The Push To Perfection

Morgan Miller was always bullied in school. She had problems at home, which led to this. She was raised both Independent Fundamental Baptist & Pentecostal. Her peers always thought she was old-fashioned & weird. She was nicknamed "The Potter's Puppet" because her religiously narcissistic helicopter parents always expected everything to be their definition of "perfect". Jeanie & Clayton, are called "The Perfect Potter Parents" because they treat Morgan like a TOTAL marionette puppet doll on a string. 

1 teacher, Mr. Weston Maverick, who is also a Christian, frowned upon the nicknames because he felt like the students were trying to mock God with God being the potter & Christians being the clay. & it doesn't make anything better that Clayton is Morgan's dad's name. The students felt like Morgan's household was run like a cult, with especially Clayton being the leader. The school bullying got so bad that Morgan had to be pulled out of school & forced to be homeschooled. They treated Morgan like the movie characters, Powder & Matilda. They acted like she was some sick, weird freak from outer space. 

A boy, named Leo, caught Morgan by herself at her locker 1 day during the 3rd week of school, trying to grab her Biology & Geometry textbooks, & he asked her, "So Morgan. Please tell me you're coming to the football jamboree, the scrimmage game, the sock hop & the pep rally." Morgan didn't know whether to feel dreadful or fearful. She didn't know what to anticipate. 

The 4th period bell suddenly rang. The students came STORMING out of the classrooms. Teachers were yelling, "Walk!" The students paid the teachers no mind. They continued running & screaming, racing to their next class before the tardy bell rang. They felt like, damned if they do, & damned if they don't. No matter what, they would be set up & trapped with a detention, anyway. If they run & get to class early, they get a detention. They would still get a detention for being tardy. It was a BIG struggle, trying to be in the middle. Some students were falsely accused by teachers of "running", even when they were just walking very fast. They felt like they couldn't win. 

After Leo talked a hole in Morgan's head & asked her so many questions, he still somehow managed to get to his English Literature class on time, walking fast, but not fast enough that it would be perceived as running. Morgan cried when she was 23 seconds late to her Biology class (walking so fast that it was almost jogging), fearing that she would get written up, but her Biology teacher, Mrs. Gilchrist, knew how her parents were & tried to save her from getting into any trouble. The students got angry & jealous & started throwing tantrums, complaining that it was unfair. This led to more bullying. They tried to call Morgan, "Teacher's Pet". 

1 of Morgan's classmates, Lena, came to her defense & said, "Come on. Chill out. Y'all must not know what a teacher's pet is. She's not kissing Mrs. Gilchrist's hiney for good grades or to get out of trouble. She's in REAL danger at home, & Mrs. Gilchrist is trying to save her from disaster."

Another girl, Becky, said, "What about saving EVERYONE from getting into trouble with their strict parents? Mrs. Gilchrist is just choosing favoritism. Morgan is NOT special, & Mrs. Gilchrist just needs to stop walking on eggshells for her. What's so special about Morgan that she CAN'T get in trouble like everybody else that breaks the same rules?"

Morgan started shaking & having both an emotional meltdown & a SEVERE panic attack. She fell to her knees & collapsed. Mrs. Gilchrist had to escort her to a special, quiet room, called "The Calming Room", mainly used for autistic students who suffer meltdowns or sensory overload (although Morgan is not autistic). She tried to calm Morgan down, & they had a talk for the remainder of the class period. While Morgan & Mrs. Gilchrist were gone, there was no teacher present in the classroom, so Lena was getting picked on for defending Morgan. The other students started doodling on the chalkboard & mocking, laughing at & making insulting images of Mrs. Gilchrist, Morgan & Lena. Lena stood her ground & didn't let them push her over. Lena told the entire class off, & the students humbled themselves. 

Becky was the BIGGEST bully who kept on at it & couldn't be tamed. She tried to say, "Morgan needs to take up some drama classes so she could someday win an Oscar for her DESPERATE, attention-seeking performance! Because those crocodile tears don't work on me! I don't care WHAT y'all say! Lena, you can play teacher all you want, but I got something for that...". She was about to say the cuss word, "ass", but the principal, Mrs. Bannerwood, was passing by in the hallway & heard all the commotion. Becky tried to get smart-mouthed with Mrs. Bannerwood & tried to get physical with her. Needless to say, Becky got expelled from school for the remainder of the year, & the school year had JUST started! The tables turned, & then Becky was the talk of the school for all the school year. 

Sadly, Morgan had to be pulled out of school because of that incident. There was no difference between her parents narcissistically abusing her at home, weaponizing the Bible to manipulate & control her with the homeschooling, keeping her in fear; & her being pressured to fit in with the crowd via school peer pressure. 

After Morgan became an adult, she sought psychotherapy & mental health counseling, & was diagnosed with Complex PTSD & Generalized Anxiety Disorder. After more therapy & healing, she found out that what her parents put her through was Cult Ritual Abuse, masquerading as Biblical refinement. The so-called "Biblical refinement" was nothing based on the Bible at all. But instead, her parents cherry-picking & misusing scripture, taking passages out of context. 

Morgan decided that she would NEVER abandon God & turn atheist, no matter what trials & tribulations swing her way. She began to do some Christian witnessing at a local women's prison. & guess who was there...!


Becky looked all beat up & twice her age, while Morgan was looking radiant. Becky's prison nickname was "Becca Bear". Once Morgan was able to witness to Becky, Becky humbled herself & desired to change. Becky broke down & cried. 

One day, each prison inmate had to give their personal testimonies on how they came to Jesus Christ. Becky told everyone about that day when Morgan was pulled out of school & then started to be homeschooled. She started crying & putting her head down, beating & banging on the podium with her fist. She had that SAME emotional meltdown & panic attack that she put Morgan through. She fell to her knees & let out a LOUD, shrewd cry. She just let it ALL out! She felt convicted in her soul. She compared, what the classmates did to Morgan, to Daniel being thrown in the lion's den. She had a prison accountability partner with her, named Holly, who also used to be a school bully. Becky compared her prison situation, with Holly, to Paul & Silas. They were finally getting out of prison. They all changed their lives to glorify the Lord.


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