I've had ENOUGH of Dykester! 😡😠🤬😭🖕

I don't have the freedom of speech to say what I need to on YouTube, so I will say what I say on here. I don't care who I piss off, or how politically "incorrect" I sound. I'm FED UP! IDGAF! 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕

Multiple people in the TI community have told me that my twin sister sold her soul to the devil, & that she's part of the Order of the Eastern Star. People have said that she's an initiated witch. She's also STILL part of the fake, Masonic IDMR cult. She's a PERP, plain & simple. She's too mentally off, slow & retarded to be a damn "handler". & she's being controlled, herself. Mind controlled. But she knows EXACTLY what the fuck she's doing! She's an abusive, manipulative narcissist & a bully. How the fuck are you gonna be both the "handler" AND the "victim"? 

All these narcissistic, control freak fake TI perps AND regular perps SEE me being targeted & abused, & they would rather defend wickedness & switch the narrative. Lying & saying that "I'm" the demonic perp, & that she's the targeted, chosen one. No one is awake? No one? No one sees me being a REAL targeted individual, being gang stalked, harassed & tortured daily? They watch me being abused & targeted, & then keep siding with not only her, but also other perps & freemasons. They want me to just shut up, ignore everything & take the abuse. Once the fake TI perps betray me, they rub it in my face about how they can be more loyal to my twin sister & her DEVOUT cult followers. 

1st of all, people SEE my twin sister's tactics. Her ENTIRE YouTube channel @fye83 is dedicated to trying to mock & discredit my targeting. If the general public is blind, then I can understand that. But fuckie fuckle fuck! Why is everyone in the so-called TI community pretending to be sooooo BLIND? (They're vibrating my body as I type this, & I'm also sleep deprived.) They hate me, avoid me act like perps, & lie & say that I'm NOT a TI! THEY pretend to be targeted, sold out & keep trying to gaslight me. Doing everything that perps do, while pretending to still be targeted. They sold out! Lying & saying that they're God's chosen elect, 144,000, etc. THEY have nice houses, cars, food, loving families. They're popular & well-liked. The popular fakes. THEY are NOT suffering or going through hell! THEY are NOT being sabotaged! They never had a taste of the mental institution, jail or homelessness/poverty a day in their lives! A $50,000/year job salary? You're a popular, successful business owner who's not being hindered? You throw up Masonic/Satanic hand signs. You're a New Ager. You practice witchcraft, too! Pretending to be a saved, holy "Christian", while flaunting off 1-eye symbolism & promoting 1111, 777 & 333. & you delusionally believe you're going to be "raptured", while defending devil worshippers, police, pedophiles, sex traffickers & the Luciferian LGBTQIA+ cult. You're CONTENT with seeing Candy Grandpre be abused, & you even get orgasmic over it. You also want me to burn in hell SO BADLY! 

Y'all even hypocritically call me schizophrenic & make it your wet dream for me to get jailed, institutionalized or murdered, just like the perps do. While STILL getting some targeting & harassment yourselves. THAT'S what I don't get! Y'all even make justifications & excuses for my twin sister, perps & freemasons. Mind controlled/AI, my ass! The majority of the so-called TI community sold out when the fake COVID-19 scamdemic hit in 2020. I even recently saw someone say on a blog posted back in 2010, 2011, 2012 that the majority of the TI community sold out, flipped, joined the dark side & became perps. I even see the fake HALF "loyal" pseudo-supporters in the TI community who PRETEND to have my back, but will go ALL out for the popular fakes. So much idolatry towards the abusive, narcissistic popular fakes in the TI community. & many of the TOP popular fakes in the TI community are freemasons, witches, New Agers, etc. Ain't NOBODY truly got my back 100%. Folks won't listen to me. The narcissistic, control freak popular fakes is the reason why I don't even have ONE PERSON in the TI community who would give me the time of the day! & the sex trafficking regular perps be like, "Even the TI community thinks she's nuts! Hahaha!" It shouldn't be this way. The majority of the TI community compromised, caved in & sold out. Bullying, harassing, slandering & gang stalking a fellow TI. Siding with the perps. When they treat me like this, they're more powerful & effective at making me end up feeling more suicidal than the attacks from the regular perps. & their venomous brutality with words is incomprehensible. Fake TI perps even try to act like woke leftists @ being offended @ me "bashing" the gay community & illegals. Other TI's bash & speak against illegals & gay people, too. Nobody calls them racist or homophobic. 

My twin sister is part of how my targeting began, right there in foster care. Me & her NEVER got along! Just like with the fake TI perps, if you know what it feels like to be abused, & you can't stand it, then why would you go & perform such SAME abuse on someone who's going through the same thing you're going through? Y'all pretend to fake "preach" the DO UNTO OTHERS rule, yet hypocritically don't follow it, yourselves.

Here's a list of gang stalking tactics that my twin sister does to me, & this isn't even everything she does: (She also tells her fake, retarded cult following flying monkey cheerleaders how to abuse me. Her perp abuse & narcissistic abuse is all ONE IN THE SAME! Some fake TI perps have even become her cult followers. Y'all profess to be Christian, yet y'all applaud sodomy relationships.)

