From Mental Health To Mental Wealth (Free eBook)

Here's the ebook for purchase, if you would like to support me & help me make a living writing.

Hello, everyone. My name is Candy Grandpre. I just posted an ebook about my foster care experiences. Now, I'm going to write an ebook about my mental health system experiences & how crooked the fake mental health system is. Don't get mad at me for posting some of the same resources as previous ebooks, because this all ties in together. Some of the information sounds redundant. Some of my information in here is me copying & pasting relevant stuff from old blog posts or information from elsewhere on the internet. If you have spare time, please read the website links to learn more truth. This is an ebook, talking about how I was able to break free from psychiatric slavery, by the Grace of God. You can, too. I give HIM all the praise, honor & glory!

*Disclaimer: I'm a (formerly homeless) Targeted Individual, being Gang Stalked & tortured with Directed Energy Weapons. The gang stalkers think it's funny to try to have me back on the streets again. I'm also an author & an aspiring cook. Any negative reviews on any of my Amazon Kindle e-books, that you see, are fake, non-genuine, inauthentic insults towards the target (ME), to sabotage my way of living. These people are human (sex/organ/labor, etc.) traffickers. They're part of a Satanic criminal cult network organization. They're narcissistic abusers who get paid to slander & destroy innocent lives. Don't participate. They get paid to write fake "bad" reviews on all of my ebooks, to try to keep me forced homeless & sabotage my income. They're on their way to hell! Please don't pay attention to them & let them deter you from supporting an innocent person. 

Just a reminder. Manually copy & paste the links into your browser to look at, since this blog won't allow me to do hyperlinks. This is VERY important information that needs to get out. The Satanic NWO freemasons are behind this! Sorry for any typos, incorrect grammar, spelling, etc. The perps manipulated my writing. The perps are illiterate & can't spell yet try to talk about me! Most people tell me that I have EXCELLENT grammar, whenever the gang stalkers aren't sabotaging my writing!  

I'm now 39 years old. Almost 40. The earliest I remember seeing a psychiatrist was maybe 4 years old. The earliest I remember taking medicine was at age 6. For many years, I was mad at myself & felt like I cursed myself, overdosing on my biological brother, Sean's medication, thinking that it was candy, when I was in kindergarten. I used to feel like, "Man, if I would've NEVER eaten Sean's medicine, I wouldn't have to be forced to see a psychiatrist & take medicine, myself"! They were sweet, chewable tablets. I think I remember them being cherry flavored. I didn't realize that they would've put us on psych meds anyway, because of the foster care trafficking.

I believe that me overdosing on Sean's medicine was the cause of my 2 strokes. Some people feel like that had nothing to do with it. If not, then what!? Me & my twin sister were considered as "developmentally delayed", but we caught up. We were 5 years old, still putting things in our mouths. I'm not sure how normal that was for a 5-year old. We used to swallow marbles & then πŸ’© them out the next day. We weren't taught any better. The fake foster mom pretty much neglected US! She did! 

Here's the Foster Care ebook, if you want to purchase it, to help me make a living writing.

What's It Like To Be In Foster Care? 05/22/2023
on June 15, 2023

Here it is for free.

I heard that it's part of the trafficking, to get foster kids to be both in Special Ed & on psych meds. I heard that they get more bonuses for that. Using us as cash cows & guinea pigs. Disgusting! Children shouldn't be for sale. 

In 1st grade, I was forced to take liquid medicine. It was sweet. I remember it tasting like codeine cough syrup or something. In 2nd grade, I took sweet, chewable tablets. In 3rd grade, I had a hard time, swallowing capsules, which were NOT sweet at all! Felt like punishment, & I resisted a lot! Swallowing capsules was PURE torture! I remember those orange-brown capsules. After 3rd grade, it was a mixture of capsules & tablets. All the way up to adulthood. 

Not to jump ahead, but I remember when I went to the "Psychiatry: An Industry of Death" Museum & watched the documentary. (I hate that they're a front for the fake Scientology cult! 🀬😑😠) & I saw a list of ALL the psychiatric medications that have existed. For a brief moment, I temporarily endorsed & supported CCHR, not knowing that they were connected to a cult. I no longer endorse them. The trick is, they're a controlled opposition COINTELPRO group that spreads disinformation. They tell SO MUCH addictive truth about psychiatry & the mental health system, but the trap is, they offer a DIFFERENT mind control solution! Dianetics! I'm warning you & giving you a heads up. Here's a link to the adverse side effects on their website.

