on down.

This helps detox impurities, nanotechnology, radiation, etc. It also can help draw out infections & relieve menstrual cramps.

This ought to help you relax & have a good night's sleep if you do this before bed once or twice a week.

Recipe Day 2 - A cure for menstrual cramps


Natural Relief for Menstrual Cramps
on March 10, 2022

So, in honor of Women's History Month, this is a blog post to help be a blessing to other women. Please spread & share this. I didn't realize that 2 days ago was International Women's Day. Sorry for being 2 days late.

I was on those psychiatric medications for so many years. I'm glad I'm not on them anymore. They make your cramps worse. I don't take Aleve Ibuprofen, etc. anymore, either. Besides, they don't work. & if they do, your cramps come back in a few hours. & you have to keep taking those fake toxic pills several times a day. For the past few years, I've been using natural remedies for menstrual cramps. What a lifesaver! 

The #1 cause of menstrual cramps is INFLAMMATION! Poor diet causes inflammation, which causes cramps. Alkaline diet actually helps. You don't have to eat vegetarian or vegan. Just eat natural food as God intended, as much as you're able to financially afford to do so. 


1) A few days before you know your period is going to come, add a ton of fresh fruits & vegetables to your diet. I understand that some people struggle financially & don't have the money or even the convenience to get to eat properly or healthy. Healthy fruit & vegetable salads, juices & smoothies, alone, is 1 way to help get rid of or even prevent cramps. Avoid processed &/or junk food, junk snacks & fast food, if you can afford to do so. If not, follow on for #2.

I also use this product.


2) Get you some activated charcoal. It binds poisons. This is what I use. Don't take within 3-4 hours of eating. I personally would start 2 days before you anticipate for your period to come, & take 2 capsules in water ONCE a day until day 4 of menstruation & then stop taking the charcoal after day 4. What you do is, (Try not to make a mess. It can get messy & stain surfaces.) break open the 2 capsules & put the powder in 32 oz. of water. Taking the powder out of the capsules helps the product to work faster. You'd be waiting for hours if you just swallowed the capsules as a pill. Don't use metal. Use plastic or wood to stir, & then drink for fast relief. 1/8 teaspoon of baking soda added also speeds up the pain relief. Drink plenty of extra plain water & eat lots of fruits & vegetables throughout the day to prevent constipation. If you're still constipated, then add psyllium powder to your diet, if you can afford it.

WARNING: Your doo-doo will be black. Don't be alarmed!


Copy & paste the link above or go to your local Vitamin Shoppe. Or you can order off of Amazon. 

3) Food grade bentonite clay.

This is what I use. Follow the exact same instructions as with the activated charcoal, if you're using the already premixed liquid like this one.

It's already liquid, so I shake it up really well, & I just add a cap full. 


In this case, I would add 2 caps full, since it's 16 oz. bottle & not 32 oz. bottle. If you had the 32 oz. bottle, then add 1 cap full. 

But if you use the powder, like this 1, 


put 2 teaspoons of the powder in a glass jar overnight mixed in water. Don't use metal to stir. Use plastic or wood. Drink the next morning. The clay is safe to take with food, unlike activated charcoal, which takes out both the good & bad. The clay just takes out the bad stuff, while it leaves in the good stuff.

I think, around 2005 before Hurricane Katrina, just before I went to Costa Rica, I started using elderly people's bladder pads for my menstrual periods, since they're bigger. Regular maxi pads don't stop my panties from getting messy. 

What I recently discovered in 2020, right after Hurricane Sally, was that, when I take a shower & then use a fresh bladder pad, (I like to use TENA intimates overnight or the generic Walmart version), I can make my pad stretch for a longer time by taking toilet paper & wrapping it around my hand & arm between 6 & 8 times, & then stuff it against my vaginal area to catch the bleeding, & I change the toilet paper each bathroom trip whenever I have to go pee, & then neither my panties nor my bladder pad get messed up. Just using that extra protection.

Recipe Day 3 - Tooth abscess infection (Po' Folks remedy)

2 choices:

1) You can do oil pulling with unrefined virgin coconut oil. Swish 1/2 teaspoon of the oil in between your teeth, & back & forth in your mouth for 20 minutes every morning on an empty stomach. Put your timer on. Do NOT swallow! Also, do NOT spit it in any toilet or sink. Spit it in the garbage, so that it doesn't clog drains. Research about oil pulling detox. 

2) Since I can't afford a dentist, it saves my life to brush my teeth & keep the infection down, with Great Plains Yerba Prima bentonite clay. I don't have to worry about the fear of sepsis. It also helps stop the cracked tooth from falling out, & I can chew my food like normal (But still. Be careful.) Also, flossing helps a lot. Do NOT use toxic fluoridated toothpaste anymore for the rest of your life! 

Recipe Day 4 - Wart treatment recipe (& other skin ailments. You can also use this for your hair.)


-1 cup of castor oil

-1 cup of unrefined virgin coconut oil

-1 cup of baking soda 

-1 cup of Aztec Indian Healing Clay

-1 tablespoon of finely ground Himalayan pink salt


-Put in a mason jar & mix everything thoroughly. In colder weather, the mixture will solidify. Melt with low heat & stir everything together with an old toothbrush. During warmer months, the mixture will already be liquefied. Just stir together with the toothbrush. 

-Place a dollop of the toothbrush mixture on the warts & brush for a couple of minutes. After that, I would just rub the affected area for a good 30 minutes, adding a little bit more of the mixture, as needed. Wipe off thoroughly with a few paper towels, & discard the paper towels in the trash. If you have spare time throughout the day, do this 3 times a day until the warts are completely gone, & your skin is back to normal & healed. The warts shrinking & turning black are a dead giveaway that the method is working.