1) She bullies & narcissistically abuses me. Performs ALL of the narcissist tactics, yet lies to people & says that "I'm" the narcissist. She acts like she delusionally believes she's an "authority" figure over me, & depends on her cult followers to police my mental health & my "behavior".

2) Just about everything she says about me is a lie. It took me over 20 years to realize that the mentally slow, crazy biological family members hate me because she LIED ON ME before I could meet them! I have no friends because SHE LIED ON ME, & she loves hijacking my friends, for herself. Yep. Lies false rumors & smear campaigns.

3) She works closely with the online sex trafficking predators, not caring how DANGEROUS these people are! She finds all of their abuses, offenses & harassment towards me to be hilarious & amusing entertainment! Defending & agreeing with internet STRANGERS, to go against your OWN twin sister! Yet, she lies to people & says, "Candy is NOT loyal!" But she has NEVER been loyal to me a day in her ENTIRE life of 40 & 1/2 + years! She is DESPERATE for the entire world to hate me! 

4) She loves trying to gaslight & discredit. Making fake follow-up videos & community posts to turn my truths into her lies. Like what she recently did with the IHOP situation.

5) She perps with the red. ALWAYS!

6) She perps me with AALIYAH!

7) She calls me crazy & schizophrenic, & she lies to people, saying that I'm a scammer who's pretending to be targeted & homeless, just for pity, attention & money. & also lies & says that I want to live in luxury off of other people's hard-earned money. She helped her cult followers set me up to get wrongfully banned from places, like the airport & helps to sabotage my jobs & housing. Keeping me FORCED homeless! She also stalks & criticizes my ebooks & short stories, where I can make a living, & she even calls THAT scam & fraud. She got too many enablers for her abuse. People always ask me, "Candy. Why is your twin sister always putting you down?" Why is it that, any method for me to fight to live & survive is a scam & fraud, even with me trying to make an honest living with W-2 employment? But if I were to be aggressively trying to commit suicide, then that's proof that I'm crazy? She applauds her cult followers for talking about how they want me put to death like a rabid dog. 

8) She sees me suffering & being tortured, yet will not help, & she also tells everyone else to not help me. She donates to internet STRANGERS, while sadistically watching me suffer & praying for my imminent demise. She thinks I deserve to get jailed , institutionalized, beat up or murdered, but I'm forbidden & not allowed to tell her that she's going to hell!

9) She loves to mock my suffering. She recently mocked me going to jail & also mocked me being homeless. She went THOSE LENGTHS to do that to me! She pretends to the TI community that she's the persecuted, targeted individual victim, while simultaneously running around, lying & saying, "gang stalking isn't real". & falsely calling me crazy & schizophrenic. 

10) I'm appalled at how cutthroat, cold-blooded, cold-blooded & cruel she is. No compassion, mercy, forgiveness, empathy, sympathy, or any type of love or care towards me. She seeks NEVER-ENDING revenge. She has her knee on my neck & won't let up. She wants me dead & says that she doesn't want to be a twin anymore. She's quick to forgive everyone else, except for me. She does anything to hurt, antagonize, provoke & get underneath my skin. She delusionally believes she has the fake "authority" to discipline & punish me. Who gave her that "authority"? Why don't I have the authority or the right to restrict, control & punish her, & I'm the OLDER twin? If Tiara did all that stuff to her, then why are they still together? Why does she deserve forgiveness? Why does my twin sister hate me, based on her own lies that she created, + creates a new lie on me every time we get into an argument? Imagine hating your own twin sister so much that you criminalize her surviving. That you criminalize her eating! & I will NEVER forget when she mentioned, "You see that GoFundMe you got up there? You might wanna leave it up there for your burial!" & when she told me over the phone, "You go live with Aaliyah in her grave, you sick fuck!" She thinks I'm mentally sick for speaking the truth, yet has never called me a "conspiracy theorist". 

11) Everything about her is fake & just an act! 

12) She encourages her cult followers to thumbs down all of my videos, while she does the same. 

13) She picked up where the former foster mom left off, with the narcissistic abuse.

14) She hypocritically condemns me for the same faults & flaws that she has. She's a fat, greedy pig, also. 

15) She tells her cult followers how to trigger me. She tells them my weaknesses, secrets & triggers, & how to provoke & antagonize me, yet she also tries to make it like, I shouldn't blame her for anything they're doing. I get cussed out & harassed almost every day about Raven. If it was true that I molested Raven, then why do you laugh, joke & find that shit funny?

She delusionally believes she's my "handler", yet tries to think she can play the role of both handler & victim @ the same time. 

16) She tells her cult followers how to harass me with numbers that I hate. 

17) She tells her cult followers to trigger me with the word GREEDY, when she's obese, too!

18) She can't handle it when people do her the same way she's been hypocritically telling her cult followers to do to me. When she beat & raped her new girlfriend, Tiara, & Livestreamed it on YouTube, she couldn't handle receiving the same bullying & harassment from her cult followers who betrayed her. She also couldn't handle being called "crazy". 