At the beginning of my illuminati/NWO research, I'm not gonna lie. This is what INITIALLY set me free from psychiatry & the mental health system. This is an interesting & informative documentary, but don't join their fake Scientology dianetics cult!

Here's a website that lists a number of psychotropic drugs.

Here's Wikipedia's list.

From these lists, I'm going to name some of the meds that I remember being on, throughout my life.

-Luvox (for my OCD)
-Clonidine (for my Tourette's)
-(I think Clozaril?)
-(I don't remember whether or not I was on Anafranil.)
-Ambien (for sleep)
-Neurontin (Gabapentin)
-(I'm not sure if I remember whether or not I was on Tegretol, but I know my twin sister was on it.) -I think I was on Vistaril for a VERY short time, but I don't remember.

*I was on some more medications with names I can't remember.

Please read this blog post. Here are some posts I wrote over a decade ago.

In the mental hospital, the staff would antagonize patients provoking them to anger, on purpose, for an excuse to rough handle them & put them in restraints. They get paid for it by insurance companies to restrain people.

In 2010, 6 men rough handled me, & it felt like police brutality. They pressed me on my pressure point & snatched me up & dragged me into the solitary confinement room because I wasn’t feeling well, & my blood pressure was unusually high for some strange reason. Also, I was light headed & had a little pseudo-seizure caused by the toxic psych meds. They thought I was faking for attention. They had proof of the high blood pressure by the test. So how was I faking?

After they grabbed & rough handled me, tried to break my arms, my nose, made my wrist sprain, put bruises on me, etc. & 1 of them was tickling my feet ON PURPOSE, laughing, & then they rough handled me & pinned me down AGAIN because of auto-reflex of kicking back. Then, they gave me a cocktail & put me in restraints for 4 hours & starved me. They put a guilt trip on me, blaming β€œMY behavior”. What about theirs?

I tried to report them & file a grievance, sue, etc. & no one wanted to help me.


My situation happened @ University Behavioral Health mental hospital in Denton, TX. 

I’ve been a psych patient who’s been medicated nearly the whole 27 yrs. of my life! I just recently figured out how to break away from it, but I’m afraid of being FORCED back in. By the time I was 24, I realized that pills don’t solve my problems. It pretty much DESTROYED my mind & body. That’s why when I talk, plenty of people say that my speech is illogical & incoherent & doesn’t make sense. & it’s discouraging! (I didn't realize that this was part of the gang stalking psych games to try to discredit me.)

I suffered 2 strokes at age 5, & on top of that, I attempted suicide twice last yr. because of those psych pills. Cymbalta made me do it. & Effexor made me feel like I was going to die. Doxepin & Trazodone KEEP me hungry. I gained like 80 lbs. in 6 mos. I was angry b/c I had finally been able to take off that weight after so many years!

It’s hard to deal with counseling because it makes you more frustrated, angry, sad, etc. going out than coming in. Those therapists get PAID to provoke you to anger, so that you can be handed over to the law (jail) or the psych ward & have pills forcefully shoved down your throat. & if they can’t put it down your throat, they’ll get you in the hip. I’ve been battered & abused in the looney house (psych ward) & suffered what seemed like police brutality. & I was told that they were right & I was wrong, & that I cannot sue. I am SO hurt by this, & it only makes my depression worse.

Please, everyone. Download & read! The Dark/hidden side of psychiatry. Psychiatry is Nazi, racist & Satanic! (& so is gang stalking! Gang Stalking is also communist.)

Funny thing is, everyone (including family), counselors & other people tried to tell me that I β€œdeserved” to be rough-handled by those 6 men. They tried to kill me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I didn’t even realize that I was gang stalked back then!

I copied & pasted the comments from this person's blog. Read the comments. Not just my experiences, but other people's, too.

Here’s the ENTIRE website that exposes the mental hospital I was in, & they had a lawsuit. I had to dig deeper, & realize that the owner of UBH mental hospital has illuminati connections. & these evil bastards were threatening to sue us for exposing them.

I'm going to copy & pate this blog post.

05 14 2020 Blog #84: Mental health is prison

I remember when I attempted suicide & overdosed on Benadryl & I think Klonopin in 2010. 1 cop was laughing @ me, & the other cop was gentle & gently squeezed my hand when I would go out. I was going in & out. That was the closest to success @ suicide that I got. Another cop kept angrily twisting & drilling his knuckles into my chest with violent HATE anger! Then, a week later, the techs (guards) 6 men rough handled me & treated me like police brutality & tried to kill me. They have nerve to have a trauma group there, & yet they traumatize people. Kept me drugged & locked in the seclusion room all day. & people wonder why I attempted suicide AGAIN when I got out of the mental hospital. This was @ UBH in fake Denton, TX in 2010.

