Was Jordan Neely a Targeted Individual? 🤔

Here's Inside Edition's YouTube video about what happened.


Here's a video that I did.


Now, here's a Twitter video confirming my suspicions.

The camera guy was perping & harassing him, BIG TIME! So people can feel JUSTIFIED in saying that he "deserved" to die!


Here's my Quote Tweet.

"I think #JordanNeely was a #homeless #TargetedIndividual! The camera guy was perping him really bad.



Here's a video.


This person said, "So you should get away with harassing black homeless men?" I'm glad he knows what's up!


I'm glad there are a few people who aren't brainwashed, & who see the truth.

Another person said, "Just shows how much harassment he had to deal with. Is this supposed to make us more sympathetic for the young man that was murdered? Because it did. And showed how the average sloven American treats people down on their luck."


Here's what another person said. "He was harassing him with pedo jokes about Michael Jackson… are you just reiterating white men in NY don’t know how to leave people alone when they ask to be left alone?!?!"


Here's Twitter's video of the choke.


Someone defended him on TikTok. Thanks so much for your compassion.


Here's a NY Post article about him.


Is it ironic that he died the same way his mom did?

Here's the authentic, official GoFundMe page.


& I see money-hungry fake idiots trying to capitalize with a fake page (There was another one that was fake.)

The mainstream news smear campaigned him, lying & saying that he was a schizophrenic man who was harassing other strangers & acting erratic. That's how they do us TI's. The Twitter perping video reminded me SOOO much of my targeting experiences as a homeless TI. The guy was probably VERY sleep deprived. I don't think he was mentally ill or schizo. I know he suffered a traumatic experience with losing his mom. That would fuck ANYBODY'S head up!

They refuse to release the name of the killer & falsely charged him with "involuntary" manslaughter. I heard he was let off! 😠😡🤬 Naw! It was VOLUNTARY murder! & the other guys pinned Jordan down. They should be charged, too. Abusive, narcissistic gang stalkers!

Strange that I saw this. They have videos from over a year ago. Legacy, but he was still alive? Yeah. This was a planned blood sacrifice. I wouldn't be surprised if that aunt was the one who sacrificed him. She got the BIGGEST mouth, + the GoFundMe up! That guy could've STILL been alive today. Fake folks got HUNDREDS of dollars to donate for your funeral after you die, but you didn't have $5 to donate for food while he was still alive? M'kay! Smh!


Michael Trapson even commented on 1 of the videos.

Mayor Eric Adams is a freemasonic SELLOUT! 

Update: 05/05/2023

Ok, here's the FULL video of Joey Boots perping Jordan.


Notice the 2 foreign perps @ the end of the video, wearing red/blue. Calling Jordan "crazy". 

Once Jordan was murdered, this video resurfaced, in order to justify him being "violent", "crazy", & "deserving" to die!