Comparing Amazon Wishlists

I said this online.

All I'm getting is $414.60 this month (Not the usual $939 + $24). I need any & all the help I can get, & unfortunately, I will have to keep asking for help every day.


$PsychWorld35 CashApp



I'm pretty sure y'all all know, by now, about how I'm wrongfully blacklisted & workplace mobbed off of everywhere I go. Homes, jobs, wrongfully permanently banned from nearly everywhere, etc.


My Wishlist 

Candy's Survival List

My twin sister's wishlist

Now, who's the GREEDY one? Who's the one that's materialistic, hypocritical & money-hungry?

I'm the one who's forced to be homeless on the streets. & fake Social Security lowered my income. She gets probably over $5,000 per month. This month, I'm only getting $414.60.

She copied off of the abusive, retarded narcissistic biological "brother" Dirty Derricka & weaponized it against me with me telling her about how he lectured me about "material thangz" during Hurricane Katrina. In 2017, when she put me out on Facebook & then used those videos against me AGAIN & put them on YouTube, she falsely accused me of being "materialistic & money-hungry", in which she was using narcissistic projection. With her fake, retarded gay smear campaigns, she lied to her YouTube cult followers & said that I CHOOSE to be homeless, just to use pity & attention to scam & manipulate people out of money for hotel rooms & food. She lies to people & says that I want to live in luxury. & why does she need rent money, & how did she & Tiara end up homeless? 

After she found out that I exposed her as a perp in 2020, she came with a quick fake smear campaign & lied & said that I'm a fake scammer who's pretending to be targeted, just for money. She turned the ENTIRE TI community against me with LIES! 

She can be obese & talk about food all day, but she has her fake vigilante flying monkey cult followers meddling in my business, bitching about how I don't need to be eating 3 meals a day. Her fake cult followers send her $2,000 donations, while she tells people not to help me. & she encourages them to ignore my LEGITIMATE cries for help & to MAKE me suffer! 

The biggest 1-time lump sum donation I've ever gotten was $600. & that was last year. & the lady got hateful & unfollowed me on Twitter for no reason, shortly after. 

Now, people are saying that my twin sister is scamming people. Why is it OK for her to cyber beg? The fake Darnell Williams perp & other fake YouTube Livestream moderators flaunt off her Cash App & treat her like a celebrity. Some people are slowly, but surely waking up to her lies & games. 

I'm too tired & sleep deprived. It's 12:32 AM in the morning. Too tired to write, but I'm still eager to write more. I'm on the streets for the night. 


Ok, so continuing. I made the wishlist when I was living in Bloomington, TX when they had NOTHING, & I couldn't go anywhere. I'm now back in my hometown New Orleans, & can easily get most of the items on the list, in person, for probably cheaper. & I no longer have a storage unit, so I can only carry around about 1 or 2 of each item on the list. 

This is the type of stuff I've been spending my Social Security check & financial donations on, aside from food & hotel room. Not much else. On rare occasions, I might get clothes, shoes or a new phone, if I need them. I try not to ask for too much. I don't want to displease God. I try to keep in mind to NOT be covetous. I only ask for whatever I need help with, once the Social Security funds run out, for the month. When I get my Social Security &/or SSI check for the month, you never see me asking for help until after the funds have run out. It's harder being homeless here in New Orleans than when I was in Pensacola, Florida.