People don’t understand what I & others have had to endure. We’re not crazy. Those psych meds MAKE you crazy!

Please. Pray to God in Jesus’s name, read the KJV Bible & take care of your body. Fast & detox. Psych pills are poison!

Also, during the attempt, they wouldn’t let me go back home, & they told me that if I did, they would put me in Wichita Falls State Mental Hospital for the rest of my life. The prison psych ward. At first, they lied & said that they would let me go back home & get some important things.

Mental hospitals aren’t places of healing. It’s prison/detention.

For any of you who have been locked up in the mental hospital against your will, YouTube search AND Google search, AND Bitchute search TARGETED INDIVIDUALS & GANG STALKING. Look it up on Rumble, TikTok, & any place you can. Also look up NARCISSISTIC ABUSE. This all ties in together. It’s about tyrannical control & taking away our rights. Part of MK Ultra mind control & eugenics.

Here's the mental health label on my blog.

Here's another YouTube video. Kati Morton 5150 Psychiatric Hold - Know Your Rights

I see people smear campaigning Kati Morton on YouTube because she's obviously a threat to Big Pharma & psychiatry. She may or may not have sold out. 

Here's the psychiatry label.

Here's the mind control label.

I did a YouTube video, talking about how a targeted individual might get treated when trying to contact a crisis hotline or a warm line. Yep. You get the same exploitative, narcissistic perps every time you call. They falsely accuse you of abusing the system & even ban you from calling. Even before me finding out that I'm a targeted individual. They treat you like a nuisance who's not welcome to call.

You know that 1 of the gang stalking goals for a targeted individual is to try to drive that TI to the point of suicide. They supposedly make more money from getting you to kill yourself, than for them to hire a hitman to kill you. You wanna know why? Because you can't go to heaven via suicide. Once you've committed suicide, then that's another way to forfeit your soul. Easier said than done for a Christian TI to endure til the end. Don't cave in via either physical suicide or selling out.

Spiritual suicide = selling out, which is what the gang stalkers, human traffickers, pimps, handlers, narcissistic abusers, cult members, freemasons, etc. have already done. They're physically alive, still. But their soul is gone. That's why people call them empty shells/vessels, clones, bots, drones, etc. 

Here are a couple of more blog posts.

05 16 2020 Blog #86: Masonic Mind Control & Mental Health Abuse

Here are some truth websites. 


25 rules of disinformation

The Secret Covenant Of The Illuminati

Goals of the Illuminati

Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars

I'm going to say it AGAIN!

Please, everyone. Download & read! 

The Dark/hidden side of psychiatry. Psychiatry is Nazi, racist & Satanic!

Here's another blog post.

How Narcissistic Abusers "Handle" Mental Health Patients
on May 01, 2022

Hello, everyone. I'm back. So, this would tie in or fuse with a different topic. "How psychiatry is used as a weapon to keep the target/victim in line". So basically, narcissists try to discipline & handle mental health patients by using the patients' mental "illness" as a weapon against them. Usually, the victim is afraid of being locked up in the mental institution. The narcissist knows this. The narcissistic chief "handler" in your life. (I hope that this blog post can help people. I don't want this to be triggering or offensive to anyone. To be honest, I'm even being triggered by writing this. But I got to get this out.)

If you're a targeted individual, being gang stalked by a bunch of narcissistic abusers, you basically have modern day drapetomania. Modern day runaway slave. My personal opinion is that targeted individuals are failed MK Ultra experiments who woke up to the mind control programming & started to resist, speak out & fight back. The narcissistic perps HATE that, so they try to reel you BACK into being enslaved to the mental health system. Even forcibly. 5150 or Baker Acted. (Again! To try to make you "learn your lesson" the HARD way!) Remember hearing about how people who fight against communism get forcibly locked away because they don't have herd mentality? 

