Lone Stalker Called 80 Times A Day

Here's a video that Inside Edition did, exposing this guy stalking & harassing women. He's another telephone scatalogia perp.

Real Estate Agent Says Stalker Called Her 80 Times A Day 


So, of course they have some people in the comments doing some victim blaming, yet others support the women & RIGHTFULLY call the guy a SICKO! It's because he's a LONE stalker harassing & trolling innocent people. 

I spent almost an hour searching for a video that I think I did last year, talking about the difference between a lone stalker vs. multiple stalkers.

Ok. This is the closest that I found. Repeat offender with gang stalking noise harassment campaign. Lone offender vs. multiple.


But I thought I did a DIFFERENT video, that I can't find, about when there's 1 lone stalker who's harassing you vs. MULTIPLE.

Basically, when 1 person stalks you, you get taken seriously & believed. & they call the lone stalker mentally unhinged. But when MULTIPLE people stalk 1 person, it's the ONE victim who's never believed or taken seriously. & the lone VICTIM is called the "crazy" one. When you're raped only once, people take you seriously & believe you. 

Many narcissistic abusers fell like, "You can only get raped ONCE, & after that, you put yourself in the position, & you're NOT a victim!" The fake former foster mom Adrienne Felder used to always tell me that. & I remember when I saw Katt Williams say the exact same thing when asked about the Bill Cosby situation. & I lost ALL FORMS OF RESPECT for Katt Williams & then started to hate him like I hate Whore Beyonce', Gay-Z, Illuminati Fag 'Marion (Omarion from B2K) & Chilli Hoes (Chilli from TLC). But I never had any talks with Katt Williams. But I hated him for so long because of what he said about rape. But I heard that he was accused of raping a woman before. I also feel the same way about Venus & Serena Williams. I forgot which 1 of them victim blamed a college student who was raped. 

I heard about women in the TI community being victims of sex trafficking. & now, there's someone in the TI community who mentions about rape trafficking. They drug & rape her every night. Just like MK Ultra sex kitten programming & drugging. Remember me telling about being raped by the fake freemason Derwin Owes? I was also raped by Charles Reneaux, that Giovanni guy, a Mexican guy named Mario, someone named Eric Keith Jefferson, & most recently Jarockis Sinkfield back in 2020, right before the fake COVID-19 scam began. I also got raped by a few guys whose names I didn't know. Sex trafficking perps victim blame & lie & say that we WANTED to be raped. & they falsely accuse us of NOT being victims. There was something else I wanted to say, but it slipped my mind.

When Narcissists Rape
on April 25, 2022


How Narcissists Handle Rape Reports
on April 25, 2022


I feel SO uncomfortable being forced outside & forced HOMELESS, being surveiled every night by MEN! 

Before this online harasser revealed his fake "identity" I just used to call him the Telephone Scatalogia perp. & then when he revealed his fake identity, he lied & said that his name was Darnell Williams. & he told me that his "real" name is Marcelle Thibodeaux. But that's another fake name. How is he unsearchable on Google? I hope the fake Darnell Williams perp doesn't find & rape me. He has the personality of the type of person, where I would end up being a victim of TRUE CRIME, or if you might find me dead & being talked about on the Black Girl Unlost YouTube channel. I told y'all how he illegally tracks & stalks every hotel I stay in. He admitted to tracking & stalking me, & I put that in a YouTube community post, as well. I turn off my location, & he still illegally finds me.

Here are some fake, harassing emails he recently sent. Oh, wait! I blocked him. But I'm pretty sure I have screenshots. Lemme go see if I put them on Twitter/X.

They're now trying a new #gangstalking tactic to alter my audio in my videos to say things I didn't say, in addition to using AI or some other fake technology to alter my pictures to look Satanic/demonic. You can see my twin sister working with the traffickers to mock me.


More lies to have me wrongfully permanently banned from more hotels. You see he recently publicized the address of my most recent hotel stay.




Why do #gangstalkers say stuff like this, if they're not involved in #sextrafficking? & this is the perp who wants me to die like a rabid dog.


Ok. This is the fake Darnell Williams perp sexually harassing via email. How did he get ALL of my email addresses?

