Wyatt & Pippa Blood Sacrifice Rituals Pt. 4

I think it was on Sunday, this video popped up on my YouTube feed. I didn't even go looking for it. It must've been on God's timing. This EXACTLY describes what my perp twin sister has been doing to me lately.

A messy family member tries to turn family against you.


But, I've had MULTIPLE family members who have SUCCESSFULLY turned other family members, outsiders, extended family, friends of the family, etc. against me. & of course, with LIES!

I talked to someone, & she said that Wyatt was a great soul & 1 of the best people at (I'm not going to say where).

Another person told me that Wyatt was just found dead, & that he wasn't murdered. Just battling addiction. He said that Wyatt was dead for hours before being found. He said that Wyatt did crack & also experimented with other drugs. He wasn't sure what other drugs Wyatt dabbled into. 

I heard about Wyatt being homeless some years ago, but I didn't know he was homeless recently. 

My twin sister was the only family member who has been telling me, for years, that Wyatt was on drugs. No other family members have discussed this with me. She always mentioned about him being a crackhead & smoking embalming fluid. (But I used to hear Wyatt, himself, making fun of & laughing about other people being crackheads.) She said that him smoking embalming fluid was the reason why his skin color was MUCH darker, as the years went by. She tells so many lies, soooooo... 

Other people speculate that my twin sister blood sacrificed Wyatt, questioning about her being the last 1 to talk to him on the phone the night before he was found dead the next morning. They said that it sounds VERY fishy. 

Remember when I said that people were telling me that my twin sister blood sacrificed the dog Pippa & then got a $2,000 donation, where she was supposed to use those funds to bury the dog, but instead, she spent $300 to get Tiara $300 braids with fake masonic red hair. 

I'm going to remind y'all again. These hand signs let people know that she's a DECEIVER!


Yet, y'all still believe her lies over me telling the truth. I've been warning, for many years, that she has everyone BEWITCHED! She has everyone under a spell. SHE is the demonic narcissist! Not me. 

I wrote this on Thursday, September 19, 2024.