Wyatt & Pippa Blood Sacrifice Rituals Pt. 1

I have SOOOOOOO much to say, that this might as well be a whole book/ebook. But it's just a VERY loooooong true story. This has been a very crazy year this year. I don't even know where to begin. Smh! & y'all are NOT going to shut me up or silence me. Y'all trying to silence me, is your admission of guilt. & the more truth I tell, the harder y'all attack. The more DESPERATE y'all are with the abusive, narcissistic fake, retarded gang stalking smear campaigns. Why try so hard? My mind isn't properly organized because of the sleep deprivation, but I'll try my best. 

You see? The FAKEST person in the family, right about now, is my OWN twin sister. & I will tell you why. 

This is the fake YouTube Livestream that she put me on. Copy & paste the links into your browser.

She said "Face 2 Face With Candy. My Twin.", or something like that.


In the video linked above, ⬆️ if you're awakened to the truth, you will see that she kept gang stalking/perping, gaslighting/lying/playing psych games, narcissistically abusing me, treating me like a child, for about 4 1/2 hours. When I called her out on showing devil horns hand signs @ the @4:29:19 mark, (somewhere around there) she threw up devil horns hand signs, letting people KNOW she's a Satanic deceiver. & then she kicked me out of the Livestream REALLY quick! 

Also, somewhere in that Livestream, she admitted that she's sworn to secrecy to never reveal the identity of the ACTUAL fake Darnell Williams perp, & that she's NOT going to stop being friends with him & the other perp Kimberly Harper. I'm not about to go back & watch the entire 4 1/2 hours, but you can see for yourself, if you have time. Also, in that Livestream, she lied on Wyatt & said that he was the 1 who set her up to lose her kids. She waited until after he was dead, to say that. Why didn't the family ban HER from the funeral? 🤔 - But they wrongfully banned me & wanted to fight & try to KILL me because I said that the ENTIRE family is a bunch of perps! & they ARE! 

I'm SO glad that YouTube now fixed it where I can show LINKS to community posts.

Here's the link to proof of my twin sister flashing Satanic hand signs. Letting people know that she's DOWN with the network. Her feud with the fake Aggressive Defiance TV perp might be fake street theater gang stalking because if he apologized to her & offered a truce, she would accept it & forgive him instantly. But she can have the ENTIRE family hating & grudging against me for YEARS, because of lies! 


Here's the fake Darnell Williams perp talking about me being nice, plump & ripe for the sacrifice. & my twin sister hearted & liked his post & then LAUGHED! Look @ all screenshots in the post. 👇


Here's my twin sister trolling, harassing & perping me with the red velvet cake.


Here's 1 example of the fake Darnell Williams perp making a fake YouTube troll "obituary" for me, mocking my sacrifice. I'm pretty sure my twin sister saw this & laughed right along.


If I, Candy Grandpre, die. I didn't commit suicide. The gang stalking cult network had something to do with it. & my family is involved. If you don't see me posting for a while, then...

But anyway, the fake Darnell Williams perp trying to bully me into selling out, & I won't. He thinks this is a game. 


He also alters my pictures & videos to falsely make me look like I sold out, when I didn't. & that keeps me isolated & keeps me from getting any help or support. This REALLY IS a battle for my soul.

The fake Menace To Pensacola account is a fake smear campaign channel from him, altering my videos to make me look like a lunatic. See my ACTUAL videos, for proof of the truth.


& the fake Darnell Williams perp & @TargetedTonyLa AKA Narc Ass Phony AKA Anthony Abate both share this fake channel. They falsely accused me of being a tranny, a trafficker & part of the Order of the Eastern Star. They're lying & using projection. Anthony stupidly wants to falsely assume the identity of the fake Darnell Williams perp. They're 2 different people. I hope he suffers the same fate as the actual fake Darnell Williams perp. I hope they go to prison for the SAME YouTube perp crimes. 

This is Anthony.


This is the fake joint account that he shares with the actual fake Darnell Williams perp.


Ok, here are a couple of videos of people in the TI community exposing the truth about Anthony.

See? Anthony is no better.


Here's another 1.



Anthony. Narc Ass Phony 




They got that fake perp Mrs. Vicki Carey on board to start slandering & perping. She sold out.


Right before Christmas, you can see the fake Aquarium Doris perp trying to offer me a fake Satanic sellout deal. I rejected it. So, as "punishment" they lied & got me wrongfully permanently banned from the airport, the day before I was about to start to work there. My twin sister helped them.


Here's where the fake Aquarium Doris perp threatened to invoke demons for my demise.


Proof of my perp twin sister calling me "schizophrenic".


The fake Darnell Williams perp pronouncing me dead over 8 months ago.


Proof of my twin sister's fake conversation with the fake Darnell Williams perp, who's NOT the same person as Anthony. 



1 example of the perps altering my pictures to look Satanic. What makes you think they won't do it with my videos?


Here's a fake TI perp, "Ronald Soriano". I never did him anything. He also linked up with my perp twin sister.


How is he quoting Bible scriptures, yet perping, bullying, gossipping & harassing me?


He's a fake, playing both sides.

Here's part 1. I will continue to work on part 2 tomorrow. I'm so tired!