If the #gangstalkers aren't #sextraffickers, then why are both men & women sexually harassing me? Also the fake Aquarium Doris perp sexually harassing me, as well. If this isn't the fake Aquarium Doris perp, then I'm not sure who this is. This sounds like a ghetto perp. Not like the civilized Black people. Like the ghetto ones. I heard that the fake Aquarium Doris perp is a White girl, though.


More sexual harassment via email.

#sextrafficking #gangstalkers 

I don't consent to this, & they do nothing but lie & make up 💩.


The fake Aquarium Doris perp told me this last year.


If your circle stays unbroken Then you're a lucky one cause it never has for me, In the palace of the Virgin Lies the chalice of the Soul And it's likely you might find the answer there. Come with Me and I'll give you desires, but first you've got to burn in Fire🔥. Aquarium Doris🤘"

My #narcissistic #gangstalking twin sister is obese/overweight, just like me. But she sends her #cult following #flyingmonkeys to try to call me GREEDY. They want me undeservingly punished with starvation. The perps count my calories, but not hers. I'm #homeless. She's not.


Online #sextrafficking #gangstalkers illegally tracking my location & finding out & publicizing the hotels I stay in, & then they lie to hotels to have me wrongfully banned. I'm showing y'all what they're doing!

These are the same #cult members who got me falsely arrested!


I have it in the community post on YouTube, but I can't access it on Twitter about the fake Aquarium Doris perp bragging about invoking demons for my demise & also talking about that I should make the "right" decision & join the kingdom of darkness. I have the screenshots, though.

Remember when Alex du Pre' told me all of this?

Alex du Pré
New Orleans is plenty big enough for the both of us. You take the North and I take the South, that's our territories ok? No crossing the line and we can be at peace. Ok?

Alex du Pré
Look I am sorry ok. It's been a bad few months for me. I remember when I first met you, I think it was last September. You were saying something into your phone about God and Jesus and I got very angry because of that. I am a Freemason and I don't support Jesus as I think he was a false prophet. I got my freemason friends to help me out playing games on you like telling the people in hotels you were at that you were a thief and a drug addict. I remember one time I even told someone to only add a splash of hot milk to your cereal because I know you like it cold and plentiful. I don't like Jesus and God because God doesn't support my choice in partners and he says me and my boyfriend would go to hell. My boyfriend is in law enforcement and he helped me out a lot. Anyway I am sorry for what happened. You can come back now if you want, although I won't pay you any money ok because I don't give money to followers of Jesus.

Sargent Stalker
Hey Have you seen my cousin Alex, lately? He’s been missing for 2 days.All I have found out so far is he got into a argument with a group of T.I over his bus seat. I’m asking you because he sent a few emails awhile back about you so I thought you might have seen or heard something. He always spoke highly about you & how much he loved your personality & hated how they forced him to perp on you constantly. Alex never was a bad guy he just took a wrong path and got a bad deal that he can’t escape. Almost 30 years ago when we were young and fresh out of school he got tricked into joining the occult.They did strange ceremonies on him and finally after few years they drew out his most wanted desires in life. He admitted that he wanted to travel the entire world & see everything his god had made, everything he could before he left this earth.That night they performed a blood letting dance and a sacrifice ceremony and the Masonic 33 took out his soul for his wish to travel the world and see all the incredible things his god had made for us, but it was a trick & they took his soul & spread it & binded it to 33 bus routes only in the southeast.Forcing him to become a never ending perpetrator. He was trapped doing only those routes day after day seeing the same places over & over always working as a demonic puppet for the Masons.He picks up 1 piece of his soul back up at each route 1 per day he picks his soul back up until the last of the month, that’s why he is so much nicer late into each month, but the trap is he could never pick up all 33 by the end of the month to break the cursement & he just starts over every month more evil than before. The one thing they never knew is he was worried all along about them taking his soul & tricking him so the year before we went to old VOO-DO Priestess deep in New Orleans woods & she removed 1% of his soul so they could never fully own him she binded it inside a doll that I still hold to this very day. I’m worried because our 1 chance to get Alex’s soul back begins in August which has 31 days & this year there is 6 half-red blood moons in August also which will bring the extra daytime/night transference he needs onto the timeline to count as 24 hrs so all together that will make a time in August 2020 of 32 days exactly what we need to free my cousin from this hell he has been suffering through all these years. If you see or hear anything at all please immediately put out a message for us. Stay Strong.

