The Prize At The End

Hilda Edson has always had a hard life. She has always felt like she was born into this world, unwanted. As a result, she suffered what she thought was "mental illness". Her parents didn't want her. Her siblings didn't want her. Her children didn't want her, & neither did her husband, Pax. 

Funny that her husband's name relates to peace, but he was everything BUT peaceful! He had a hard life, as well. He could never think for himself because he always allowed everyone around him to be a bad influence on him. These same people never had his best interests at heart. Did they influence him to be against his wife?

Hilda & Pax met in the psych unit at Atascadero State Hospital. Hilda has always been in & out of institutions, while Pax has always been in & out of jail & prison. This was his 1st time in the psych ward. His family decided that he needed help & not punishment. Pax felt like the mental hospital was no better than prison. 

Hilda & Pax both got released on the same day. They both sat down on a bench by the riverfront on a cloudy, breezy Wednesday afternoon. Pax was enjoying his afternoon tea time & asked Hilda to join him. He had an extra cuppa reserved JUST FOR HER. The pigeons kept trying to sniff it. Hilda compared the idea of the pigeons trying to sniff the tea, to the nosy people who are always trying to meddle in her personal business. 

Hilda felt like she had no one to turn to for emotional support. Just like Pax, she also felt like her mental hospital experience was unhelpful. She started trauma dumping, but Pax didn't mind it at the moment because he also felt lonely & needed company. They both eventually started sharing their life stories & their psych hospital experiences. It was Pax's idea to get married. He wanted a quick marriage because of fear of getting locked up again soon. He thought that marriage & children would save him, but not as quickly as he thought.

Pax rushed to get married & have children. Afterwards, he grew to HATE his wife. Maybe he was being manipulated & influenced by jealous people. After the 4th child turned 3 years old, Pax relapsed & got into trouble with the law again, for the 1st time in a long while. He felt like he couldn't afford to go back to jail. He wanted to straighten his life out & do it for his wife & children. 

He instantly regretted hating his wife & having no patience towards her once he saw a raggedy, silver Nissan Titan truck with a bumper sticker about being saved through Jesus Christ with fire insurance from going to hell for all eternity. The cops on scene had mercy on Pax & gave him a STERN, life-changing lecture, rather than taking him to jail. He started to change his life around.

He came back home on his knees, begging & crying for Hilda to accept his apology for the way he treated her throughout the years. He apologized to the children for letting them down & always making false promises. He learned to fear going to hell than going to jail. Every day was a day to fight to stay out of jail & keep providing for his wife & children, but the family kept fighting & never gave up on him. Because if Hilda wasn't saved, the tables would've turned, & she would've grown weary of her husband. 

The family all became new converts & grew in the faith together. At times, they wanted to give up, but they kept pressing into the kingdom. They ditched the mental health system & kept their eyes on Jesus (no longer trusting in man, because man will always fail you), in hopes for that Heavenly fire insurance. Forget about man-made, earthly life insurance! 


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