Recipe Day 5 - How to get rid of bed bugs
on April 16, 2022


Get a few bottles of 91% rubbing alcohol + an empty spray bottle. Open your windows & make sure the room is well-ventilated. Spray the alcohol all over your bed as often as possible.

Keep vacuuming your rug/carpet often, & empty it out immediately in the trash.

Buy Dr. Bronner's LIQUID lavender oil soap or peppermint oil soap, & wash your body from head to toe, twice a day, until you get rid of the bed bugs successfully. Also, wash all of your bedding & clothing with this soap. Make sure everything gets REALLY hot in both the washer & dryer. Mop your floors, using this soap, with water, as well.

Keep your house clean.

You gotta be persistent to get rid of them! Don't give up.

Bed bugs hate:


Peppermint, cedarwood or lavender oil

91% isopropyl rubbing alcohol

Food grade diatomaceous earth


*Precaution: Be careful that 91% alcohol discolors & ruins certain surfaces. If you're uncomfortable with 91%, then please use 70%. 

Now, onto the food!

Recipe Day 6 - My microwaved peanut butter oatmeal recipe

on January 10, 2022


Well, let me tell y'all this simple recipe that I have.

-Get a bowl. 

-Fill it up halfway with water. 

-Put it in the microwave for 6 minutes. (Be careful to take it out, because it's hot). 

-Pour in 2 packs of Publix Greenwise organic instant oatmeal with flax seeds. (I understand that most people may not have a Publix, so any plain instant oatmeal is fine. Add 1/4 teaspoon of flax seeds, if you don't have a Publix).

-Add 1 heaping tablespoon of Jif natural peanut butter & 1 heaping tablespoon of solid organic virgin coconut oil. If it's liquid, then use 2 liquid tablespoons. 

-Add 2 pinches of Pink Himalayan Salt. 

-Add a tablespoon or 2 organic raw, unfiltered honey if you desire more sweetness.

-I forgot to add this tip. Stir/mix everything together.

-Do all this very fast, & then let it sit & thicken for a couple of minutes. 

-Enjoy with the milk or fruit juice of your choice. Or even water. Lol. 

Recipe Day 7 - Candy's Addictive Homemade Granola Bars

on March 10, 2022


I don't remember when the last time was, that I made this recipe. I created it on my own, & I used to make it all the time, when I lived in Los Angeles several years ago. I don't have the physical recipe right in front of me (it might be in my storage unit), but I will try to remember off the top of my head. 

This stuff is more addictive than seaweed snacks. It's very quick & simple to make.

So, to the best of my memory, I'm going to try to tell you, step by step, how to make them. If I could ever find the physical recipe, I will surely update this post. But this will do, for now.


-4 cups of raw oats

-2 sticks of either salted butter or 1 cup of virgin coconut oil

-1 cup of raw, unfiltered honey

-5 pinches of Pink Himalayan Salt

-3 drops of vanilla extract

-1/8 cup each, of both pumpkin seeds & sunflower seeds (shelled)

(If you prefer, you can use any variety of shelled nuts, or even 1 type of nuts, if you don't want to use pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds. You can even use 1/2 cup of peanut butter, almond butter, etc. Have fun with it, be creative & make it your very own. You can even use hemp seeds, M&M's, Reese's pieces, Skittles, etc.)


-Grab a standard sized pot & turn fire on medium/low heat.

-Quickly gather all the ingredients, except for the oats & stir together very well, maybe for about 5 minutes, or until your butter or coconut oil melts.

-Quickly add in & stir the raw oats until everything is mixed together, for another 5 minutes.

-Grab a pan, spray nonstick cooking spray on it, & then add the mixture to the pan. 
-Even the oat mixture out on the pan. 
-Let cool for about 20 minutes.
-Cover & refrigerate overnight. 
-Cut into desired sized pieces.

(Warning! You won't be able to stop eating this if you love granola bars.)

Recipe Day 8 - Simple Ice Cream Pie

on March 10, 2022


Very quick & simple.


-9 inch pie crust shells. (Store bought & then baked -OR- make your own from scratch & bake.)

-Any of your favorite flavor of ice cream. 


-Bake the plain pie crust as instructed on the package. Let it cool down some. 
-Add your favorite flavor of ice cream. 
-Fill the pie with the ice cream & even it out. 
-Freeze overnight or until ready to serve.

You can add whatever toppings you want to decorate on the pie, like a dessert pizza. You can drizzle caramel or hot fudge. You can add confetti sprinkles, marshmallows, fruit, nuts, or whatever you want. Just be creative & make it special! 

Recipe Day 9 - Purple Sweet Potato Pecan Pie

on March 10, 2022


I don't think I wrote this recipe down before, but I used to make regular sweet potato pies all the time. ๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜ Remember. I'm homeless, & it's been so long since I've cooked or baked anything.


-(2) raw 9-inch pie crusts (Store bought or you can make your own crust from scratch)

-shelled pecans

-4 big purple sweet potatoes from an Asian market, online or at a local farmers market

-1 1/2 cups of milk

-2 drops of vanilla extract

-2 cups of Zulka Morena sugar

-1/8 teaspoon each of cinnamon powder, nutmeg powder & clove powder

-1 1/2 sticks of salted butter OR 1/2 cup of melted virgin coconut oil

-4 pinches of Pink Himalayan Salt


-Take 4 purple sweet potatoes & bake them until soft, like mashed consistency.

-Let cool for a bit & then peel off skin.

-Put in a standard Dutch oven pot with fire on medium heat.

-Add 1 1/2 cups of milk.

-Add 2 drops of vanilla extract.

-Add 2 cups of Zulka Morena sugar

-Add 1/8 teaspoon each of cinnamon powder, nutmeg powder & clove powder

-Add 1 1/2 sticks of salted butter or 1/2 cup of melted virgin coconut oil

-Add 4 pinches of Pink Himalayan Salt

-Stir & mix everything together very well. 

-Follow the directions on the pie crust package.