Candyland Watcher
Damn girl....someone playing you like a banjo. They watched your vids and made up something to trigger every single thing you talk about. Not the real person, a troll or a poe or something, but not real. Don't fall for it. I found the "Alex" post on the blog and it's the same guy writing both. They waiting for you to have a breakdown, knowing you are always alert to Alex so he can get you arrested. It's a set up.

Alex Cuz
Candy, Great News, I’m still looking for Alex but I just came back from the Elites Mansion Estates.They sent me to make you another offer that will get u off the streets for good. They said if you take a deal to become one of their Lady of Nights for only 6 months they will remove your name from the Targeted Individual list & provide u with your very own house in New Orleans centered in the middle of 2 acres of land. They didn’t tell me all the details but I’m sure they will be expecting you service some of the high ranking members or famous singers & movie stars probably like Adam Sandler & Howard Stern.If you want to accept the offer all u need to do is go on Charles de Merovingian s Facebook page & type the letter Y in the chat box which will be immediately deleted. Nobody would ever know if u decided to flip.Its ur decision but think about it. Just trade 6 months of your time to live the rest of your life out in peace. Think about yourself for once & make the right decision.

I was so fascinated by Alex's cousin's story about his soul being split into 33 pieces and him having to travel 33 bus routes to collect all the pieces of his soul together to reassemble them so he can be freed. The fact that Alex is only allowed to travel on one bus per day and there aren't 33 days in a month means his soul can never be reassembled and he is doomed to spend eternity on the buses. I used to know Alex du Pre when we were in our 20's but I never understood what he was talking about when he tried to explain to me why he traveled the bus routes all day. I tried to help him find a job but he always said that he had to carry on with Soul Collecting. These Voodoo Blood Magic rituals are Satanic. Candy please stay away from those Voodoo Gangstalkers, they are the worst. I am worried they might try doing to you what they did to Alex du Pre. If you see them coming just walk the other way, don't even acknowledge them, they aren't worth your time. Take care Candy, I hope things go better for you soon.

Alex Du Pre added a comment on your post:
“Candy, get out of the library and go to work. ”

See? This right here is probably the fake Darnell Williams perp. September 29, 2021.

Alex Du Pre
When the police get here you tell them that! When the police get here you tell them that! When the police get here you tell them that! When the police get here you tell them that! When the police get here you tell them that! When the police get here you tell them that! When the police get here you tell them that! When the police get here you tell them that! When the police get here you tell them that! When the police get here you tell them that!

Alex Du Pre
Winnie the Pooh is a fraud! Don't donate to her fake cause!

Graciela Salinas
Charles de Merovingian is a demon in human form. He is one of the most powerful people at Textron.

AJ aka Audrey
You ask ... are you all for real? The answer is .. NO!!!! You're getting trolled. The trolling isn't the reason for your F'd up life ... that's your own doing. People call you a child because you ARE!! You refuses to get a job when plenty were available because of stupid stuff like noise harassment etc? Why should anyone feel sorry for you? If anything we should be glad that you're on the streets because you're such a useless CHILD

Karen Shaw
You're getting nothing from me. You waste all the money that people send you. That's what Charles de Merovingian and Alex du Pre told me on Facebook anyway.

Karen Shaw
Targeted By The Psych World I am sorry. You need to fight back against them. If you stay off of Facebook they'll keep attacking you. They will defeat you if you don't sign up to defend yourself, half your allies are already gone :-(

*I wasn't even on Facebook as of June 3, 2020.

Karen Shaw
Targeted By The Psych World That's a great idea. You used to be really popular and about to go viral. But they started attacking you on Facebook at about 50 subs, after that they were suppressing you from a different platform. Let me know if you have any problems getting back on to Facebook to fight them, I can help. That Charles de Merovingian guy needs to pay for what he did to you.

Charles de Merovingian
I've seen bad things written about you on Facebook

Kobe BBB
They are trying to discredit you on the Facebook forums again, they are saying you betrayed the TI's and that you are getting paid $100 for every TI you sell out. A guy called Charles de Merovingian is behind it. He is one of the gangstalker leaders.

This sounds like a sincere TI giving good advice, but you never know, with people playing psych games.

TI 1000
Hi Candy, I’ve heard of that Charles de Merovingian before, people say he’s the devil reincarnate a very evil being, you need to keep your bible close if your name is on that list. I think the Elite are planning something big by the end of this year. Looks like those names are on the no touch torture program & the gangstalkers are getting bonus money to flip as many as possible this summer. No matter what they offer you don’t sign alway your soul. Never give in, we will when this fight.

