2-Way Inspiration

Nova just graduated from beauty school. She always dreamed of being an entrepreneur & running her own shop. She heard about this popular Instagram star, named Vanessa, who's been famous for crafting unique hairstyles into shapes of flowers & other things. She doesn't want to be Vanessa, but she definitely feels inspired by Vanessa's talent & creativity. Very shocking & awe-inspiring. 😱

Nova prayed about launching her career & meeting up with Vanessa. She didn't think that Vanessa would reply to any of her DM's, but to her surprise, Vanessa responded right away. The conversation went like this:

Nova messaged Vanessa & said, "Hey, I hope you don't mind me calling you Ms. Nessie, but hey, Ms. Nessie. My name is Nova, & I just graduated from a prestigious beauty school in Las Vegas. Of anybody on the 'gram, you're my BIGGEST inspiration! I love you. You're my favorite sister (in my head), since I'm the only girl & the oldest child, with 4 brothers. You seem like a VERY cool person, & I would love to work with you."

Vanessa clicked on the message & smiled. She gets messages like this all the time, but something told her to click on Nova's profile. & there it was, proof of her recent diploma from the beauty school. 

Vanessa was surprised, because she always wanted to travel to Las Vegas. She wanted to know if it's really true about people saying, "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas". But she switched her mind, thinking like a Christian. She saw that Nova had a bunch of Bible scriptures & inspirational posts on her Instagram page. She had to switch her mind on the thought about the excitement of "Sin City". She also reneged on her desires to go to Bourbon Street in New Orleans, where she always wanted to go. 

Vanessa felt spiritually convicted & then started reflecting on all of the sins in her life. She used to go to church every Sunday, as a child, but then stopped going after she got a certain age in adulthood. & she had been living a worldly lifestyle. 

Vanessa responded back to Nova, as Nova was in the middle of praying fervently. Nova prayed so long & so hard, that she didn't realize that Vanessa responded back to her 4 hours ago. Nova had been praying for 5 hours! & her prayers were answered in the middle of her praying! 

Vanessa responded back, "You know, I get thousands of DM's, & I looked at your profile. I want to say, first off, congratulations on doing your thang! 2nd off, this is a 2-way inspiration, because you also inspired me just by looking at your profile. You inspired me to turn back to my 1st love. The Lord. I can teach you this hair business, & you can help keep me on my toes as an accountability partner with staying close to God. Is that a deal? BTW, I always wanted to go to Las Vegas, but for the wrong reasons. We've inspired each other. Let's do this!"

Vanessa actually booked a plane ticket to go & meet Nova. She felt both excitement & guilt at the same time. Vanessa went into Nova's living room, where she does hair. Vanessa actually let Nova "audition" by giving her (Vanessa) 1 of her (Nova's) favorite hairstyles that she saw Vanessa do on Instagram. Vanessa was shocked because Nova perfected the hairstyle. Vanessa got a winner. 

Vanessa told Nova, "You do hair almost BETTER than me! Yes. God blessed our hands with the talent to do unique, healthy hairstyles." 

Vanessa always joked that she could do everyone else's hair better than she can do her own hair, but Nova is able to do her own hair very well. A style that Vanessa could do on everyone else's hair, but not her own, Nova did on her hair. Hairstyle shaped like a tulip. 

After that, they did more praying. After praying, they came up with an idea to do a ministry where they would help cancer, leukemia & alopecia patients to naturally heal their ailments & also restore & grow their hair back healthy, long & strong. They also did soul winning for Jesus Christ. They both grew their business & their ministry together. Not only were the women's hair, confidence & "self-esteem" restored, but also their souls.