Being a mental patient, have you ever experienced the chief narc in your life making jail threats, or making threats to have you locked up in the mental institution, using it as a weapon against you each & every time you get into an argument with that person? & they're always the ones who pick a fight with you first? It could be a normal day, & you can hug & kiss your abusive narc husband, telling him, "Hey, baby. Dinner is ready." He came home, seemingly in a normal mood. Once you try to pamper him, he snaps on you like a turtle, & you wonder what you did or said wrong. When you ask him, he says, "Look! I already had a hard day at work. I ain't the one to piss off today!" When you ask, "What's with the attitude?" The response is, him pointing in your face like a disobedient child & saying, "Start your shit! You hear? Start your shit! & watch I have them come pick your ass up & lock you up in the mental institution! & I will MAKE SURE that you'll never be able to get out! Now, pluck my nerves today!" (Author's note: Ooh, I can put this dialogue in a short story or possibly another skit.) Then, the argument escalates. Sometimes might even get physical. The abusive narc husband would even say that you're dangerous & not mentally capable of taking care of the kids, & then make threats to call CPS & have the kids put in foster care. He usually wouldn't follow through with these threats, but the threats make you fearful & keep you in line. 

You wanna know what's strange? Even narcissistic abusers who act like they're "truthers" against the freemasons Illuminati, New World Order, etc., if it suits their agenda to hurt & destroy you, they'll even make threats to have you locked up in the mental institution, saying that you've lost your EVER-LOVING mind & need help FAST! Religious narcs (even against the NWO) would say that God wanted you put there, as a way to straighten you up & chastise you. They'll talk about how, (when you speak against the dirty ways of these fake, Satanic, evil narcs who falsely glorify themselves as "chosen" & "anointed") God handed you over to the enemy (Satan), for being "disobedient". 

The narcissistic abuser wants the whole world to know how "crazy" you are, with their lies, false rumors & smear campaigns. They think it's funny to brag to you that nobody's going to believe you, if you EVER dare speak out against their abuse. They're very manipulative & convincing with it. 

This video is an example.

You have no one on your side, & you're in this battle alone. Just like with the so-called Targeted Individual community, they have narcissistic abuse "victim" community groups in spaces, like Facebook, Quora, Twitter, etc., set up BY narcissistic abusers, themselves. Ran like a cult. Popular fake narcissistic "victims" (like controlled opposition) who lurk around the community to devour, attack & discredit real victims, leaving the real victims with nowhere to turn to for support. They'll even smear campaign the real victim as a "troublemaker in the community". Everyone singles out, bullies & blocks the victim in droves. It's even worse when it's a newbie who has his/her first time posting. The newbies are the main targets. Fresh meat. It's the EXACT SAME in the TI community. It's the truth. This also happens in so-called "Christian" online community circles, as well. They block you & don't give second chances or forgive. They also falsely accuse you of being a "troll", when you post forum threads, asking questions that confirm truth-related issues. Truth = "trolling" because they're brainwashed.

Black American families (I'm not saying, "all Black families". Some of them.) seem like as if they deal with or handle "mental illness" different from their White counterparts. I'm a Black Louisiana Creole woman, myself. So, I know. White families seem more supportive of their own kind. I don't know how Hispanics, Middle Eastern or Asians deal with their mentally "ill" relatives.

Black family members treat the mental patient family member like the scum of the Earth. Always an abusive, mean, narcissistic bully towards that "mental patient" family member. They treat that family member like a punished child with no rights, because they think that that mental patient family member is crazy, retarded & lacks common sense. I know all of this, from my own personal experiences + seeing other people get treated the same. They bully the family member to the point of suicide, on purpose, to collect that Masonic fake life insurance! You perp & abuse your own Black people! You have ZERO sympathy for the police officers blowing your OWN son's brains out! Then, you put up a fake GoFundMe, getting all this money & sympathy from society. People giving you comments like, "No one should have to bury their own child". More like, no one should get to profit off of burying his/her own child, spouse or any other family member, for personal, selfish greed! You want your son to be remembered by the mainstream media to have self-inflicted death, as a consequence for "mental illness", when your evil ass set it all up years in advance!

(Added in on Monday, 06/26/2023

What Happens When You Send Your Black Family Member To 'Mental Health' ?

Please watch the video, too. )

We all know about how the chief narc "handler" in your life employs flying monkeys AKA cult followers/cheerleaders/puppets do do their dirty work for them. Yep. Got a WHOLE cult-like network of strangers you don't even know! An ENTIRE cult dedicated to trying to reprogram you. When they can't reprogram you, they set you up to be locked away or murdered. Using these puppets to stalk, follow, monitor & surveil your every move, word or breath. That be the person who got you put into the gang stalking program, for revenge, for standing up to their personal tyranny. 

Here's another blog post, about MK Ultra mind control & twins. Yes, psychiatry is related.

This Thing With OTHER Sets Of Twins
on August 12, 2022


I've seen more sets of identical twins than fraternal. The entire universe knows that me & my twin sister aren't close, due to foster care mind control abuse. 