New post on Gang Stalked by the Psych World

03 03 2020 Blog #40: I found out his name
by Psych World
The chief Gang Stalker fag. His name is Alex. I heard he's retired Navy & gets a check every month. This is the homosexual who carries a pink duffel bag & the same guy who called the police on me. The same guy who told me that the police have me under surveillance. Now, he goes to LITERALLY every place of business in town to tell people lies on me. He doesn't even know me! The faggot has been gang stalking me since September!

Charles de Merovingian commented 

You know that your reputation is now in ruins, the T.I. community has now turned against you because they think you are a perpetrator. We stopped you just before you went viral, it is always easier to crack an egg than to kill an Eagle. Why not join us? $43 an hour is very good pay. Come and talk on my Facebook page and we can arrange a deal.

Alex du Pré commented 

Stop blocking me. I am trying to work out a deal.

Kimberly Harper had a change of heart. Why is her stalking normal, then?

I said, "Gang Stalker Alex Dupre’ must want my soul. He’s an admitted gay Freemason!"

More slander & lies. No WONDER no one is trying to help me! So, a perp stealing $102.60 from the money someone gave me means that it's ME wasting money?

Alex, what happened? Liar! See? When I ignore his propositions, the attacks get worse! What happened to this, Alex? This is like, high school bullying NEVER left me!

Seems like these #GangStalking perps all know each other. How in the HELL did Chief Handler find my damn blog? I haven't posted in about 2 weeks, & IMMEDIATELY after I just posted on my blog I get harassed. He knows stalker Alex du Pre'.

Vice Handler IS Charles de Merovingian!


Everything Stars15k is saying is a lie. Where's my right to sue & punish her?

Chief Handler commented on 07 11 2020 

Sorry but Alex du Pré gets my money

Kimberly Harper commented on 06 15 2020 

I hate that you have to endure this type of bs... It's obvious that he's stalking and harassing you, I don't understand. Maybe he likes you or something. But this isn't normal.... AT ALL!!!!! Stay true to yourself!!! GOD BLESS!!!! ✌🏽❤✊🏾🙏🏽💪🏾

Here's who the REAL Darnell Williams is. I thought I remember that the actual Darnell Williams is an Afro-British actor. Not sure if he passed away. 

Ok. The actual actor, Darnell Williams, is still alive.


Ok, & I just now found out that there's also a rapper, named Darnell Williams.


I just saw that there was someone from here in New Orleans with that same name who got shot & killed @ 17.


I once saw online that someone in Louisiana. I forgot what his 1st name was, but his middle name is Marcelle, & his last name is Thibodeaux. He was a convicted pedophile. He was a skinny White dude. I can't find the website about him.

Ok. Here's someone named Marcel Thibodeaux.


Here's another person.


This fake "Darnell Williams" perp falsely calls me "Greedy Grandperp" & keeps comparing me to pigs, but he sounds obese, himself. He keeps harassing me. Him & the fake Aquarium Doris perp admit that they harass me because I refuse to sell out. They frequently harass me, & they lie & say that I DID sell out. They turned other TI's against me & had them perping & narcissistically abusing me. Just like with the airport, he teamed up with the other perps to have me wrongfully permanently banned from ALL Wyndham Hotels because of THIS...


Here's what happened this past Monday. They STRATEGICALLY waited until this past week, the week of the court date, to take this OLD video above, to falsely report.



The Telephone Scatalogia Perp
on August 18, 2022

You know what? On this blog post, I think that the fake "Young Lord" perp that I mentioned was the fake Darnell Williams perp SICKO posing as Alex du Pre'. Last time I saw or heard from Alex was September 2021.


The fake Darnell Williams perp retarded narcissistically & fake self-righteously, fraudulently & illegally used fake TextNow #'s to harass me several times a day. Over the phone, he harassed me so much that I was FORCED to have to change my #. & I had to change my # for other reasons, as well. Blocking his # repeatedly didn't do any good. A couple of days ago, he threatened to illegally obtain my current phone #. I hate that there's no way that I can share any YouTube community posts to my blog. But I also saved the screenshots. After I got my phone # changed, that's when he went ROGUE with the online stalking & harassment. My twin sister is "friends" with a Satanic sicko, yet tries to falsely paint ME as the "crazy" one! 

