I'm Not The Only 1 Frustrated About Noise

Look what someone else had to say.

Quieter vehicles = more advanced technology.

Why does anyone want to have a loud vehicle? Do they want recognition for being annoying, obnoxious, causing disruption and hearing damage?

I have not met a single intelligent or quality person that has a loud vehicle. If you think you have it’s because intelligence is relative.
Intelligent people don’t damaged pathways for them to collect information — eyes and ears being the main two.

It was just the people wearing mirrored sunglasses that had the loud vehicles but now it seems all of uneducated/unrefined people have decided to make it their anthem.

The stage crew for a traveling band at the music hall in Pensacola described the loud vehicles/no mufflers driving by constantly as “the loudest ******** contest”

I want everyone to get a muffler. The police should arrest and ticket for this as it’s a noise ordinance violation; battery upon the ear drums causing permanent hearing damage to themselves and people and animals; it’s also against the vehicle noise pollution act and Pensacola noise ordinances:

Almost none of these people play a musical instrument but have certainly forfeited the potential to master one. What’s criminal is that they are forfeiting your chances and your kid’s chances of mastering an instrument or being able to detect the subtle nuances of a foreign language enough to become fluent in it.

Musicians who damage their hearing are inferior musicians. But most of the people with no muffler also have primitive tastes in music at best. And they have damaged their hearing as to not be able to appreciate quality music. Play your music loud so people can confirm that you have crappy taste in music as well.

These people will also give you a low quality of life in your old age with hearing difficulty. Every single time they pass you lose resolution of hearing.

The loud vehicles are frivolous. There was a study put out by Vice news that confirmed the correlation of loud vehicles to anatomical inadequacies. Which women have been saying for years — apparently it’s true. (Look it up)

If someone has a loud vehicle, you can be sure they have a gun close by. The reason why the loud noise doesn’t bother them is because they permanently damaged all of those frequency ranges of their ear already already from shooting guns without hearing protection. (Look up how much hearing loss occurs from shooting gun)

Now they are driving around damaging your hearing; your kids hearing; your dogs hearing. Downgrading your enjoyment of music and nature sounds. And for what?? Some trashy people with such low self respect that they are frivolously damaging their own hearing??? These are not the class of people that are making any lasting positive contribution to society. Stop these people!!! Disassociate with them if they don’t comply!!