Other sets of identical twins always are close. They dress alike, do everything together & share everything. They're inseparable. They even live together & share the same car. I've seen sets of identical twins who hold hands together, everywhere they go.

Growing up, & even into adulthood, I've seen many sets of identical twins who are as close as I described in the paragraph above, but here's 1 thing. 1 twin would treat me nice, yet the other treats me mean & doesn't want to associate with me. Other times, they're both mean towards me. It's rare, but I've dealt with sets of identical twins, where they both were nice & respectful. 

I don't know if it's a systematic foster care thing to do, where twins are brainwashed to not get along, just like what happened with me & my twin sister. I remember those twins from that group home. We were 8 years old, in 3rd grade. They didn't get along with each other, either. & they treated us mean. They supposedly were more "badly behaved" than me & my twin sister. We temporarily ended up in the group home because of the investigation with the situation when we were in foster care. I don't know if those twins acted the way they did because they were abused. I don't know whether or not they were abused.

I heard it was part of the MK Ultra mind control experimentation to brainwash twins. Look up Josef Mengele & his MK Ultra Nazi experimentation on twins & Hollywood celebrities & the Monarch MK Ultra twinning technique. Example. Corey Haim & Corey Feldman.

Here are videos from Esoteric Kitten about MK Ultra & twinning.

Here's MKCulture

More MK Ultra blogs

MK Ultra & narcissistic abuse

You hear about narcissistic parents pitting siblings against each other.

They added fake psychiatry & the fake IDMR cult into the brainwashing mix.


Translate to English.

Psychiatric Stigma Follows You Everywhere

You Go for the Rest of Your Life

Wayne Ramsay, J.D.

Targeted Individuals, huh?

See how this is all related?

There you have it. Why me & my twin sister can't get along. She's still programmed & a WILLING slave! I can't set her free.

End of blog post 

Let's talk about the sorcery of psychiatry & the mental health system.

Soul Esprit | Pharmacy = SorceryPharmacy = Sorcery - Soul Esprit

FDA warns that antidepressants may increase suicidality in adults

Psychotropic Sorcery

The New Sorcery: Psychiatric Drugs


The Licit Dope Epidemic

Stay away from psych drugs

This was just uploaded today (Thursday 06/22/2023)

The Dark Side of Psychiatric Medications

Medicating Normal Documentary

Here's Medicating Normal YouTube channel

Bellevue Inside Out documentary

Here's another mental institution documentary

Now, why did Vigilant Citizen get rid of this? Using food & medicine to dumb down society.

Here's a website to back up.

Psychiatry calls Jesus a paranoid schizophrenic, Supraphrenic!

Look @ this history of psychiatry.

See? That's proof that Jesus Christ was a Targeted Individual! Don't they callus schizo & crazy?

The pharisees even falsely called him crazy & demon possessed!

John 10:20
β€œAnd many of them said, He hath a devil, and is mad; why hear ye him?”

King James Version (KJV)

This is about as close to proof of my gang stalking that anyone can get. & y'all STILL ignore me, dismiss me & call me crazy or a fake Targeted Individual! Which one of us is breaking the law?

Wow? This fake "pastor" must be a gang stalking satanic pedophile freemason!

My pastor told me that targeted individuals are going to hell. What is a targeted individual?

I don't fully agree with everything said on the website below. πŸ‘‡ Stay away from psych meds! But this has some helpful information for people to be compassionate towards those labeled "mentally ill". Read the articles + the comments. I don't agree with all of the comments, either.

Look up the King James Version equivalent to the scriptures in the website right above.

Shucks! Narcissistic abuse CAUSES mental "illness"! Crazy making & gaslighting! They harass & provoke you to insanity, & then make it like as if you're crazy & need medication. 

Here are some narcissistic abuse websites to help you heal & get some closure.

Don't let narcissists in the church destroy your salvation & relationship with Jesus Christ. It almost killed me.

Here's a video I just did (06/21/2023).

Why the narcissist wants you medicated

Here's an ebook I wrote about not being yet fully healed from my past traumas.

"Let It Go!"

You can read it for free at the link above, or you can support & purchase here. Your choice.

Prozac is 94% fluoride, & Lexapro is 90%. Look it up. Fluoride is considered the devil's poison. Fluoride was used during the Holocaust to dumb down the Jews, making them docile & easier to control.

Charlotte Iserbyt has her hands in the Masonic pyramid!