-After you preheat the oven to what the package says, add the purple sweet potato mixture inside of the raw pie crusts. Even everything out. (Whatever is left over can be either another pie or 2, or just another simple purple mashed sweet potato dessert, like you do with regular yams/sweet potatoes.)

-Add pecans to fill the top of the pie, the same way you do with regular pecan pie. (or even a mixture of shelled sunflower seeds, hemp seeds & pumpkin seeds)

-Put the pies in the oven at whatever temperature the package says. 

-When done, take them out & let them cool. You can add whipped cream, cherries or whatever floats your boat.

I promise you. It's going to come out pretty & taste phenomenal!

Recipe Day 10 - Coconut Oil Helps Rice Cook Twice As Fast

on March 10, 2022


In a 5-quart Dutch oven, bring 4 cups of water to a rapid boil. Add a couple of pinches of salt & 2 tablespoons of virgin coconut oil. Once boiling, add 1 cup of rice. The rice cooks in 15 minutes, instead of 30. The rice will be fluffier. 

It also cooks beans in 1/2 the time. Soak beans of your choice overnight, rinse & cook, like you usually do. Add 2 tablespoons of virgin coconut oil to your beans, & they will come out creamier. 

Recipe Day 11 - Century Duck Egg Tuna Sandwich Recipe

on April 01, 2022


This was my dinner tonight.

I bought the Century Duck Eggs from the nearby Asian Market. Here's what I'm talking about.


So, I made a very simple tuna sandwich recipe. 


- 2 slices of Ezekiel 4:9 bread, or something similar

- 1 century duck egg, cracked open & sliced, as you would do a regular boiled white egg

- 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise

- 2 tablespoons of honey mustard BBQ sauce

- 1 small can of Bumblebee tuna in vegetable oil (drained). I actually meant to pick up tuna in water, not vegetable oil. But it turned out to help the recipe taste better. 

I thought I was missing something, but I guess not. It's already tasty, as is, & will have you feeling full & held over for hours. I love it when I can have some day old, leftover cold tuna because the flavor marinates & tastes so much better the next day. You can customize your sandwich by adding a slice of cheese, if you want to. Or, you can use any dark green leafy vegetable (romaine or butter lettuce, spinach, kale, arugula, etc.) You can also add a slice of tomato. 

Inside the tuna mixture, you can add chopped celery, green onion & bell pepper. You can also add a pinch of salt, but it's not really necessary. The next time I make this, I'm going to add a little bit of Paul Prudhomme's Magic Salt Free Seasoning. 


Just chop the egg & optional fresh vegetables. Combine ingredients (except for the bread) LOL, & mix well. Then spread on 1 slice of bread & top it with the optional lettuce, tomato, onion, etc. & the other slice of bread. Refrigerate & cover any leftovers. It's optional, if you'd like to slice your sandwich in half & have a pickle spear &/or chips on the side. You'll probably get so stuffed & full that you may not need to have the chips or the pickle spear. You might be able to only eat 1/2 the sandwich & then save the rest for tomorrow. 

This probably might be the only time in my life to get to eat something like this. Hehe!

Here are a couple of my YouTube videos to show you how it looks.



Recipe Day 12 - Shepherds Pie Wreath Recipe
on April 17, 2022


No, this is NOT for Christmas! ๐Ÿ˜‚

But here's a YouTube video that I did.


I called myself, trying to be creative, & the narcopathic psychopathic gang stalkers gave it MASSIVE thumbs down! Trust me. It tasted WAAAAAAY better than it looked.

Since I'm in the motel room, I had no choice but to use the microwave.

-Instant mashed potatoes + hot water

-Chef Paul Prudhomme's Magic Salt Free Seasoning

-Canned Mixed Vegetables (drained)

-Velveeta Queso Blanco

-Canned Corned Beef (drained)

-Annie Chun's Salt & Vinegar flavored seaweed snacks

My personal creative way of trying to spice up a poor man's survival meal.

Here's a picture of the food on my Ko-Fi page.



I wish it could've been neater, but I had 2 strokes when I was 5 years old. So, excuse me. I tried my best. If you can make this better, let me know.

Recipe Day 13 - Candy's Supreme

on April 19, 2022



I remember when I probably was in 5th or 6th grade, & I made some cheesy beef ramen noodles with diced chopped deli ham, & the abusive, narcissistic fake foster mom pretended to be fake "nice". I showed her my new recipe, & she pretended to fake "like" it. I guess she was in a good mood. ๐Ÿ™„ 

I said I didn't know what to name the recipe. She said, "How about, 'Candy's Supreme'?", with her fake morality! 

Looking back, I'm thinking. "Wow! That was a lot of sodium."

I guess that was the poor man's kiddie version.

If I had access to a kitchen, my rich folks grownup NEW & IMPROVED VERSION would be a baked casserole that consists of:

Cheesy (American cheese) angel hair pasta with shredded roast beef & cubed pork loin with mixed vegetables. ๐Ÿค”. Maybe fresh mixed vegetables from the farmers market that have been cooked. (No canned stuff.) Maybe mixed vegetables, like yellow carrots, fava beans, peas, celery, onion, & purple bell pepper with minced green onion & parsley garnished on top. (If I had things MY way.)

I could also make a soup version where you can choose whether or not to omit the cheese. You could also use rice or potatoes instead of pasta. 

A New Orleans Po' Boy version could be Leidenheimer bread or french bread, sliced cheese of your choice, sliced leftover holiday ham, roast beef (like the roast beef debris) & fresh, raw arugula, onion, bell pepper & (if you like) tomatoes. 

I don't eat tomatoes fresh, stewed or diced tomatoes. The only way I like tomatoes, is in tomato sauce, tomato paste, in a smoothie/juicer or in ketchup or BBQ sauce. 

