Wyatt & Pippa Blood Sacrifice Rituals Pt. 2

I don't remember exactly where I left off at. I'm still sleep deprived.

The fake Darnell Williams perp & the fake Aquarium Doris perp are both after my soul.


The fake Darnell Williams perp harassing me about death before Wyatt turns up dead. Right before me & Brandy's birthday. So, the fake Darnell Williams perp was part of the setup of my twin sister trying to get me to come & live with her. My twin sister is working with the stalkers.


My twin sister & her girlfriend are Satanic.


The perps threatening & harassing me to switch sides.


This is the fake Aquarium Doris perp telling me about my demise for 2024.


Here's Pt. 2 of me exposing my twin sister as a sellout. I need to find part 1. Her cult following flying monkeys are spreading her lies. Everything they all say is a LIE!


I think this is Pt. 3


I can't find all 3.

Ok. Here's Pt. 1


My mind is scattered, due to the sleep deprivation. 

Her fake channels where she tells nothing but lies, & then calls ME the liar, keeping people confused.




The fake Aggressive Defiance TV channel is a fake smear campaign channel, I've exposed him illegally profiting off of other people's misery by bullying. He gets paid to make up lies & bully. Him & all of his supporters are Satanic. I heard that his real name is Erick Mackey. I heard that he's a meth head. He starts false rumors about people without checking facts. He's too OLD for this!

The Fake Aggressive Defiance TV Perp
on July 25, 2024


Did the fake Aggressive Defiance TV perp know in advance about Wyatt's death 2 months ago? This is all EERIE!


Black folks sacrificing family members 


Here's a bit of a timeline. 

-Former foster mom Adrienne Felder abused us & put us in a cult.

-I became targeted in late November 1997, when I was 14 years old. When I became a TI, my twin sister became a perp.

-My twin sister was sneaking & dating a girl, named Tiffany Robinson, when we were in our Senior year in high school. She got Tiffany & her cousin (or niece, Brianne - or Brianna?) to start perping, as well. We were still 17 when my twin sister met up with the biological family, & the older biological sister Ramona confirmed that my twin sister "threw me under the bus, practically". My twin sister lied to the entire biological family about me, with what the former foster mom brainwashed us with, before I could reunite with them.

-After we turned 18, my twin sister tricked me into meeting the biological family, & then the former foster mom got mad. My twin sister blamed everything on me. 

I also was brainwashed by the former foster mom, to hate the biological mom, Frances. I had a lot of questions, & the biological family members hated it. 

-Biological sister Belinda (who we never met) died in 2003. We completely reunited with the biological family members because of this. 

-My twin sister started blackmailing, threatening & bullying me out of money after becoming pregnant with Raven & marrying Dwayne. After her fake military monthly checks started rolling in. She was already getting over 5 times more money than me. I was getting about $567/month, while she was getting over $2,800 or something like that. 

-My twin sister started telling a slew of random lies about me for no reason. I do not know why she kept lying on me. When she lied on me about trying to kill Raven, when Raven was born, I was forced to have 2 drop 2 classes @ UNO. & then my grades started slipping. This was in 2004.

-Christmas 2004, she lied on me & said that I molested Raven. If that was true, why wasn't I confronted until a week later, which was New Years 2005? 🤔 If that was true, why was I always at her house almost EVERY DAY up until almost the time when Hurricane Katrina hit? 

-I've had some feuds with biological family members, but they started HEAVILY gang stalking me, turning against me & getting worse in 2005 before Hurricane Katrina. Some family members used to love & accept me before then. 

-I bounced around a bit after Hurricane Katrina. 

-In 2007, I think was the year my twin sister voluntarily gave up her kids the 1st time. Or was it 2008? After she found out that SHE was going to have to pay child support, she fought tooth & nail to get the kids back, only to give them away again. She kept calling random family members up, BEGGING for us to take the kids in. She gave them up for good in 2010 & never looked back since.

Here's that Dog Soulja guy talking about my twin sister giving away the kids.


-I started researching illuminati & New World Order in 2010. That was also when I got my final confirmation that IDMR is INDEED a cult! I was VERY suicidal around l that time. 

-I either feuded with my perp twin sister, or we weren't on speaking terms throughout the years. We were never close. EVER! 

-Other than 09/12/2024, the last time I saw my twin sister in person was in October 2017.

-I've been chronically homeless since 2018, with the exception of September & the beginning of October 2023. Just 1 month.

This situation right here made me back homeless again.


-For Hurricane Sally in 2020, I don't remember the date, but my twin sister CashApp'ed me $10 & then demanded a refund.

-She got onboard with ACTUAL harassment, bullying & stalking me on YouTube & Twitter October 20, 2020 & turned almost EVERYONE in the TI community against me with LIES! That's also when the fake TI perp Melvin betrayed me & then the other fake TI perp Darius swooped in. 

