Timberwood Relapse

Started on 05/24/2024

Timberwood: Short Stories Edition - Vol. 42

I, Nola Bordelon, found out that my best & ONLY friend, Kristina, separated from her husband, Tharen. She was tired of the abuse. Tired of the manipulation. Tired of the control & keeping tabs. Tired of the secrecy, lies & gaslighting. The last time he put her hands on her was the LAST straw! 

So now, she has to figure out how to survive without him. She was plotting on a way to get to keep the kids, yet she doesn't have an income, once separating from her husband. So, he snuck behind her back & handed the kids over to Timberwood. I'm pretty sure he did this to spite her, for malicious revenge. But of course, he tried to make it like he had no other alternative. 

The 1st 4 children aren't for him, but the twins & the last little boy are his. The 1st 4 children's father, Matthew, is deceased. Tharen always says, "The older 4 children are MINE, because 'I' take CARE of them!" The children were forced to get a little taste of Timberwood, & they HATED everything about it & kept resisting. The Timberwood cult members felt VERY threatened by the children's resistance. The kids always heard their mother, Kristina, speak negatively about the cult. She got out before they were born. 

There are people leaving Timberwood, & there are people joining. Some have left & then relapsed. Others have been secretly planted, paid agents the WHOLE time. More like controlled opposition. The lines are blurred. You can't really tell. What are the cult members bribing, manipulating & threatening people with? 

We made ourselves to be the "outcast clique", & that was more like separating the sheep from the goats & pointing out the tares amongst the wheat, with the members who got out. The outcast clique, which I'm a part of, is the group of members who left & are glad. We have NOTHING to miss, & we won't look back. We're called the "crazy" ones. What happened to all of us fighting against the cult & being in this struggle TOGETHER? Some of the former members seem like as if they're playing both sides. 

We wonder if Tracie's evil bitch ass has something to do with it. Or Kristina's former schoolmate, Kelvin Banks AKA "Garfield". Garfield acts like a slick, swindling snake oil or car salesman, with getting new recruits to join the cult. I guess he uses manipulation & intimidation/fear tactics to get people to join. Or maybe they're blinded by his charming personality or his sea green eyes. Yes, his eyes look like the color of a glossy, shiny version of 1 of the 64 crayons out of the Crayola box. He even got another former schoolmate, Scott Radner, to join. 

Did Tracie have something to do with getting her ex-boyfriend, Carlos, to relapse & rejoin, or did somebody else beat him into submission? Or was he spooked after hearing about what happened to Tracie's uncle, Earl Price, on Tiffany Banquero's birthday? All that Carlos's current fiancee', Sarah, sacrificed with supporting him. They have an infant child together. All of this took a severe toll on Sarah, mentally. He secretly broke up with her behind closed doors & joined behind her back, with the new baby. Sarah is DEVASTATED! Wait until Carlos finds out that he's in SERIOUS jeopardy because he found out that the price is wrong, & not right. Basically, Carlos sold his soul like Tracie, Garfield & everyone else. Smh! 

Tracie's cousin, Earl Price, Jr. AKA "Kurl", was at a loss for words. But all he was able to do was give Carlos the cussing out & the tell off of his life! He wanted to put hands on him. He wonders how someone who stands 6"8' tall can be such a coward. They went through HELL for so many years. Even suffered homelessness for over a decade. Being blacklisted from employment. Couldn't even get a driver's license. Kurl wonders why his best friend, Carlos, didn't stick with the battle to stay out of the cult. Kurl & Carlos are no longer friends. 

Are Tracie & Garfield the evil power couple with brainwashing & manipulating former members to relapse? Are they putting Voodoo or witchcraft spells on people? Did Tharen PRETEND to relapse to get back at his wife, Kristina, or did he relapse for real, for the same reason that Carlos relapsed? Feeling like he was backed into a corner & had no other choice? Was Timberwood responsible for the marriage split? Did Taschika & her husband, Cornelius, rejoin? 

Kristina's kids were terrified & traumatized by their experience with the cult for just a few days. They BEG their mom not to let them go back. Kristina tries everything she can, to prevent them from going back. She never wanted them to be there in the 1st place. 

One day, Kristina discovered that her children were missing from the home. She found out that Tharen brought them to Timberwood. In a justified rage, she went there, trying to fight to get her kids back. She feared that she lost them for good, but thankfully, she didn't. The cult members got the police to give her an official no-tresspass ban from the building, being banned forever, or else she would go to jail. This turned out to be a blessing in disguise, because this will ensure that Kristina will NEVER rejoin. She has no desire to ever rejoin them again, anyway. The cops thought she was crazy for telling them that her kids were kidnapped. The cult already gang stalks her & falsely smear campaigns her as a mentally unstable, unfit mother. When she threatened with a lawsuit & told the cops off about their fake qualified immunity, they got spooked & told the cult members to release the children back to her. Thankfully, she got all 7 of her kids back. But neither the cult members nor Tharen were criminally charged or arrested for kidnapping or child trafficking. That's because the fake, Masonic Fraternal Order of Police cops are getting paid big bucks to work FOR the cult! Timberwood is very Masonic, as well. 

I guess Timberwood copied off of the fake Jehovah's Witness cult with having a founder with the last name, Russell, which is no surprise. Russell is 1 of the names of the 13 bloodlines of the Illuminati. Timberwood is Illuminati, just like ALL cults. See the connection? Mr. Russell from Timberwood is deceased, just like Charles Taze Russell from the fake JW cult. There's now a new Timberwood cult CEO, Dr. Pearline Hamilton. Under Russell, there was no such thing as being banned from Timberwood. But under the new cult leader, Kristina got banned from ALL Timberwood cult property for the rest of her life. Everyone has been shocked & outraged. Now, other former members are trying to see what they can do, ON PURPOSE, to get banned forever like Kristina, to ensure that they stay away.