Thankfully, I was never institutionalized while in foster care, but the abusive, narcissistic fake foster mom & the psychiatrist used to make those threats, ever since elementary school. Funny how they never threatened to have my twin sister locked up in the mental institution. Ever! (@ least, I don't think so.) After adulthood, wicked people would even create lies & setups to get me locked up. I hate that I even voluntarily put myself there a couple of times. I didn't know any better back then. I will NEVER voluntarily check in to the mental ward again, for as long as I live!

I hated how narcissistic abusers would force you to see a psychiatrist & take medicine, & then turn around & tell you that you use your medication side effects or your mental "disorders" as an excuse for "bad" behavior, when the symptoms of the disorders ARE the behaviors! Whenever a psychotropic drug says anti-xyz, it CAUSES the very same thing that they falsely claim that they're trying to prevent. Anti "depressants" actually CAUSE suicidal depression! 1 of the dangerous side effects, huh? 

They're the ones who weaponize labeling you with xyz mental "disorder" because they can't control or manipulate you. Then they get mad at you for living vicariously through your label or diagnosis. Well, I thought that this is what you wanted out of me! πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ They try to experiment on your soul & play God with your life. They want you to worship & have faith in a toxic pill for earthly "salvation"! & that's STILL not even good enough! You take your "medicine" religiously & faithfully, in front of their face, & they STILL spread false smear campaigns that you never take your medicine. 

1 thing I never understood was, how the VICTIM of trauma, crime or abuse is considered as "mentally ill", but never the perpetrator. If you get raped, then why are you forced to see a psychiatrist & take medicine, & no one believes your rape story truth? If you eyewitnessed your mother being murdered tragically, & you suffer normal grief, then you're forced to be put on antidepressants. 

I don't understand why Black families are playing into the Nazi eugenics agenda, when psychiatry has Nazi, racist origin. Even communist. It's Satanic! Black families weaponize psychiatry against their own people. It's usually abusive, narcissistic masonic money-hungry ghetto sellouts who are jealous of the one they're scapegoating. The SAME Black people who speak against the White man or "dem White folk"! Or they call White people, "Blue eyed devils"! 

The game that they play is, they take out a life insurance policy on you without your knowledge or consent. Then, they smear campaign or slander you. Get you put on the gang stalking terrorist watchlist. Manipulate you to believe you're crazy. Force you to see a psychiatrist & take medicine. They pick an argument or a fight with you or meddle in your business for no reason. When you stand up to them or speak out against their abuse, they make jail threats or threats to get you locked up in the mental institution, calling you crazy. The altercation escalates, & then they play victim, over exaggerate & lie to the cops. They make bogus, outlandish lies, on purpose, so that when you become hysterical, the cops will feel justified in shooting & killing you. If the cops don't end up killing you, the narc family member would lie about what happened, making you out to look crazy, & then have their fake flying monkey cult vigilantes come to play police. Yeah, like Jordan Neely & Daniel Penny! Or, they set you up like Shanquella Robinson or Kenneka Jenkins! Your family members & the masonic voodoo witchcraft cult would do all types of rituals to make sure your sacrifice & murder is complete! Then, after you're DEAD, they fraudulently & illegally STEAL all the undeserved fake "sympathy" for themselves! The attention is more on them, than you. They get all the fundraisers, protests, etc. Pretending like they're seeking "answers" about what happened. & then you hear, "Justice for Candy Grandpre"! Now all of a sudden, everyone "cares"! Now, "Oh, Candy was such a beautiful, kind, sweet soul with a heart of gold!" When Candy was alive, she was fat, greedy, crazy, a liar, a fraud, a scammer, a fake Christian, a child molester, a drug dealer, you name it! Now that she's dead, she's as close to perfection that you can get! Getting all this money, profiting off of my death. Gang Stalkers have been making both overt & subliminal death threats at me lately. I may be still alive, but y'all got blood on your hands already! The Bible says that hate is murder, & it talks about hands that shed innocent blood.

The MAIN abusive, narcissistic ghetto sellout gang stalking family members hyperventilating over your casket, sobbing! You never appreciated me when I was alive! & the narc family members who took you out get all the fake money, gifts, attention & sympathy by speaking fake good words about you, because they don't want to look bad or be found out! I'm not the demon or monster that the REAL demons & monsters falsely make me out to be!

The cops are abusive narcissistic sex trafficking gang stalking freemasons! (Here's my blog post about cops. 

Masonic Police & Police Brutality Exposed
on November 09, 2022

Here's a video of police being Masonic.