My twin sister was "livid" when she got exposed as a perp, so then she started smear campaigning me, lying & saying that I'm a crazy, schizophrenic attention-seeking clout-chasing scammer & fraud who's pretending to be targeted, just for money. I think the sex trafficking perp Star Bricker put her up to doing this, because she tapped my twin sister on the shoulder after hunting her down on Facebook. I think the YouTube targeting would've been worse if the entire family was harassing me on YouTube, rather than just my twin sister. Now, they got my younger sister, Dirty Derricka & her HUSBAND, the Greedy Linebacker "Cafeteria" perp onboard. 

In September 2020, random people came to my YouTube videos to attack me, repeating my twin sister's smear campaigns & lying. 

-On Christmas of 2020, she pretended to make a fake truce via text message & was trying to be slick with offering me fake Satanic sellout deals that I declined. After that, her harassment & abuse got WORSE! 

She has her OWN fake YouTube cult dedicated to mocking, discrediting & slandering me, but the fake Aggressive Defiance TV perp weakened her cult & hijacked some of her cult members for himself. 

-In April 2021, she said, "You see that GoFundMe that you got up there? You might wanna leave it up there for your burial." & this was during a tornado storm with hail. She copied because she knows that that's something that the fake foster mom Ann would say.

-In August 2021, I feared that SHE was trying to blood sacrifice me, trying to tell people to not help me during Hurricane Ida. Then, she changed her fake YouTube username to "War On My Character".

-I'm not sure if the fake Darnell Williams perp got onboard with harassing me in March 2022, but then Wyatt, the former roommate Janet & also the ex-boyfriend Alex Mendez all tried to come back into my life @ the same time. I talked to Wyatt on the phone for 2 weeks, before I had enough of him perping. 

-After feuding with Darius in July 2022 & him doing the FINAL narc discard, he linked up with my twin sister on purpose, like what other fake TI perps do. Right after our birthday in 2022, my twin sister left me alone.

-All summer last year, the fake Darnell Williams perp kept harassing me on ALL of my social media & pretending to be family members & my twin sister & kept harassing & threatening me with death. I got tired of it & started back exposing family abuse. This led to my twin sister putting a fake YouTube copyright strike on my channel, & her breaking up with China. She hypocritically uses MY content without my permission, to discredit me, all the time. 

- She started back up again with the harassment & abuse in September of last year. I'm not sure EXACTLY when she 1st got with Tiara, but I heard about it from the fake TI perp TellItSavalis being messy in my Livestreams. 

-It was right before Halloween when the fake Darnell Williams perp made a joke about me being nice, plump & ripe for the sacrifice, & my twin sister hearted & liked his fake comments & made 3 laughing emojis. 

-Wyatt surfaced on YouTube, helping my twin sister lie on me about Blake in December of 2023. I was FURIOUS! 

-My twin sister helped the stalkers lie on me & get me wrongfully permanently banned from the airport FOREVER! The day I was supposed to start my 1st day of work. Yet, y'all tell ME to go get a job?

-I got wrongfully arrested on February 28, 2024.

-My twin sister & Tiara faked being homeless & were begging for hotel rooms & food, to mock me. She's been getting donations ever since. Why do people donate to her without question?

-Easter 2024, my twin sister beat & raped her girlfriend Tiara & then went to jail, to mock me. That caused her & the fake Aggressive Defiance TV perp to begin feuding. She lost that channel where she got over 10,000 subscribers.

-I guess it was in late June when the dog Pippa died, & she got $2,000 for it. People started FLOODING my YouTube Livestream, telling me that she blood sacrificed the dog & is doing blood rituals, & that I was next.

-Because of issues with my 2 phones, I began actively Livestreaming in order to save phone battery, data & storage space. I don't remember exactly when I started doing it more often. It was right around the time I got robbed on Father's Day by the perp with the red suitcase. I wonder what the outcome would be if I was Livestreaming when he robbed me, rather than me doing a regular video. The crime would be evident. 

-On August 15, I got wrongfully banned from the Riverwalk & by the Creole Queen boat. I don't remember when the perps started harassing & threatening me about jumping into the river. Both online & in person perps. As me & my twin sister's birthday got closer, the death threats at me became more aggressive. I have to find the video of the fake Darnell Williams perp calling NOPD, lying about me jumping into the river. I don't remember if it happened in June or July.

-A few days before our birthday, the daily death threats started to get more aggressive. The fake Darnell Williams perp has been harassing & perping me about death since last year. I don't remember if he harassed me about death 2 years ago. But I remember he was calling my phone, sexually harassing me bad enough that I was forced to have to change my phone #. All I know is, people kept coming into my YouTube Livestreams, warning me that my twin sister was participating in Satanic blood rituals, & that I was next. 

-On August 21, the fake Darnell Williams perp was doing a fake daily countdown for my death & making fake AI pictures of a pig on a tombstone, dying on her own birthday, & using numbers that I don't like. I kept being harassed about being thrown into the river. Also, on this day, people came into my Livestreams, telling me that my twin sister wanted me to come move in with her, & for her to get me off the streets for good. I didn't fall for it, & she got really mad. 

I will continue more tomorrow.