YouTube explanation for Amazon & stuff

Hello, everyone. Here's the Amazon Wishlist y'all asked for. I'm not asking for too much. These are the main things I always need on a regular basis.

I may add more stuff. I no longer have a storage unit. 

Also, here are my Amazon ebooks. The perps AKA gang stalking cyber bullies get paid to make fake bad "reviews" on purpose, to try to deter people from wanting to support or buy them. Keeping me forced poor & homeless. Desperate & jealous. Telling more & more lies to try to make me look crazy. They even feel threatened by a fictionalized depiction of themes on truth. Even if I write a fiction short story about gang stalking, that's a threat to the perps. Smh! 

Even though I have all of my writings on my blog & Ko-Fi for free, you can also support me by purchasing my e-books, if you choose to.

I could be earning $$ on Ko-fi from my fiction short stories. People can buy me a "coffee" for any amount.

So, here's the link to all of my nonfiction ebooks on my blog. The same as on Amazon Kindle. I give people the choice, if they want to read my ebooks for free on my blog or purchase them on Amazon Kindle. These are more like, partial autobiographies.

Here's the blog link to my fiction short stories. The same as you would see on my Ko-Fi link.

Here's the link to the fictional Timberwood cult short stories, that I plan to also write a couple of novels on this & also explore more novel writing. But my homeless situation & my targeting are really hindering me.

The stalkers persecute me with Directed Energy Weapons every time I accomplish self-publishing an ebook. Trying to ⚰️💀 me. They HATE it! 

Here's my fundraiser explanation. Not allowed to do GoFundMe anymore because the satanic stalkers lied on me. But yeah, they take out an INSANE amount of fees when you do the fundraiser, but I have it still up, anyway. CashApp, PayPal & Venmo are better.

$PsychWorld35 CashApp

Maybe I don't advertise my writings enough. 😞

But on Twitter, TikTok & other places, I try to share my writings & get ignored. As if I'm talking to a brick wall. 

If I had enough support with my independent writings, I shouldn't have to be forced to be homeless & begging for food & hotel room & stuff. Smh!

Sorry that this so so long. Also, please regularly look @ my YouTube community posts for more gang stalking evidence. My perp walk videos & shorts videos don't get many views, like they used to. Also, look at the title of my videos & the description box, as well.

Thank you so much for your support. I'm glad my voice is FINALLY getting heard! I'm FINALLY getting believed! 

Also, you can email me at

Forget the other 1 I told y'all. This is a new email to communicate with y'all.