Permanently BANNED From The Family FOREVER

That's another thing I have to grieve. The fake Darnell Williams perp helped my twin sister give the rest of the family the idea to have me wrongfully banned from Wyatt's funeral & to have me wrongfully permanently banned from the family forever. Since my twin sister is sworn to secrecy to never reveal the actual identity of the fake Darnell Williams perp ( who's NOT Anthony), she also needs to be criminally investigated. They all do! 

(I'm EXTREMELY tired & sleepy, so bear with me. My body is trying to catch up on DAYS of sleep deprivation. Possibly WEEKS!) 

How do I cope with this confirmation, even though I was NEVER accepted by the family, since day 1, because of my twin sister's multitude of lies about me? My twin sister is a perp, & she picked up where the foster mom left off at, with the abuse. 

I heard that cult members lie on non-compliant people or people who try to leave. I also heard that when you leave a cult or help someone else leave, you end up being gang stalked, slandered, blacklisted & harassed. I KNOW the former foster mom Adrienne Felder was the mastermind behind me being gang stalked & put into the program. She ran her own household like her own cult leader. She's an occultic voodoo witch! 

I honestly don't know what role the fake IDMR cult (in general) has in my gang stalking torture. The biological family members aren't part of the fake IDMR cult, even though my twin sister was trying to force certain family members to join. They weren't interested. But gang stalking, itself, is its OWN cult, which is also run by the freemasons. Sure, the fake IDMR cult is masonic. But even away from the fake IDMR cult, again, gang stalking is run by the freemasons. 

It took Wyatt's death for me to get my FINAL confirmation that my ENTIRE family is a bunch of satanic sellouts! & I heard that the occultists even sacrifice their OWN! Blake AND Wyatt were both perps, as well. I'm NOT rewriting history because they're gone!

This video right here confirms that Wyatt was also a compromised, paid off perp. He helped my twin sister lie & tell false narratives. & it backfired on him. My twin sister fake "forgave" him, buttered him up, love bombed him, manipulated him to go against me, & then sacrificed him. They couldn't get me fast enough. & they're STILL trying to sacrifice me! Threatening to have me sacrificed for Halloween. People say that she was the last 1 to talk to Wyatt on the phone before he passed. I think it was the same when Belinda died. 

As I said, why wasn't the family upset @ my twin sister, & why didn't they ban her from Wyatt's funeral when she lied on him 2 days after our birthday & said that he was the one who set her up to lose her kids, & he's not here to defend himself? 

& look what the fake satanic peeping tom sex trafficking Stefan Adams perp lied & said. Meddling in other people's business, manipulating & twisting everything. Doesn't even know what he's talking about. This is another fake gang stalking smear campaign post to make me look bad & manipulate everyone to hate me, while taking the focus off of their own cyber harassment/stalking/bullying crimes. & he doesn't even have his facts straight! Like usual. 🤦‍♀️

Here's another fake post full of lies.

The fake Stefan Adams perp is a blog version of the fake Aggressive Defiance TV perp, even though he also has a fake YouTube channel.

Here's the fake Stefan Adams perp's fake YouTube channel.

He even has fake satanic TikTok accounts used to stalk, follow & harass. Too old for that shit! & you notice that he also sides with my twin sister's lies, falsely glorifying her as the one to believe! Because he's a liar who sold his soul, also!

& as of 10/17/2024, Star Bricker, the fake satanic sex trafficking Mormon cult member is still stalking, following, harassing, trolling, slandering & gossipping about me. I figured that she never left me alone! 

The Fake Aggressive Defiance TV Perp
on July 25, 2024

Another person exposing him as masonic!

Star Bricker's Comments On TIwatch bragging about all their internet crimes towards targeted individuals.
on August 23, 2022

They're still stalking, following & harassing me online, when I haven't even been mentioning or talking about them. Just MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS & LEAVE ME ALONE! These are Satanic sex trafficking freemasons who are getting paid to mock, discredit & slander. The blog posts above expose how they gossip, laugh & brag about their cyber crimes towards us targeted individuals. I'm warning you to believe NOTHING they say! Everything they say is a lie & twisted, using fake "proof". 

Whoa! Here's a reminder of my twin sister getting Wyatt to lie on me about Blake. But I'm dogging him out?

