Targeted Individuals Wearing RED (Revisited)

Remember this blog post?

Targeted Individuals Wearing RED
on September 09, 2022

The TI Community Ganging Up On Me

Fake Retarded Paula Chicken Strikes Again!

COVID-19 & Gang Stalking Pt. 2 + Venting

One last thing, Paul!
on August 09, 2023

Fake Mi Chal The Awoke Goddess Perp
on September 08, 2023

This is the video where he threatened me with brass knuckles & boasted about how he could wear as much red as he wants. Shame on you for being a man, bullying, harassing & threatening a WOMAN! & if you're truly a "blood" gang member, then why do you ever wear BLUE? Yeah, you're a sold out perp!

Well, this video is my response.

Well, since YOU can do it, I'm going to go back to wearing the color RED whenever I feel like it! Why is everyone siding with him, & no one calling him a hypocrite? 

Also, the gang stalkers have been using dream manipulation to cause me to have bad dreams about getting into arguments with Paul, face to face, rather than on social media. 

Paul, you're a sold out fake TI perp. You've quickly become 1 of the popular fakes! Real TI's don't BULLY! & if you were real, you would believe & support me! You go fry in hell with the rest of the fake TI perps, regular perps & other narcissistic abusers, along with your master Satan!

There! I'm giving MYSELF closure, since no one wants to listen!