Targeted By the Psych World (Fiction Version)

This is a fictional short story version of a small family being gang stalked & targeted by the psych world. In this particular short story, the main character is NOT me. & I'm not any character in this story. 

Here's my 1st self-published e-book, entitled "Gang Stalked & Targeted By The Psych World".

The free version:

Gang Stalked & Targeted by the Psych World FREE EBOOK (Slightly updated 01/01/2022)
on January 01, 2022

Due to the Gang Stalking, some of my YouTube & a few other links aren't available (but some still work). I apologize for the inconvenience.

& if you would like to, you have the free will option to choose whether or not you would like to purchase the e-book to help me earn an honest living. The gang stalking cult traffickers are the ones putting fake "bad" reviews on all of my e-books. They're angry @ not being able to rob me of my soul, so they falsely accuse me of being a scammer & a grifter. Part of the gang stalking fake smear campaigns, keeping me forced homeless & keeping me from making a living. Keeping me with no support. My mere existence & my survival are "scams" to them. They make death threats & references at me daily.

Ok, here's the short story.

2 brothers (not twins), named Jairo & Cairo, are 4 years apart. They recently woke up to the fact that the strange things that they are experiencing are called "gang stalking". They believe that their abusive, narcissistic deadbeat dad, Adonis, got them and their mother Savannah, put on the list, for revenge; because he didn't want to pay child support. Adonis was also upset that the 2 boys felt safer & preferred to live with their mother. 

After the child support started rolling in, Savannah & her 2 sons started to experience directed energy weapon attacks. The boys would get random nosebleeds, out of nowhere. Savannah's body would vibrate a lot, & she would feel pressure on her head. All 3 of them would experience laser burns. Cairo was experiencing the V2K voices, while Jairo was on remote neural monitoring. Drones would hover over their house every single night. Savannah was forced to lose her job & depend on government assistance, due to the sleep deprivation. She tried everything in her might, to avoid her & her 2 sons becoming homeless.

All of Savannah's close friends suddenly started to betray her, one by one. The 2 boys started getting bullied at school. Neighbors would spy on her every move & make noise 24/7, without a break. Family members started calling her crazy & wouldn't believe her. CPS was sent to harass Savannah several times a month, but luckily she knows her rights. Prayer also has been helping. Savannah was stalked, followed & harassed by her local police everywhere she went. The FBI kept ignoring her cries for help. 

Savannah was trying to figure out whether or not Adonis was part of some weird cult or something. She couldn't put her finger on it. Strangers always follow her with 1 headlight & red cars. They always wear clothes with red & blue or red & black. She wonders why her parents & siblings joined & suddenly wanted nothing to do with her. She emotionally beat herself up & was looking for answers & closure for years. 

The boys cried a lot. They were too young to figure out what was going on. They were targeted so heavily that they were forced to be taken out of school & had to be homeschooled. No amount of school or psychiatric counseling helped. 

Savannah realized that seemingly everyone in society was trying to run her off of the Earth. They sabotaged everything her & her sons tried to do, in order to try to live & survive. This definitely felt like an alternative form of prison that they didn't deserve. They're innocent. 

Savannah had to stay strong & fight the good fight for her boys. Many times, she wanted to give up. Many times, the boys wanted to give up, as well. But faith in God kept them stronger.


**My heart goes out to everyone who is going through this targeting. This fiction short story is dedicated to the UNCORRUPTED Targeted Individuals going through this. Please. Whatever you do, do NOT sell out or let them succeed @ beating you into submission. & don't let them force you to unalive yourself. It's hard, but Jesus Christ is keeping me stronger. 

Here's my fundraiser, if you wish to donate. Your free will. No compulsion.

Here's my petition. It doesn't cost anything to sign it.