19) She liked & hearted the fake Darnell Williams perp glorifying freemasonry. 

20) She's also 1 of the sex trafficking perps. She has her OWN YouTube cult of damn near 10,000 followers & counting, which centers around bullying & gang stalking me. I'm forbidden & not allowed to tell the truth. Her cult following flying monkeys grew ever since she beat & raped Tiara. & she got let off after going to jail, because that was a fake street theater tactic to try to scare me & keep me in line. No criminal charges? Yet, everyone is SO aggressively pushing for ME to go to jail for the "trespassing", which was also a satanic ritual gang stalking setup? 

Why is she content with online strangers bullying, stalking, following, harassing, setting up & framing me? Why is she content with the sex & prostitution jokes that they make about me? Why is she content with them talking about sacrificing me & taking my soul? Why does she keep harassing me, right along with them, about the red velvet cake? Why does she laugh & joke right along with them, PERIOD? Why is she content with me suffering & starving, while she can cook & eat as many meals as she wants? Why is ok for her to celebrate birthday & do cooking/eating videos, but I'm greedy if I do it? Why do her cult following flying monkeys microscopically count my calories & financial donations, but not hers? Why does she hypocritically beg & panhandle online & have her CashApp in her YouTube bio? Do you think she's reporting her donations to the Veterans Affairs? Does she report her gang stalking incentives to the VA? Why is she allowed to get donations, when she has a place to live & a car, but I'm forbidden & not allowed to have a hotel night out of life-threatening weather? Keep in mind. I think her VA benefits are probably at least $5,000/month, while my SSI/Social Security combined is $963/month, & I get wrongfully permanently banned & gang stalked from everywhere. I can never stay anywhere for long. After 5 days of hotel + basic necessities, I'm back broke again for the rest of the month & then have to resort to begging & panhandling both online & in person. Why am I forbidden & not allowed to have ONE person to be supportive of me during my targeting experiences, yet she can have THOUSANDS, & then get popular from LYING? Why is she trying to silence the truth? & she keeps weaponizing my past & childhood against me, when she got flaws, too! & she thinks I'm supposed to be a fearful, obedient, compliant slave of hers. She abuses me with the same tactics of domestic violence couples. She has ZERO fear of me, & she doesn't feel like she has to do anything I tell her to do. 

Why does she push the false narrative about me being "racist" against Mexicans, which isn't true. (I eat Mexican food all the time. & I am traumatized by the racist abuse from the Los Angeles & Texas Mexicans inflicted on ME when I was living@ those places. I even went to Mexico in 2015. They loved me & didn't want me to leave, & even treated me MUCH better that the people in Costa Rica. I got along very well with the Mexicans of East Los Angeles & the Christian Mexicans. The Mexicans in Bloomington, TX were even prejudice of me & had a reputation for being racist against Blacks!) Yet, she has said bad things about illegal Mexicans, her DAMN self? & she pretends to fake "passionately" hate racism? Yet, she used to bully, harass & laugh @ me, talking about me wanting to be White when we were kids? But it was OK for her to be color-struck, & she still is? 

How can she lie & say that I act like I think I'm better than other homeless, every time I point out whenever homeless people gang stalk me, & I call them "demonic, dirty, homeless perps"? 

How come she acts like she thinks she's better, superior, more worthy & more deserving than me? & she gets that from foster care abuse! How can she be prejudice against her own twin sister, but hated not being accepted by the family, herself? She knows what that feels like. She will put everyone, including her worst enemies against her own damn twin sister! But "I'm" the one who's so sick in the head, right? She defends those Masonic, smelly Craft family members against me, when they give ZERO fucks about either of us! & she's STILL walking around here with Stockholm Syndrome towards our abusers. Why can't we come together & expose fake Adrienne Felder's abuse? Nope, my twin sister defends her, too. She's still fucking scared of that lady! Well, if it weren't for the fake foster mom Adrienne Felder, my twin sister wouldn't be perping & abusing me, today. The former foster mom helped her sell out & betray me. 

& she lied on me about Blake & switched up her story, just like she did with Cody & Raven. That is the reason why drunk lady Yvonne wants nothing to do with me. & she got dirty Wanda, Wyatt to help her lie. That ol' dirty bitch! Dirty Wanda is a fake, retarded, 2-faced coward! You should be protecting your sisters, not backstabbing & betraying them! Wyatt is a damn devil worshipper! & HE will do anything for money! My entire family has betrayed me & sold me out for the New World Order! 

Well, it looks like this angry blog rant is about the only vindication, justification & closure that I will get, since no one else will support or help! No one wants to wake up. No one cares. The BIGGEST & the REAL disgrace is that you would rather be loyal to a gang stalking masonic sex trafficking cult for money, than to support your own twin sister! But "I'm" the one who's evil? 

As usual , I'm sorry if this sounds any kind of "incoherent" or repetitive because of me being sleep deprived & the perps vibrating my body, trying to FORCE me to stop writing.