Recipe Day 14 - Hot Cocoa Farina

on April 27, 2022



So, what I did was, try to look around for anything sweet to put in my plain farina. I found that last packet of Swiss Miss hot cocoa that a lady gave me when I was working my last job. Yesterday, there were no more Hershey bars in the snack machine. That & the microwaved farina were the unhealthy ingredients, but the 1 tablespoon of virgin coconut oil & 2 tablespoons of sunflower butter helped it taste really good. I didn't add any salt in it, because I was saving the salt for when I eat my mashed potatoes for dinner this evening. 

So, what I did was put the last 2 packs of farina in a clean bowl, add probably 1/2 cup of water & then stir very well. After that, I covered the bowl with some paper towels & put it in the microwave on high for 4 minutes. Then, I added the hot cocoa powder, the sunflower butter & coconut oil. I mixed it very well. 


Welp! Since there's no 100% chance for me to be here another month, due to the gang stalking threats, I have to change plans. I couldn't even put in any of the crockpot recipes. 

Here's a YouTube video of crockpot soup I made the other day.

I guess I'll just call it, "Green Bean & Carrot Soup". If I make this again, I'm adding diced small red potatoes. 


OK, & here's my toaster oven "Banana Nut Brownie Loaf" recipe. If there's a "next time", I hope to get to make it from scratch & more organic/natural. 


Here's a concept of "Mango Chicken Stew" that failed, because it was my 1st time (in a long time) to cook in a crockpot. I hope to make it better, if there's a next time. If so, I can include it in my next cookbook.



Here's also a video of an oatmeal recipe with peanut butter & condensed milk. I wonder how it would taste, if I added some vanilla extract to it.


Here's another recipe that I forgot.

Cheesy Chicken Noodle Stew

on March 25, 2022


For dinner this evening, I made a microwaveable poor man's dinner with the food that I "thought" I was going to save for survival & prepping. My canned & packaged food is running low.

Simply combining cheesy instant mashed potatoes with a can of chicken noodle soup. I'm about to show y'all the video that accompanies this.

Basically, what I did was use a can of Campbell's Yes! Chicken Noodle soup. They were, I think 10 for $10 on sale at Winn Dixie. I know it's not the healthiest or organic, but when you don't have enough money to be able to afford it, or if you don't have a way to cook & make it homemade from scratch, then well, you got no choice. You can use any brand of canned chicken noodle soup (organic or not). Whatever you can afford. This brand is so flavorful & tasty that you don't even need to add any extra salt or seasonings. 

I put it in the microwave for 6 minutes & let it get REALLY hot. Cover it with paper towels, so that the liquid doesn't splatter/splash all over everywhere. & then you won't have to worry about the pain in the ass of having to clean out the microwave. At the end of the 6 minutes, add a tablespoon of virgin coconut oil + 2 slices of American cheese (or any other cheese that's your favorite) & also add enough instant mashed potato flakes to your desired consistency. Stir very well, until the cheese is melted.

Here's the result. Funny thing is, that it will thicken up, as you're eating it, as time goes by. You might think it looks like nasty slop, but trust me! It turned out to taste SOOOOOOO good.

Poor man's microwavable cheesy chicken noodle stew. #survival #homeless #prepper


So, if you're homeless living in your vehicle or a hotel/motel room, or even if you have permanent housing, & you're trying to penny pinch, be frugal or save money, or if you're financially struggling, then give it a try, if you have a way to heat stuff up. 

Lol! I was still hungry after eating it, so you might want to add eggs or more vegetables to it. I intended to add some crumpled up seaweed snacks to it, but I just didn't feel like digging so hard to find them. If you wanted to add that, you could crumple up 1/2 the package of $1 seaweed snacks, like Sea Snax or something similar, & mix it in.

Welp, I Be Durn! New Orleans Praline Recipe
on March 14, 2022

Well, well, well! This was the way that the former foster sister April taught me. 

-1 cup of sugar 

-1 drop of vanilla extract 

-1 whole stick of butter

-1 can of evaporated milk

-I forgot how much pecans! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿคก

& stir for a whole hour, & then put in the pecans at the very end. & let sit overnight. 

Here's a MUCH quicker & better recipe. In fact, I recommend this guy's WHOLE channel!

Here's his video.


Here's his channel. Just copy & paste the links or look up Charlie Andrews on YouTube.


He seems like a very nice person.

& I went to school with her. Toya Thomas. She's now Chef Toya Boudy (married). Last I saw her on Facebook in 2010 as "T Poet" or something like that.


Here's her version.

I didn't know there was a microwave version. Another 1 of my favorite YouTubers. Ellen's Homemade Delights.


Here are some fiction short stories that I wrote, that pertains to recipes & cooking.

Project Spaghetti: The Short Story

on March 20, 2023


I'm writing a fictional short story, based off of the "Project Spaghetti" dish that the foster dad, Al, used to make before he died, & also the peach cobbler that the foster sister April used to make when I was 7 years old. Her peach cobbler was the only peach cobbler that I used to like to eat. Mainly the crust. Nowadays, you couldn't pay me to eat peach cobbler! ๐Ÿคฎ

I realized that "Slap Ya Mama" products weren't invented until 2001, but I'm just going along with the story.

It was the year 1992. 10-year old Tyrell was looking in the kitchen cupboards. There was hardly any food in the apartment (in the Fischer projects in Algiers - New Orleans). He started crying because he got tired of the food insecurity in the household. He was an only child, living with his single dad. He had just come home from school, & his dad had just come home from work. He was a latchkey kid. 

His dad, Keyshawn, came inside with some commodity groceries. He automatically stopped crying, & his eyes lit up from tears to cheesin'. Pun intended, because the boy LOVES him some cheese! 

