Wyatt & Pippa Blood Sacrifice Rituals Pt. 3


Trying to connect the dots, here. 

Blood sacrifice message directed at me at the Harvey, LA library on 06/25/2024.


The fake Darnell Williams perp admitting to forcing me to be homeless.


Ok, so it was 06/12/2024 when the cops called & asked about a woman jumping into the river & screaming.

I heard that it's considered as criminal mischief to make fake prank calls to the cops. The fake Darnell Williams perp made a fake prank call to NOPD & falsely accused me of jumping into the river. He thinks this is funny. 

They've been planning my sacrifice for a very long time.


Continuation of timeline:

-On Thursday, August 22, I don't remember if it was a video, a Livestream or a community post, where my twin sister mentioned about wanting to extend the "olive branch" for me to come & live with her. Her fake cult following flying monkeys kept using that phrase "extend the olive branch". My twin sister was trying to butter me up & love bomb me, talking about my short stories being "very demure". How come it's OK for her to copy off of other people, but she always falsely accuses me of copying her?

Yeah, she hasn't wanted me to come & stay by her for a LOOOOOONG time. & all those people she told not to help me. Wanting to KEEP me forced homeless! 

09/18/2024 - Continuing on.

-On Friday 08/23/2024, my twin sister made a fake community post, insinuating that I was CRAZY AS HELL for refusing to come & stay by her. I didn't find out about it until the next day, after her fake cult following flying monkeys started flooding my YouTube videos & community posts, saying stuff like, "Candy. Your sister wants to talk to you. It's about your brother." 

I don't know why she was SUDDENLY so desperate for me to come & live by her & trying to do whatever it takes! I didn't fall for any of her games or tricks. That was pretty odd that she SUDDENLY urged for me to come & stay by her a few days before our 41st birthday. She works with the fake Darnell Williams perp & even confirmed it on her joint Livestream with me. Remember when she said she was "sworn to secrecy" to never reveal the actual identity of who the fake Darnell Williams perp is? Why should I trust to go live with my twin sister, & she's friends with someone who wants me dead, & she doesn't have a problem with it? She thinks I'm a dummy because she always calls me "retarded". 

-On Saturday, August 24, 2024, I didn't find out until right when the library was closing, that my brother died. I heard different versions of the story. Still trying to fight for the truth about what happened. I don't care what anyone says! I'm IMMEDIATE family, too! 

*I'm going to stop right here for now & then continue with Pt. 4, probably tomorrow. I have to do this in bits & pieces. My mind is still scrambled, due to the SEVERE sleep deprivation.