The TI Community Ganging Up On Me

On Monday, July 17, about a week ago, I started on writing a blog post about my gang stalking suffering during the fake COVID-19 scamdemic. (I had just started working on it, so I have a long way to go.) I mentioned about gang stalkers coughing on me. Now keep in mind, I haven't published that post yet.

This person, named Katascha White on TikTok told me in my video about the boniato sweet potato empanadas, "Well, you could edit out the perp cough." She didn't unfollow or block me after she said that. She stayed following me, but I explained myself, & she ignored me. So I blocked her.

I don't know if she personally felt triggered by me coughing, & I didn't intentionally try to trigger anyone. I cleared my throat at the beginning of the video & didn't even realize. I was clearing the hard mucus in my throat that keeps getting produced by the tooth abscess. Also, many times throughout the years, I've cleared my throat because of tics from my Tourette's. I'm pretty sure I cleared my throat in many previous videos, & nobody said anything. 

Somebody called Katascha out, accusing her of being a masonic gang stalking insider or something like that. Then her account got banned. I went looking for her, not realizing that her account was banned. I didn't think she got hateful & blocked me. Then she got a new TikTok account, & we followed each other, & she DM'ed me, explaining about her account being banned, & she told me that she also lost her job. Then, she CashApp'ed me $10. Everything was cool until she falsely accused me of having a "perp cough", when it wasn't a cough at all. I cleared my throat. AGAIN. Not perping anyone, but because of the mucus.

I said this on Twitter.

"Someone on TikTok falsely accused me of having a "perp cough", due to the hard mucus from my tooth abscess, when I was clearing my throat. Wow! People can't be sick?

Yet, someone accused her of being a masonic disinformation agent.



& I quote tweeted with saying, 

"Also, I may sometimes clear my throat, due to tics from my Tourette's."

Here's a website that explains this.,involuntary%20swearing%20(called%20coprolalia).

"Simple vocal tics can be throat clearing, sniffing, or grunting. Complex vocal tics can involve calling out, repeating other people's words (a condition called echolalia), or involuntary swearing (called coprolalia)."

I just now tweeted, "It saddens me that my Tourette's tics are falsely mistaken for perp tactics. I'm falsely accused of being a #gangstalker when I'm heavily targeted, just like you."

There are 2 screenshots attached to the tweet.

When I did my 1st TikTok Livestream back in June (last month), that Mesa person kept getting mad at me & telling me to stop clearing my throat. She didn't block, unfollow or falsely accuse me of being a perp. I'm pretty sure I explained the same thing to her, as well about the mucus & stuff. The gang stalkers falsely reported that Livestream, so I can't access it. She did a video about the gang stalking, & people got mad at her because her dog kept barking. She private messaged me & told me that I should ignore the perps. She also would tell me to empty my mind & meditate. I told her that I can't do that, being a Christian. She kept insisting.

But everyone keeps falsely accusing me of being "fake" & lying, saying that I'm not a TI. & then they proceed with bullying, harassing, ganging up & calling me mentally ill, schizo, crazy, demon-possessed, a witch & everything else. 

People ghost or ignore me whenever I show them this video.

I put that in my pinned post on TikTok, & nobody cared to like, share, spread the word, duet, stich, circulate, defend or nothing. 

I thought TikTok was a place where the real TI's were remaining, since nearly everybody on YouTube is fake & hate my guts. Over time, I started noticing TI's on TikTok becoming fake & selling out. Everyone started unfollowing & blocking me in droves. Sam, with the TikTok link @fiftyfourseventeen blocked me for no reason, as well. She would always throw up πŸ‘Œ&🀟/🀘hand signs, while falsely professing to be Christian. She sold out. 

That Philip Dean person used to DM/private message me a video to share almost every day. He even asked me to pray for him, & I did. On the new account, he blocked me for no reason. There was a guy who said that pdean120 USED TO BE targeted, & then sold out & became a perp. It looked like he's still being heavily targeted. He's @fdhaynesti1772 on YouTube. He even blocked me on there. I never did the man anything.

When someone calls another TI a "perp", I don't take it at face value & then run with it. I investigate, for myself because popular fakes bully & gang up on real TI's, who are isolated. & they narcissistically abuse us & falsely accuse us of being fake or an agent. In the beginning, I used to blindly believe that if I heard the rumor spread. But then I learned to not do that anymore. Popular fakes, bullying me, (using projection) falsely accuse me of being a fake perp agent & then turn around & start perping the shit out of me. They just want to look for excuses to justify hating my guts. They already hated me.