Tyrell doesn't like when there's spaghetti with meat sauce. He likes meatballs, because he thinks meatballs are more fun. He thinks meat sauce is boring. Keyshawn tried to bribe him to have another fun way to eat the spaghetti & meat sauce by adding cheese, because after a hard day's work, he didn't have the patience to roll up meatballs, along with adding eggs, breadcrumbs, seasonings, etc. He just wanted to keep everything as simple as possible. 

Keyshawn told his son, "Naw, naw, listen. I got a new recipe, called 'Project Spaghetti'. I promise you. It'll taste SO good that you'll NEVER look back at 'dem meatballs. & it's the quickest & simplest dinner you'll ever cook."

Tyrell gave a weird look & asked him, "Project Spaghetti!? Why that? Is it because we live in the projects?"

Keyshawn was stirring the pot, while he was smoking a cigar & said, "You answered your own question correctly, son. For that, I'm gon' make you a simple, surprise dessert to go along wit' 'dat."

After he got done cooking the spaghetti & stirred in the government cheese, his son started jumping for joy. He combined the cooked spaghetti & meat sauce & then added the commodity government cheese until it melted. He let his son pick out whatever flavor of Flavor-Aid that he wanted to drink. The boy picked the lemonade flavor. His dad said, "Son? That's all? Now, I got fresh squeezed lemons for that!" 

His son wised up on him & said, "Yeah, but isn't cutting up the lemons more work? For all that, I could've had the meatballs." 

Keyshawn put his head down & laughed, feeling embarrassed, even though it was just them 2 in the apartment kitchen. He told his son, "Yeah, you rite!" So, he let his son have the lemonade Flavor-Aid. 

Keyshawn started preheating the oven. Tyrell was slurping & smacking his food. He said, "Where's my momma, so I can smack her, too? Because this here tastes off the chain!" Keyshawn laughed & said, "Oh, you got jokes, huh!" He was looking right at some "Slap Ya Mama" Cajun seasoning & Tony Chachere's Creole seasoning that his dad put in the spaghetti dish. That boy LOVED the Project Spaghetti, & he used to beg for it every time his dad came home with commodity groceries. 

Keyshawn made quick, easy, lazy peach cobbler. He took a pan, & he took the commodity canned peaches & put them in the pan. Then, he put some yellow cake mix on top. After that, he sliced butter on top & then threw it in the oven. 

Tyrell asked him, "Are you making Project Peach Cobbler now?" The boy must've thought that everything cheap, quick & simple is the "project " version of doing things, which wasn't the case.

Keyshawn looked @ him funny. He scratched his head & had another embarrassed laugh. He said, "No, son. Just ea'cha food."

So, both father & son enjoyed the Project Spaghetti, Project Peach Cobbler & Project Kool-Aid.


No Timberwood In The Hood

on March 18, 2023


Lol ๐Ÿ˜‚

This short story reminds me of a combination of both of these.

Let's Buy Some 'Hood Snacks



Uncle "D"


Timberwood: Short Stories Edition - Vol. 36

Cornelius was in the office, fighting for his work paycheck that Timberwood kept playing with. It was his BIGGEST paycheck to date. He figured that it was due to covert racism in the cult, & them hating his ebony dark skin. He argued with Mrs. Mary Ethel in the office & started cussing her from A to Z. He fought TOOTH & NAIL & raised so much HELL. He almost got arrested, trying to fight for his paycheck. The cult cheated him. Sadly, he NEVER got that lovely paycheck of $5,821.62. Usually, he would earn less than 1/2 of that. 

He angrily stormed out of her office & yelled, "Dis ain't no modern day slavery! Like, WTF!?"

His best friend, Matthew, & a few other guys said, "Don't worry, Cornelius. We gotcha back, bruh. Gawd got somethin' betta in stow (store) 4 ya."

The guys were talking loud, like a bunch of high school football players in a locker room after losing a game. Aurelio suggested that they all go defy Timberwood's cult rules & create their own entrepreneurial businesses, anyway. Some of the guys started up their own businesses, such as an auto mechanic business, a barbershop, a restaurant, a food truck, a hair & nail salon, a massage business, you name it. 

Mrs. Vanessa was EXTREMELY happy to finally fulfill her dream of opening up her hair salon that Timberwood kept trying to sabotage for years. Taschika & a few of the women joined her. They all explained their situation to the public & ran a fundraiser both in person & online. Taschika encouraged everyone to pray very hard & told everyone that they were fighting up against a bunch of devils. 

At this time, Cornelius was still big & overweight. People tried to compare him to BIGGIE Smalls. Cornelius humbly said that he didn't want to take that throne away from the REAL Christopher Wallace. They also tried to compare him to Fat Albert & Big Worm from the movie, "Friday". They called him, "The Food Truck Man".

Cornelius took out a small business loan for a food truck. He got everything in the works, got his business license, & then everything started poppin'. He moved back to his hometown, New Orleans, Louisiana from Portland, Oregon, & plenty of the other Timberwood members left the cult to follow suit. They all started businesses in different places. 

Cornelius was pretty shy & nervous on the 1st day. He set up the food truck at that park on N. Dorgenois St., off of St. Bernard Ave. in the 7th Ward. It wasn't a food "truck", but it was a repurposed, redesigned & redecorated New Orleans Tours tour bus that he ran like a food truck. Sort of like how people take school buses & transit buses to live out of, for "van life". He was decked out! His name is Cornelius Christopher Cook, so he named his business, "Crescent City Critters", because of the city's reputation for such good seafood. He was a DAMN GOOD cook, also. 

At first, he started off with red beans, rice & sausage, fried chicken, hot sausage sandwiches & burgers, po' boys, jambalaya, Mexican tamales & tacos, & okra gumbo. Then he expanded the menu as his business grew. Everyone kept telling him to open up a nationwide restaurant & publish a cookbook. The desserts were frozen cups, ice cream, 3 flavors of pound cake, chocolate chip cookies, & snowballs. He also sold snacks & hot dogs. Whatever snacks in the 'hood. Ramen noodles, chips, pig feet, spicy pickle, etc. He had NO IDEA where this would lead him. It was the 1st week of summer vacation, so he got EXCELLENT business! His friend, Matthew, joined him. They worked together as a duo. They knew each other from Covenant House. 

