Pork & Mac Casserole

Lemme blog this before I forget. I don't know if I'll ever make this dish again. If I do, I hope to modify & improve it. 


With me being broke, poor, & lacking convenience & transportation, I made a "creative" dish, working with what I had.

I was disappointed that I couldn't get the free transportation or an Uber to go to the grocery store & get REAL groceries! Dollar General had such a small selection of anything healthy. 

I used about:

-I didn't measure the water. I just put enough in there to cover the pasta. I didn't drain the pasta. The water soaked up everything & caused the pasta to have the consistency of dumplings.

-3 tablespoons of Himalayan pink salt brine

-5 tablespoons of virgin coconut oil

-a box of fake Walmart Great Value Rotini pasta

-a bag of frozen green beans

-a can of carrots

-a package of cream cheese

-8 slices of Borden American cheese

-a tub of Lloyd's BBQ shredded pork

I put everything in the crockpot on high for 3 1/2 hours, except for the American cheese, canned carrots & the pork. I put all that in, @ the last 30 minutes. The flavor was good, but not what I expected or imagined. I guess it was watered down because of how I cooked the pasta. 

Remember. I was homeless for nearly 4 years, so don't be hard on me. Trying to regain my cooking skills. The outcome would've been different if I had a stove or a hot plate/burner. I forgot what it was called, when I got the crockpot. I remember the crockpot being easy back then. This time around, I find myself making the food too watery, making everything overcooked or putting too much food in there. I'm working at trying to improve with the crockpot cooking. I've been watching crockpot recipe videos on both YouTube & TikTok. 

All in all, this seems to serve between 6 & 8 people. Well, in my case, I froze what I could & refrigerated the rest. 


Hopefully, my blog & Ko-fi can help me make a living, stay off the streets & survive.



I'm keeping my fundraiser up, since this roof over my head isn't permanent or guaranteed, due to the gang stalking.


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Update: As of 04/06/2023, I'm no longer #homeless on the streets, but my finances are VERY tight.