Here's an older blog post, talking about how everyone was trying to covet my current phone #. 

Everyone Wants My New Phone Number
on October 04, 2022


The Day My God Died Documentary
on August 21, 2022

A documentary about sex trafficking.


So, today the fake Darnell Williams perp made a fake "New" YouTube channel & lied & said that DARIUS was behind that account. & the fake Darnell Williams perp was also teaming up with Anthony recently. Anthony was teaming up with my twin sister & the fake Stephan Adams perp, as well. 

Troubled about a fake friend
on February 02, 2022


Troubled By A Fake Friend Pt. 2
on July 06, 2022


My Unhealed Past Traumas Being Exploited
on September 28, 2022


Darius tried to tell me with 1 of those LONG lectures, "You ought to consider me a RARITY of a friend! You ought to consider me a RARITY of a friend! Because MOST people aren't so forgiving!" No, Darius. You're just as FAKE as everyone else. Fake L.A. people. You are NOT different from the rest. & James Walker told me that you told him to stay away from me & not talk to me. & James told me that you were abusive & controlling towards him, too. But then, James started to get controlling & abusive towards me, & I had to cut him off, too. 

Strange how, for the past few days, I've been seeing that word "rarity". Here's 1 example. Just now.

A rarity: No state beaches have swim warnings


BECAUSE the fake Darnell Williams perp was posing as Darius today, I searched to see if Darius is currently & actively teaming up with him to harass me. I'm glad he's not. But he teamed up with the trafficking perps against me almost 2 years ago. I was shocked! But I saw some things on his fake YouTube channels that re-triggered me ALL over again. & he has been making videos subliminally talking bad about me. I haven't looked @ any of Darius's YouTube channels in over a year. I'm staying away from Darius because he's part of the fake Black Hebrew Israelites cult, & he lied to me. There was another person in the TI community, (I don't remember his name) that was associated with Darius & also part of the fake Black Hebrew Israelites cult... I recently found out that he unfollowed me on Twitter. That was the guy who was supposed to be doing a documentary. Darius succeeded @ turning people against me. So now, WHO'S the narcissist? & then, he recently did a fake video, falsely glorifying himself as an empath, while hypocritically bashing his sister. Didn't he hypocritically condemn me for speaking against my family abuse? Darius, Toni H., Anthony, Monique, 144KalaK, & Mrs. Samantha are like another Tricia. Also, that fake TI perp Queen of the South. & I STRONGLY believe that Darius is a type of controlled opposition for the freemasons. Yet, everything he did to me, he used projection & gaslighting. FUUUUUUUUUUUCK him!

How do you heal from trauma when you keep getting re-wounded several times a day? Every trauma sufferer heals at different times, in different ways & during different stages. Some of them unfortunately die unhealed. It's unfair for someone to shun you for not being healed yet. What if it takes you another year or 2 to heal? I thought that my writing & my YouTube videos, along with Bible reading & prayer, are supposed to be all part of my healing. But Darius was secretly a foe the ENTIRE time. He didn't turn. He came TO ME with an agenda! & he's so arrogant & delusionally believes he's so high & mighty, because that's how freemasons & cult members think & act. 

Darius was JUST LIKE Tracy Broadhurst & Lisa Ruby with making it like I'm going to go to hell if I die with unhealed traumas. I have NO outlet for emotional support. Darius was secretly listening to my twin sister the WHOLE time! They DEMANDED that I be healed NOW, yet kept playing psych games, using the Bible to bully, abuse & discourage me, & then they kept re-traumatizing me ALL over again! Weaponizing my traumas against me. Nobody told Darius to come in my face for a fake "friendship"! 

& Tricia never stopped stalking & harassing me. A couple of weeks ago, I heard that Tricia was doing witchcraft on me, & I heard that her & Planet Pat want me dead. I never did Planet Pat anything. 

Sex Trafficking Gang Stalking Proof
on April 17, 2023


How My Targeting Started (Blog Version)
on November 25, 2022


Gang Stalked & Targeted by the Psych World FREE EBOOK (Slightly updated 01/01/2022)
on January 01, 2022


I'm sorry I got off topic, but I'm glad I vented. I'm not scared of you narcissistic control freak fake TI perp bullies anymore! Playing both sides. Y'all already sold out!