It was Matthew's idea for them to use the ice cream truck songs to let everyone know when they were in the area. Whenever the tour bus came, & the neighborhood residents heard the music, they blasted out of their homes, like as if they were running to see Michael Jackson or something. 

As a joke, Cornelius dressed up like Big Worm, the 1st day. Everybody thought he WAS Big Worm, but he wasn't. Some of the kids thought he was Fat Albert, but he wasn't. Matthew was dressed up in a clown suit. That 1st day, in order to draw everyone to the business, Mrs. Vanessa, Taschika, Teresa, Teresa's cousin, Tracie, Denise Sanders, & a few other women, were braiding girls' hair for free, & the boys got free haircuts by Ronald, Toury, Kendell, Sardius, Kurl, Carlos & a few other guys. It was June 2. Ronald's birthday. The children under 12 ate free & also got their hair done/cut for free on the 1st day. They got free face painting, too. They played games & blew bubbles. You would've thought it was a Christian church outreach or a Summer bazaar or something. The turnout was EXCELLENT! Everything peaceful. No arguing, fighting or shooting. No crime. 

One day, when Cornelius & Matthew set up shop, there were these 2 kids. The girl looked like she was 5 years old, & she had an 8-year old brother. Their dad, "Doody Bruh" sent them to the bus for some snacks. He monitored them from a short distance the whole time they were at the bus. 

Matthew answered the 2 siblings. They were 1st in line. The girl was chewing on her fingers. She had coarse, blonde hair, blue eyes & rosy cheeks. Everyone thought she was an albino. Her brother looked pretty much like Cornelius. Oddly, they both had the same parents. The girl looked just like her dad (the dad also looked albino, but he was just HIGH YELLOW), & the boy looked just like his mom & was black as tar. That's how those Creole peoples' genes operate. 

Matthew said, "Alright. Nah, what 'chall want?"

The girl said, in a shrill voice, "Um... My name is Moniece, & my brother's name is Quindon. Can we have a popsicle & some pecan candy & some grapes & some bubble gum & some peanut butter & some cake & some marshmallows & some Barq's Red Creme Soda?"

Matthew was taken aback. Cornelius overheard what they said. He cut his eyes & was like, "What? What she think? Dis a grocery store or somethin'?" He couldn't help but to laugh hysterically. The parents really did name those kids after Quindon Tarver & Moniece Slaughter. 

There was a rough, raggedy ghetto lady right behind the kids, popping, smacking & clicking her gum so loud that you would've thought she had a megaphone. The older man right behind her was trying to tell her that he thought it was SO sexy for women to do that. ๐Ÿ™„

Everyone was entertained by the interaction between Matthew, Cornelius & the 2 kids. The kids held up the line for nearly 2 hours (especially the girl) out in that hot heat until their dad had enough & came & got them. The dad, "Doody Bruh" apologized & ordered 3 hot sausage sandwiches, some chips & snowballs, & then he took the kids back inside of the house.

One day, Cornelius had a medical emergency & had to get rushed to the ER. His health was on the line. This caused him to be forced to change his diet & begin exercising. After the medical scare & diet change, he & Matthew lost so much weight that they became so skinny that they could hula hoop through the smallest rubber band that you can find. Cornelius went into an emotional depression & felt like he was unknowingly killing people by selling bad food. He changed the "food bus" business name to, "Fighting For Life", & he started selling smoothies, juices, acai bowls, salads, wraps, sushi, nut butters, etc. People in the hood started getting healthy. No more fried fish po' boys. Kristina started up her own health & wellness business, emphasizing on consuming & using natural products (both internally & externally) as God intended. Her husband, Tharen, was a personal trainer. 

No occultism, New Age, VooDoo, black magick, Satanism, Freemasonry or witchcraft. The former members spread the truth to everyone, warning people against joining Timberwood. It made worldwide news. Timberwood couldn't successfully suppress it THIS time! All of Timberwood's dirty laundry was aired out. Everyone in the hood opened their eyes & learned the truth. They started bettering their health & treating each other better. Less fighting & killing. No more shootings, robberies or any other crimes. This spread towards other hoods in America, & then people started acting more civilized. The crime in this country reduced DRASTICALLY!

Ezekiel Smith & (Kristina & Taschika's brother) Chris got together & snuck behind everyone's back & snitched to the cult about them leaving & successfully running their own businesses. Timberwood had EVERYONE'S businesses shut down, but not for long. The neighborhood found out about it, & they had a Jazz 2nd line as a way to protest Timberwood's tyranny. Everyone mourned the food truck. The entire neighborhood full of people were wearing T-shirts, called "No Timberwood In The Hood". They kept chanting, "Forget Timberwood"! Everyone's businesses were able to prevail, & then Timberwood became dismantled. No more Timberwood. Some of the members had NO CHOICE BUT to go back & get regular jobs. LITERALLY flipping burgers at McDonald's! 


Welcome To Obese Burger. Can I Take Your Order?

on April 02, 2023


Solomon Slade wondered what the hype was about, with this new burger joint, called "Obese Burger", that was making people LOSE weight, instead of gain weight. He was skeptical. He looked down at his beer belly & reflected back on those 90's Subway commercials. Subway wasn't really making people LOSE weight. He wondered how, back in the 90's, he ate Subway & drank Slim Fast, & STILL wasn't losing any weight! Years later, he even tried Lipozene. Still. Nope. He considered gastric bypass surgery & tummy tucks, but feared being put under. He could never stay committed with gym workouts.

