Alphabetical Order

Hello, everyone. Since the kiddies are back in school, I thought I would try again to practice at writing another children's short story. Bringing back memories about how we used to be denied chocolate milk until Friday at my elementary school. 


School has started. Audriana is excited because she's starting kindergarten. She feels the need to be first in line with everything, because her name starts with an "A". At times people tell her that she has to wait her turn. Sometimes, it makes her sad. She was used to her preschool, where all the kids were called in alphabetical order, according to their first names. Now, the tables are turned. She has to go by alphabetical order of last names. Unfortunately, her last name starts with a Z, so she has to be last in line. 

Her teacher, Ms. Tamika, loves to add some Bible references & even apply them to current life events. When Audriana had her meltdown about being last in line, Ms. Tamika taught her the Bible scripture: 

Matthew 20:16
“So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen.”

King James Version (KJV)

Ms. Tamika even tried to help Audriana feel better by playing Vanessa Williams's song, "Save The Best For Last". & she told Audriana that if she behaves & allows herself to be last in line to eat lunch, there will be a big surprise. 


It was bizarre, because the children were seated & roll called like this:

1) Zion Alexander 

2) Yuriko Bergeron

3) Xavier Conner 

4) Winifred Dougherty 

5) Victor Elmer 

6) Ursula Franklin 

7) Tony Garrett 

8) Sylvia Holton 

9) Ralph Ingram 

10) Quanella James 

11) Paul Kelly 

12) Olga Lopez 

13 Nicholas Martin 

14) Monica Nash

15) Lester Osorio

16) Kimberly Peterson 

17) Joshua Quiz

18) Iva Robinson 

19) Henry Summers 

20) Ginger Talltree

21) Ferdinand Ulysses 

22) Eva Vines

23) Dennis Wilson 

24) Cassandra Xavier 

25) Brandon Young 

26) Audriana Zumaya

The lunch ladies wore green aprons & were very cheerful & jolly. The students had beef stew with rice, a green apple, a biscuit, some milk & a sugar cookie for lunch. 

Audriana panicked because Brandon had the last carton of regular milk. But before Audriana could have another tantrum & cry, all the other students left, & the principal, Mr. Green, surprised her with a special kind of salted caramel flavored milk that she REALLY loved. 

Since then, she learned that good things come to those who wait.