On the evening of 07/20/2023 either Stefan Adams or Star Bricker falsely reported my TikTok video exposing the truth about them. They waited until a day later after it was posted. I appealed the video, & the appeal got instantly rejected. Then, I received an account warning. So, to try to protect & preserve my account, I made it private. I also created a backup TikTok account. TikTok suggested for me to appeal more videos. The fake Darnell Williams perp falsely reported multiple videos & thought it was funny. There was a video that I appealed that TikTok never responded to. I didn't realize that there was another video he falsely reported that I didn't appeal because I wasn't aware. He falsely reported it for fraud & scams, for no reason. The instant I tried to appeal it, TikTok wrongfully banned/blocked it @ 3:30 AM on Friday 07/21/2023. 

As I said, Star Bricker & Stefan Adams waited until a day later to falsely report a video that I did on 07/19/2023. Star has a history of falsely reporting & trolling my content, & Stefan Adams bragged about falsely reporting 1 of my blogs. & he lied & twisted everything, LIKE what a narcissistic abuser would do. Then, he tried to gaslight & lie, saying that he never reported that TikTok video. Well, who did, then? Either you or Star with fake backup accounts to stalk everything I do. Y'all are some SICK demons!

Then, I was harassed & abused really heavy by in-person gang stalkers. 1 of them threatened me. On the night of 07/21/2023, I was harassed by a fake TI perp, named MiChal the Awoke Goddess or something like that on YouTube. She started harassing & attacking me for no reason. Unprovoked. 

I got fed up with TikTok & said I wasn't doing it anymore. After that, I tried to give it another chance. When the pdean guy blocked me, I felt discouraged & wanted to give up again. TikTok wouldn't let me delete this new account, but I deleted it off my phone. This new account showed me how betrayed & hated I was, just like a Facebook experience all over again. TikTok saved me from blogging so much, but it looks like I will have to go back to blogging more often. I guess it would give me something productive to do. Blogging, journaling & writing more often. This small town is very boring, with inconvenient transportation. 

The last straw was when fake retarded "Paula Chicken", Paul Tusun (Paul Boykin) falsely accused me of being a perp & then favorited the video, so he could smear campaign & weaponize my own video against me. Then he felt hurt at me doing a video, calling him a narcissistic abuser. Well, you falsely accused me of being a perp, & you were bullying me. & you ARE a narcissistic abuser! We're going through the same thing, Paul! You're mentally off, slow & retarded with a speech impediment, trying to be a hood gangsta! I called myself trying to be supportive of you, motherfucker! You're narcissistic, high-minded, arrogant, closed-minded & stubborn! You owe me an apology! You wear ENTIRE red hoodies, throw up Satanic hand signs πŸ‘ŒπŸ€ŸπŸ€˜ & masonic pyramid, & call people crazy. You said you believe in God, but not the Bible or Jesus Christ. You reject the talk about V2K & microchips, calling it "crazy talk". This is the same idiot that said that gang stalkers have a right to shoot & kill TI's if a TI were to run up on a perp! Who's side are you on, Paul?

But he does shit like this.

Chasing people, threatening to kill them! 

This is his YouTube. @paultusun48 

Always talking about women's rights, but you're sitting here bullying & picking on me! You're starting to act like the popular fakes, Paul!

Paul falsely accused me of being a perp because of my earbuds & clearing my throat. It's understandable, but that wasn't my intention or purpose. He didn't unfollow or block me, but I unfollowed/blocked him on every platform that I had. I was talking about the video with that fake Awoke Goddess perp, & there he falsely accused me of being a perp. He acts like a know-it-all cerebral narcissist. Talking about how he can tell who's a real TI, a fake TI & a paid TI. I thought he felt like I was a real TI. 

That's my video explaining my situation.

After I did that video, Paul did a fake follow-up video & tagged me.

The hardcore butch man-dyke popular fake TI perp "A Fraudulent Journey" @TheeTargetedJourney falsely called me mentally ill & the sex trafficking gang stalkers agreed with her fake comment. She also lied on me, saying that I was unappreciative of her donations. I bet you that Paul would like & heart her post & say, "Facts"!, rather than recognizing her as the actual perp & blocking her. He's even subscribed to some fake TI perps on YouTube! πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ But you're so arrogant about your claim that you know a real from a fake. Paul, you took me the wrong way! I wasn't trying to perp you. I explained that Amazon made it to where the red mp3 player was the only 1 available, & that the red earbuds were the only ones on sale. I would've love to have purple or turquoise. But you hypocritically wear a RED hoodie!

Update: I'm glad that Paul defended me, saying that I'm not mentally ill, but just stressed due to the gang stalking. Also, another person defended me about having PTSD.

& J Demon Rotten Shit lied on me, saying, "Candy has been perping me for years.", when I haven't even known her for that long.

You wouldn't be a real TI & then call anyone psychiatric slurs! A Fraudulent Journey! She's just calling me crazy because she doesn't like me. I'm surprised you're not bullying & picking on Paul & calling him crazy. We all talk about the same targeting experiences. Everyone who exposes gang stalking gets called looney. I remember seeing a community post of her flaunting off a lot of cash! 

Refer to this.

Targeted Individuals Wearing RED
on September 09, 2022