He walked in the door, & the bell rang. An employee, Greg Edwards, came rushing all the way from the back to the front cash register. He greeted Solomon & said, "Welcome to Obese Burger. Can I take your order? Now keep in mind. We're not Good Burger from the movie, & we're CERTAINLY not Mickey D's. We have NO affiliation with Fat Burger or Smash Burger. We're a different breed here."

Solomon went on to ask, "Do you remember Morgan Spurlock's 'Super Size Me', Slim Fast, Lipozene, & those 90's Subway commercials advertising weight loss?"

Greg looked at him funny & said, "Uhhhhh, NO!"

Solomon looked at all of those "before & after" weight loss pictures & "employee of the month" plaques on the wall & questioned, "Well, what's the hype? How are people losing weight? 

Greg told him, "Look at the ingredients. We're transparent about our ingredients, & we care about what we serve to our customers. Believe it or not. Not only have our customers lost weight, but many of their sicknesses have been cured from eating our burgers."

Solomon's mouth dropped. He said, "You GOTTA BE kidding me!"

Greg challenged him to try a whole burger for free, for the 1st time. He let Solomon pick any burger off the menu that he wanted. Solomon wanted to try the "Chia Beet" burger. It was a burger with a homemade (from scratch) version of Ezekiel 4:9 bread with chia seeds on top (instead of sesame seeds), Havarti cheese, a grassfed bison burger patty that was infused with raw apple cider vinegar, shredded beets, shredded red cabbage, Maine Coast Sea Vegetables Dulse Flakes, & Himalayan pink salt; that was fried with virgin coconut oil. He chose kale chips on the side. For dessert, he had an almond spinach pina colada smoothie with a scoop of bentonite clay.  

30 minutes after eating, Solomon's stomach started to erupt like a violent volcano. He had to RUN to the restroom. It was an emergency! He emptied all of the contents from his colon. He never felt so empty before. That was the clearest he has ever felt in years! Probably in all of his life. 

Once he cleaned himself up & washed his hands, he left out of the bathroom hyperventilating, panting & breathing very hard. He shook hands & told Greg, "Mister. You LITERALLY saved my life! I'm a believer. You know? I used to shun all those Big Pharma medical conspiracy theories I've heard. They're not theories. Those people were right, after all. I need a whole diet overhaul!"

Greg hysterically & helplessly laughed in his face. He said, "You better go spread the word like spreading the Gospel. & while you're at it, spread the Gospel, too. Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit." 

Solomon walked out the door, laughing right back. He got in his car, drove back home, & told his wife about it. His wife became a believer, also.


Sweet Pea Pie

on April 13, 2022


Some of my favorite YouTube cooking channels inspired me to write this short fiction story. 

Here's that link. I'm doing my own manual version of a WordPress ping back.


Copy & paste that, since this blog won't let me do hyperlinks.

So, this will be a short story based on a fictionalized YouTube character, doing a YouTube video. Funny, how some YouTubers go by a script, with the openings & closings of their cooking shows. I don't want to sell my soul, but I wish I had a successfully monetized cooking YouTube channel, that could help me survive & make a living. That's 1 thing I've been wishing for, lately. If I had a kitchen, where I could cook & bake, even if I didn't make any money from it, I would love to try the Sweet Pea Pie recipe, myself.

Here we go. Here's the short story below. I hope you enjoy. If you don't have the patience to read the background & introduction to this short story (or any of my short stories), you can just go to my Ko-fi. I post just the short story, on there.


At the last minute, I thought of to make this a nursing home scenario. I used to volunteer at nursing homes during my teenage years, for community service + I really enjoyed it. My biological mother, Frances Grandpre, was in a nursing home for a moment, until she died.


Mrs. Dorothy Crowder was put into a nursing home, along with her husband, Stanley. Their daughter, Shanice Ashanti Campbell (named after the R&B singers Shanice & Ashanti) & her husband, Tyrique Campbell, bought them an iPad Air, since the TV in their room wasn't working. The nursing home didn't want to replace or repair the old, broken TV. Shanice & Tyrique visited Mrs. Dorothy & Mr. Stanley every Tuesday, on one of Tyrique's off days. 

Mr. Stanley was nonverbal, & he used to just holler & scream all day. But whenever there was TV or music, he would get quiet. Shanice showed her mother how to operate the iPad & YouTube, so that when she & her husband were gone, Mrs. Dorothy could watch videos on her own. Before Mr. Stanley became elderly & ill, he used to be a top notch professional chef & worked in a restaurant. He never wanted to own a restaurant because he said he didn't want such authority or responsibility. He enjoyed cooking. 1 of the friendliest & most beloved CNA's in the nursing home, Dana Warrington, made the suggestion for the couple to watch YouTube cooking videos.

Dana exclaimed, "Ooh, let's watch this 1!"

It was a video that randomly popped up in her feed, called "Sweet Pea Pie". The YouTube uploader's name was called, "5hamroq's Latin Kitchen". Shamrock. Shamrock had a customized 5-leaf clover as her logo, instead of the traditional 3-leaf clover. Like as if a star was shaped like a clover. She loved the number 5 & the color green. She specialized in GREEN colored foods & cooking demonstrations, even if she had to dye certain foods green. Also, she would keep all of the ingredients simplified to only 5 main ingredients (not counting oils, seasonings & condiments) + also the necessary oils, seasonings & condiments. How could she get to be so innovative & creative with varying only 5 ingredients & still make the food taste so good? Then, she donated the food from her YouTube food presentations to her local church each Sunday (the next day). She would upload 1 video every Saturday night, doing Livestreams. 

Shamrock (5hamroq) is from the Dominican Republic. She even once did a video, demonstrating how to make Dominican farina, dyed a hunter green color. She made sure to prepare large portions for next morning's church service. The church looked at it like her way of "tithing". 

When Dana clicked on the "Sweet Pea Pie" video on the new iPad, Mr. Stanley stopped hollering. He became very attentive & interested. 