He helped her lie on me, & I was disappointed. 

Here's a video that I did, to try to straighten out the lies.

My family hates me because I'm the whistleblower.

Me venting about family gang stalking.

Y'all STILL believe my own twin sister over me & call me crazy, even when she uses satanic hand signs like this? She's a Satanic sellout deceiver! She voluntarily threw away her own kids for a dyke lifestyle. Talking about me chasing cars while I expose being gang stalked & try to capture faces & license plates as suggested by the TI community, while she's chasing HIV! Chasing after an HIV patient who doesn't want her, & she's trying to FORCE Tiara to be with her! She even said it in the video where she was beating & raping Tiara!

I have ZERO support from any biological or foster family members. None of them want anything to do with me, because they're so quick to gullibly believe lies. Even the most HEINOUS of criminals get support from family & friends! If they deserve a family, then so do I. But I'm glad to get to be free from family abuse. Everything & everyone is just SO UNFAIR & hypocritical. 

My twin sister & family members are working with the satanic gang stalking network, yet they use projection & falsely smear campaign ME as the "demonic narcissist"! 

It seems like I've been secretly & covertly shadowbanned from the family for many years, without me knowing or realizing, which explains why I've suffered those so-called "mental health issues" & used to be VERY suicidal back then. I've been cancelled & muted from the family for over a decade. 

Many people warned me (even my enemies) that I'm supposed to be blood sacrificed. I can't believe my family members give ZERO fucks about me being targeted & trafficked. Because they're IN ON IT! Telling me to my face that no one cares about me being homeless! 

How Narcissistic Abusers "Handle" Mental Health Patients
on May 01, 2022

You talk about me chasing cars, but...

& here are some more recent death threats that everyone keeps ignoring.


People keep especially ignoring THIS one!

I know that I never was accepted by the family in the 1st place. My twin sister admitted to me that she would always tell everyone all of my triggers & my weaknesses. Ramona said that my twin sister practically threw me under the bus while we were still 17 years old & in foster care. 

Imagine being kept in the dark all of your childhood, not even getting to see any pictures of what your birth parents look like, & being bullied @ school, being told, "So, at least I know who my real momma is!" & then by the time I reunited with the biological family members @ age 18, it wasn't even a memorable experience. 😞

Speaking of shits yuckteen k, Star Bricker, she thinks she has the fake "authority" to dictate that I'm forbidden & not allowed to write anything (fiction or non-fiction). She writes fake bad "reviews" on all of my Amazon ebooks, & she was the one who initiated the idea of me getting wrongfully permanently banned from everywhere, & then the fake Darnell Williams perp copied off of her with that. This REALLY IS a spiritual war, dealing with & fighting back against these demons, masquerading as "human" flesh! These people have been cyber gang stalking me for YEARS & won't let up! 

Yesterday was the 5 year anniversary of me being made known of Star Bricker's online presence, even though she admitted to cyber stalking me for MONTHS before launching her attack. You're a married woman, dying of cancer, & you STILL will not try to repent & get right with God. You should be tending to your own husband & family, rather than having such an obsessed, lustful crush on a homeless, disabled Black woman who doesn't even know you! These stalkers delusionally believe they're my cyber "pimps", & the more I disobey, the harsher they are with the abuse. They WON'T leave me alone! 

She thinks that because I have no family support, then I'm not allowed to write anything about the concept of family. She thinks I don't understand family dynamics & therefore should not write anything about it. 

She got mad at me for writing this short story.

Mama Freeda's Family Reunion
on December 30, 2021

With me being wrongfully permanently banned from the family FOREVER, it's supposed to be made like, I need to take the word "FAMILY" out of all of my vocabulary. 

It was in 2018, when drunk lady Yvonne said, "You HAVE no family!" That was BEFORE I got on YouTube & social media to start exposing my gang stalking torture. & yes, I was already homeless by that time. 

I wish I could write more, but I'm tired. & this post took me much longer than I intended. But I'm NOT shutting up! Stop falsely glorifying these narcissistic fake gang stalking liars as the truth tellers & trying to silence ACTUAL truth tellers, calling us "crazy" & "liars"! I must be such a powerful threat that I'm all by myself with NO support (with no one to believe me, give me the time of the day, or want to hear it), yet thousands of y'all are SO desperate to take down only ONE person!