Fraternal Order of Police - Freemasonry Connection

Police Are Terrorists

Another Video: Police Are Terrorists

The Blackumentary

The Blackumentary 2.0

Police abuse against Blacks

9-year old girl pepper sprayed

Racist cops nearly kill grandma who tried to protect her son

Cops handcuff man after they shoot & kill him

Cops Gone Wild

Psychopath Edition

Domestic Terrorist Edition

Bully Edition

Masonic Order of Police

Recording Police Brutality

UVA Police Brutality

If I come across more information, I will update this blog. Please copy & paste the links. 

Update: 11/11/2022

Update: 11/20/2022

An inmate gets jumped by sheriffs in jail.

Update: 11/21/2022

The Iceman Cometh - Police Gang Stalking

Wow! I'm so proud of myself. LOL!

Here's a video of someone saying that I owned the cops. What a RELIEF for people to defend me!

Here's my original video of the above. Pt. 2.

Here's Part 1 of them siccing the cops on me.

In school, children are fed fake GMO junk food. Then, they start behaving poorly & get put on ADHD meds. They even get into fights, & there's always police. Schools & mental facilities are prisons. The side effects make the children depressed. After they're depressed, they're given stimulants. Then they're diagnosed with bipolar & get put on mood stabilizers, & then they're diagnosed with schizophrenia. Then schizoaffective. See where that's going? All so Big Pharma can keep lining their pockets. Add in fluoride, vaccines (fake COVID-19, anyone!?), chemtrails, etc. It's all destroying humanity. 

Narcissistic abusers in "authority" or their fake, delusional "authority", are the ones who are sexually perverted. Back then, homosexuality was considered as mental illness. It was taken out of the DSM handbook. Funny that nowadays, abusive, narcissistic promiscuous thots/whores, sodomites &/or transgenders are the MAIN ones who say that I'm greedy for food & crazy & need medication. Strange how they would force me to see a psychiatrist & take medicine that makes me overeat & gain weight without even trying! 

Then, they want to play like a hit dog that hollered & play victim when they call you fat, greedy, crazy, etc. & you strike back with the reactive abuse, they're the "victims" that need protection. Especially on social media! I can't call them sluts, whores, dykes & faggots! When I call them "sodomites" like the King James Version Holy Bible does, they mock & laugh at my "antiquated" terminology! 

Why isn't it considered a slur when you fat shame or call someone schizo, weird, freak, because of lies being told about you? Due to this gang stalking, I've been outright called a TERRORIST! Why isn't it considered a slur when people try to call me mentally off, slow & retarded? It should be considered a mental illness discrimination slur for you to call someone "attention-seeking"! You just want to discredit & shut down the truth! 

These abusive, narcissistic gang stalking trolls are the PARANOID ones, because they stalk everything we do, feeling that we need to be constantly watched, because they FEAR that we're going to do or say something dangerous, that we haven't done yet! We're dangerous because they're threatened by the truth. What sense does it make to provoke, stalk, harass & troll someone you consider as "mentally ill"? Go as far as to try to provoke a target to go to such extremes as a mass shooting or suicide, with this fake, retarded Nazi, racist eugenics & MK Ultra mind control bullshit? Why keep trying, for no reason, to provoke us to rage & keep torturing us, if we're so "dangerous"? If you feel like I'm developmentally delayed & mentally inept, then why would you abuse, harass & bully me? 

This TED Talk video condones gang stalking. Disgusting!

Why are we stalking you? To keep you out of jail.

Innocent Americans being targeted.

The gang stalking cult network call you crazy & block you from surviving or living life, trying to play God. They try to beat you into submission until you join.

Gang Stalking Confession

In middle school, I used to always get told, "Go take your crazy pills!" & as an adult, I would get told, "You crazy bitch, go take your medicine!"

During my sophomore year in high school, my Spanish teacher thought I died, because I couldn't wake up. 3 times in my life, I've had moments where the side effects of the psych meds made me sleep so hard that people feared that I was dead. The medications make you feel like you're about to DIE! The meds make you sleep & eat a lot, & they make you aggressive.

I mentioned about how the former foster mom still controlled my life & abused me after I turned 18. Still controlling my mental health after I went to college. She was the one who (I HIGHLY speculate) was my mind control handler & got me put on the gang stalking list, for revenge! I talked about her abuse in my foster care ebook. Biological family members picked up where the foster mom left off, with the abuse, including & especially my TWIN SISTER! 

My twin sister was also abused, but she copied the dirty ways of all of our abusers! She carbon copied their mannerisms & personality. My twin sister delusionally believes she's my handler. She's a perp, too! Gaslighting, discrediting, slandering & isolating me. Making sure I have no friends or support. Fake wannabe queen of lies, false rumors & smear campaigns! 

