I Cured Myself Of Lupus From Swine Flu Shot

Written 09/21-22/2023:

Hello, everyone. In this blog post, I want to talk about my personal experiences with the Swine Flu shot causing me Lupus. 

I talk a little bit about my Lupus experience in this video from yesterday.


I'm not sure if they will strike my YouTube channel if I talk about the Swine Flu shot, so I'll talk about it here. I had already took the shot before I heard ANYTHING about the truth about it being bad for you. 

I didn't know the truth back then. This narcissistic guy, named Nathan Brown, whom I went to school with, warned me right after the fact. He was known to be voted for "class clown" in school & joked too much, but he was a rude asshole towards me. So, when he told me about the shot being bad for you, I thought it was 1 of his jokes again. I think he even got mad & blocked me on Facebook. I guess he was awakened to the truth before me. 

I heard about the young female cheerleader, that went viral, who had dystonia from the Swine Flu shot. Ok. Her name was Desiree Jennings or something like that. The mainstream media tried to call it a hoax. The nurse Tiffany Dover & the fake COVID-19 vaccine video was somewhat similar. They said that that was also a hoax. I'm awakened to the truth now, & I will NEVER voluntary take a vaccine or wear a fake mask again! 

I heard about people getting sick as a dog AFTER taking that swine flu shot. Some people said it was the Mark of the Beast. I later heard that the swine flu shot is NOT the Mark of the Beast. Now, people say that the fake COVID-19 clot shot is the mark. 

Well, I wouldn't be surprised if YouTube deleted the video, but there was a video where, back in 2009, a female military soldier (not sure what branch) warned everyone against the swine flu shot. I cannot find the video at all. I think she was trying to tell people that it was the Mark of the Beast. I feel bad because it was after I took the shot & found out any truth. I wish I could find the video. If so, I will come back & link it here. 

I feared, for a long time, that I took the Mark of the Beast & was doomed to hell, because of taking the swine flu shot. I wasn't a Christian yet when I took the shot. Some people call the COVID masks "Mask of the Beast". They said that there was graphene oxide in the KN95 masks. I didn't know. I didn't end up with loss of sense of taste or smell until AFTER wearing those masks! I'm never wearing a mask again! I heard that some people were able to get rid of the graphene oxide by taking bentonite clay or pine needle extract. I never tried the pine needle extract, but I ordered it online. I recently gave it away, though. 

I fear that the fact that I was ever bullied & forced to wear a mask, that I'm not considered as "pure blood" enough. I never took the COVID tests or vaccines, though. People who took the clot shot, I don't look down on them or think that I'm better than them. I feel bad for them. I wish they were more receptive to the truth. Some of them either were forced or didn't know. 

My Gang Stalking Experiences With COVID-19

on August 29, 2023


Pt. 2


Pt. 3


In my PERSONAL experience, I don't remember the date, but I took the swine flu shot. Obama was telling everyone that it was MANDATORY. They lied & said that it was "free", but I remember they tried to charge me thousands of dollars, after I took the shot. I don't remember whether or not I took the shot once or twice. All of this happened BEFORE I found out the truth & woke up to the Illuminati New World Order & their depopulation agendas. I will NEVER take another vaccine anymore, for as long as I live. & that's a PROMISE! I'm not even taking any more regular flu shots or even tuberculosis tests. 

The swine flu shot weakened my immune system, & I believe that that was the cause for me suffering Lupus. I was diagnosed by the nurse practitioner, Vanessa Avrutis Epperson in Denton, TX. (She eventually became a perp AFTER my Lupus diagnosis.) I didn't suffer any heart issues. I didn't hear about graphene oxide being in the swine flu shot. 

In 2010, I felt VERY suicidal depressed almost all year, but I think it was from different personal issues, aside from the shot. It wasn't until at least April of 2010, that was the earliest that I remember with feeling the effects of the vaccine. I wasn't diagnosed with Lupus until 2011. I don't remember what month, but it was before June, before I became homeless. 

I remember feeling symptoms of what was described as metal. My bones felt like steel. My entire body hurt so badly that I couldn't move. I would describe it as a metallic pain. I had BAD candidiasis. I would have missed menstrual periods. I remember that I couldn't be out in the sun. They said that being out in the sun made the symptoms worse. I couldn't walk, & nobody wanted to help me. They would do all kinds of medical gaslighting at the emergency room. One day they would tell me that I tested positive for Lupus, & then the next ER trip, they would say that I DO NOT have it, & then tell me that the last time was probably a false "positive". Mrs. Vanessa, herself, was doing that to me, as well. She acted like she didn't want to write a letter on letterhead to prove my diagnosis. She wanted to refer me to a rheumatologist. She also said that I have arthritis symptoms. She tried to prescribe me Nexium, & I was concerned because she said that the side effects could cause stomach bleeding. I was like, "Hell no!"

I remember all the times that the Lupus symptoms would flare up, & no one wanted to help me. So many sadistic, abusive narcs & gang stalkers around. Abuse everywhere, & no one wanted to help me. Mrs. Vanessa, herself, told me that there was NO cure for Lupus, & that people could die prematurely from it. Foster mom & biological family members didn't give a damn. I heard that the condition is devastating. My Lupus was so bad that I had to walk with a walker at 28 years old. It was the WORST, suffering such a condition while HOMELESS.

Once I got off the streets, got that Section 8 housing, & started trying to take detox baths, eat natural & take supplements, I have NO MORE Lupus flare-ups. I can GLADLY say that I CURED myself of Lupus! I was able to detox that swine flu poison out of my body! I heard that it's not so easy for people who took the COVID shot. I heard that they have the mRNA & also microchip.



June 29, 2020 by Cynthia


My COVID-19 Reality ebook (FREE DOWNLOAD)
on January 01, 2022


*Excuse me. The gang stalking network has caused me sleep deprivation for the past 1 1/2 weeks. Almost 2 weeks. I tried my best, with working on writing this blog post.