Red Velvet Restaurant

Since the gang stalkers keep harassing me about "red velvet cake", ever since this incident...

I guess I will try to have some humor & laugh it off as part of my so-called healing trauma therapy & also trying to have some humor about gang stalkers perping me with the red. Because the undeserved jail situation 3 days later...

was a VERY traumatic situation for me, & I get the hint from fake Christian & other religious narcissists that "I'm" going to go to hell when I die, because my trauma is unhealed. I hope to heal someday. But it's hard when you perps keep abusing me every day.

So, my writing is my healing therapy. I also try to make attempts at trying to write for a living & try to EARN my way to survive, being blacklisted, targeted & FORCED homeless. 

This short story won't be very long at all. I guess you call this micro fiction, right?


Regina Oakdale, a YouTube food reviewer, loves to try out different foods around her hometown, Memphis, Tennessee. She asked her 749 subscribers for recommendations on what foods to try while traveling with her Christian Vacation Bible School church members out of state for a post-VBS Christian-based summer camp. 

Each summer after VBS, her church actually goes on a 2 week trip out of state. This summer, the trip is in Atlanta, GA. The VBS main theme for this summer is about the blood of Jesus washing away sins. Last summer, the VBS theme was about fishers of men, & afterwards, the trip was where everyone went on both fishing & swimming excursions every day for 2 weeks. 

1 of her subscribers, "Taryn Is NOT a Karen", said in the comments section, "Since you all are doing a theme about Jesus's Blood, I want you to try out an affluent brunch restaurant in town, called "Red Velvet Restaurant. Girl, it has EVERYTHING you can imagine that's red velvet related. Red velvet cake, red velvet biscuits, red velvet cream cheese chicken & waffles (where the chicken is encrusted with Dave's Hot Chicken), red velvet cheesecake, red velvet pancakes, red velvet French toast, red velvet EVERYTHING. It is TO DIE FOR! No pun intended". 

Regina did a video response, reading Taryn's comment from TikTok to put the same video on YouTube, & she got very excited. She drove the church van on her merry way, with the church members, & they all had their red VBS T-shirts on with the theme about Jesus's Blood. In her video, she sampled almost every item on the menu & loved every bite. Her children, nieces & nephews were too shy to be on camera. No one understood why Red Velvet Restaurant was struggling so hard, but many people say that there is too much competition with the other restaurants. 

Because of the video review, both the restaurant AND Regina's YouTube channel went viral, resulting in her gaining over 100,000 subscribers overnight. Red Velvet Restaurant's business began booming. The owner, Keith Constance, received a handmade gospel tract that mentioned the scripture, 

Acts 3:19
“Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord;”

King James Version (KJV)

He believes that his conversion to Jesus Christ is also what helped his business kick off. He didn't even sell his soul to the devil, either. & neither did Regina. 

After "Taryn is NOT a Karen" saw all of the success, she donated a custom YouTube Applause to Regina for $100,000 & also donated the same amount to Keith's restaurant. No GoFundMe needed.