The older I got, the more weight I gained on those psych meds. At one point, I would just keep gaining & gaining weight without even trying. Tell me how you gain weight, just eating lettuce & walking 60 blocks a day! & people would still falsely accuse me of being fat & greedy & overeating, calling me triggering names ON PURPOSE, trying to get underneath my skin. & when I snap or lash out, then they're the "victim" who deserves all of your sympathy! 

It wasn't until suffering homelessness in New York City, in 2006, after Hurricane Katrina & after I graduated from college that the former foster mom put lies into the minds of the mental health shelter staff when they helped try to get me a copy of my birth certificate. The former foster mom wanted me watched, monitored & controlled under surveillance ever since I was little. She would have everyone to stalk & spy on everything I do, & then report back to her. They would even lie & over exaggerate, just to get me in more trouble. When they started gang stalking me at the mental health shelter in New York, that's when they kept putting me in the mental institution. I've NEVER been in the mental institution before November 2006! 

I think in 2007, 2009, 2010 & 2011, I voluntarily put myself in the mental hospital. Never again in life will I betray myself & do such a thing! That's a PROMISE! In 2006, 2007 & 2010, I was put there against my will. After such abuse, gang stalking & attempted murder, I tried everything I could, to break away from EVERY aspect of psychiatry & the mental health system. I even stopped mental health staff from coming to my house. I would let them waste their gas to drive 2 hours from Oklahoma to Texas & make a blank trip. They eventually left me alone! You end up coming out of a mental health therapist's office, feeling more hurt than when you went in. Because of foster care, I don't trust or like anyone with the title of LCSW or social worker. I hate them like fake Jehovah's Witnesses & other cult members! 

I was able to FINALLY break away from the mental health system FOR GOOD, after I got my Section 8 housing in 2012 in Los Angeles (probably around February or March 2012), & I found out that the fake Kedren Mental Health staff were putting out false documentation about me, even when I was gone. They would lie about me doing such bad behavior at so-called therapist appointments, when I wasn't even there. The fake Scientology CCHR cult exposed Kedren Mental Health for fraud, but they're fraudulent, themselves! 

The fake Kedren Mental Health place is no longer a mental clinic, but they're some other health clinic now. The fake case managers used to try to lure & recruit "patients", the same way that fake Mormon & fake Jehovah's Witness cult members would recruit people to join. Kedren operated like a fraudulent, money-hungry prison scam cult! I was oppressed & abused at MHMR in Denton, Texas, as well. The ENTIRE psychiatric system is a human trafficking fraud, & it perpetuates more MK Ultra mind control! They're out here killing people! 

In 2016 or 2017, I had to go to the emergency room in Greenville, SC. The doctor forced me against my will to take a Xanax pill because people were gang stalking me in the waiting room. Other than that, I took Luvox pills for a day or 2 in 2012. I mostly quit taking medicine in 2011. I've been pill-free, & I don't even take Benadryl anymore. I don't take sleep aids. I don't take pharmaceuticals at all anymore. Except for, recently, I got me some topical wart medicine strips because I didn't have the transportation to get to the grocery store to get me some apple cider vinegar, but I eventually got me some of the vinegar. 

Well, there you have it. That's a summary of my mental health system experiences, which are all tied in together with the gang stalking, forced homelessness & poverty, narcissistic abuse, blacklisting, human trafficking, etc. Jesus Christ is our only hope & protection. I'm far from perfect, but @ least I don't pledge allegiance to wickedness & destroying innocent lives! I guarantee you that this ebook will piss the gang stalkers off even MORE! What else do I have to lose? Everything is recorded in Heaven. I humbly admit that I'm not worthy to go to Heaven, but I'm trying to get closer to God & improve myself spiritually.


Hopefully, my blog & Ko-fi can help me make a living, stay off the streets & survive.

I'm keeping my fundraiser up, since this roof over my head isn't permanent or guaranteed, due to the gang stalking.

#TargetedIndividual #GangStalking #WritingCommunity #Christians

$PsychWorld35 CashApp

Please sign my new petition.

Even though I have all of my writings on my blog & Ko-Fi for free, you can also support me by purchasing my e-books, if you choose to.

Update: As of 04/06/2023, I'm no longer #homeless on the streets, but my finances are VERY tight. 




Please help a single, #disabled female make her own living. Please spread the word & share. I appreciate the support. I love you. Thank you so much!