Here goes 5hamroq. Her video opened with an introduction of an old fashioned Christian hymn, called "He Hideth My Soul" by Fanny Crosby. She starts off each video, juggling 3 lime green tennis balls, & she's pretty good at it. She can juggle for 3 hours. But she juggles the balls for 30 seconds after the music intro & then DELIBERATELY acts like as if she accidentally dropped & missed 1 of the balls, & then she introduces herself.

"Buenos dias, everybody! Welcome to another upload. It's your favorite chickadee, Shamrock. How's everyone doing this marvelous Saturday? Tell me in the comments section, whether or not you're going to try this dish. Today, I'm about to intrigue you with my authentic, STUNNING, phenomenal, homemade Sweet Pea Pie, made from scratch. Follow me right along."

After that, she lists & shows all of the ingredients needed for the recipe. She makes a pie with fresh, early June peas, picked from her garden. Her 5 main ingredients are, amaranth flour & a little bit of water + a couple of pinches of Celtic sea salt for the pie crust, & also mashed early June peas from her garden, along with some coconut milk, spices & some Indian sugar, jaggery. She also pastes some coconut oil onto the dough before shaping it into the pie crust & baking it. She makes the pie come out looking like a green sweet potato pie, but tasting like sweetened peas, of course. 

Shortly after the food is ready, she juggles those tennis balls again, warming up & preparing everyone for the sampling. She looks into the camera & then gives everyone a silent but slow, romantic, seductive bite, chewing quietly, without smacking her food. It drives the men wild. She's already considered as pretty & attractive. 

She then tells everyone to like, comment, share & subscribe. Afterwards, she closes out the video with herself singing, "Every Hour I Need Thee", while encouraging everyone to read the Bible, pray, fast & repent of their sins. Then, the Livestream cuts off.

Mr. Stanley started hollering, whining & crying again. Mrs. Dorothy started rubbing his back, trying to calm him down & console him, telling him that everything is going to be ok. 20 minutes passed by, & there were already over 100 comments. The first set of 35 people commented that annoying comment, saying, "First!" Dana started reading the YouTube video comments out loud, & that helped Mr. Stanley be appeased. Many people were making flirty comments, trying to hit on Shamrock. There was this 1 person in the comments section, quoting the Bible scripture, 

"Matthew 5:28

King James Version

28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

& also this scripture.

Proverbs 6:32
โ€œBut whoso committeth adultery with a woman lacketh understanding: he that doeth it destroyeth his own soul.โ€

King James Version (KJV)

& this one 

Hebrews 13:4
โ€œMarriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.โ€

King James Version (KJV)"

towards every flirtatious comment. Some of them clapped back & got angry. 

Other commenters were saying stuff like, "Hey, Chickadee! Let's join the Sham Glam Squad! You're so pretty. You make your food look & taste as pretty & delicious as you." That comment made Mr. Stanley laugh. Something he hasn't done in such a long time. Everyone in the room was shocked! 

Some more of commenters were begging for a way to donate, but Shamrock refused to accept donations, & she refused to have her channel monetized, despite having over 500K subscribers.

Some commenters were either asking for advice or giving tips & suggestions. Of course, there were some narcissistic, jealous haters & Satanic trolls in the comments section. 

Shamrock was known for calling everyone "Sweetie" in the comments section. Someone suggested in 1 of her previous Livestreams that she should make a recipe, called, "Sweet Pea Pie", which was a fan recommendation. 

Mrs. Dorothy, Mr. Stanley & everybody else watched a few more videos. 5hamroq was Mr. Stanley's favorite, for some reason. He found her videos relaxing, cute, funny, entertaining, educational & soothing, even though he could no longer speak, since he went back to pretty much being a baby all over again. Mrs. Dorothy still had her senses, was ambulatory & could reason like normal. She tried, at every moment, to stay by her husband's side.

Eventually, the entire nursing home would gather, as a group activity session, every Saturday evening, & follow along with watching Shamrock's cooking demonstration videos, along with other people's YouTube channels. Instead of regular TV & movies, the nursing home started to dedicate 2 hour evening sessions with watching selected YouTube videos after supper. The nursing home residents really enjoyed the YouTube video watching sessions.


In the near future, I plan to make a sweet pea pie recipe with miniature pies in the toaster oven. It won't be included in this cookbook, but the next one. 

**Thanks SO MUCH to EVERYONE for the support & encouragement. I want people with the FREE WILL option to purchase the ebook for $2.99 on Amazon, like you just did - OR - you can read it on my blog for free, & just voluntarily donate however much you wish. Please don't feel compelled or obligated. 

Here's my donation information.



$PsychWorld35 CashApp

Here's the cookbook, if you CHOOSE to purchase it.


I always wanted to write & publish a cookbook. Due to my circumstances with this gang stalking, as I said, things didn't get to go as planned, like I wanted. Hopefully, with the support of this ebook, this can help me generate more income & keep me afloat & off the streets, preventing homelessness relapse. 

I put this in the description box of almost all of my YouTube videos.

YouTube description message

Hopefully, my blog & Ko-fi can help me make a living, stay off the streets & survive.



I'm keeping my fundraiser up, since this roof over my head isn't permanent or guaranteed, due to the gang stalking.


#TargetedIndividual #GangStalking #WritingCommunity #Christians



$PsychWorld35 CashApp

Please sign my new petition.



Even though I have all of my writings on my blog & Ko-Fi for free, you can also support me by purchasing my e-books, if you choose to.


Update: As of 04/06/2023, I'm no longer #homeless on the streets, but my finances are VERY tight. 









Truth DVD for Christians.

Pt. 1


Pt. 2


Pt. 3


Pt. 4


Trauma-based mind control & ritual abuse collection





Please help a single, #disabled female make her own living. Please spread the word & share. I appreciate the support. I love you. Thank you so much!