What Have I Been Missing All My Life?

Timberwood: Short Stories Edition - Vol. 45

People have been warning Roberto Navarro FOR YEARS, to stay away from Timberwood. They also always mistakenly assumed that he was just lazy & didn't want to work a normal job. Former members ought to know better, that once you leave the Timberwood cult, the cult smear campaigns & blacklists you to make SURE you can never get another job outside of THEM! The cult even does this to people who never worked for them before, & are associated with former members who left. Roberto gave up on looking for a normal job. He got tired of people harassing him & pressuring him to go get a job & take care of his 2 kids. 

Roberto has never been a part of Timberwood until recently. Did Tracie, Garfield & Scott slick talk him into joining, with promises of any & all the pretty women he wants? All the money he wants? A possible position of power, rulership & authority over others? Did he join out of fear, because of what he saw happening to Kurl & Carlos ending up being homeless, jobless & basically not welcome anywhere in society? Did he fear ending up dead, like Rico? Was he sick & tired of the economic inflation? If not, then who or what got him to join? Did he join for revenge against a former member who upset him? 

Roberto linked up with Brian Lucas, his new "mentor" AKA cult handler. Once he joined, he compared it to when Satan tempted Jesus in Luke Chapter 4 of the Bible. Except that, he bragged about being proud to join. 


Brian Lucas was also coaching Roberto on ways to make more money & try to recruit others to join the cult. He also was like a fake employment "manager" to Roberto. Roberto didn't realize that he ended up being a slave to his own riches. Roberto has NEVER seen that much money in his life before! 

Hebrews 11:25
“Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season;”

King James Version (KJV)

He chose the latter. Brian had Roberto under HEAVY witchcraft & mind control. Brian might as well be his OWN cult leader, @ this point. Roberto has been hoping to get up to Brian's level of power in the cult. Money caused Roberto to get into a lot of mischief, & he ended up doing & seeing things that he never thought he would. Seeing & participating in things that would be described at those Diddy parties. Or like the Eyes Wide Shut movie. 

One day, Timberwood started to demand that Roberto do things that go against his conscience. Against his moral code. They also kept trying to bribe him with hush money. He tried to leave the cult, but felt trapped. The former members, who warned him, kept ignoring his calls & his cries for help. The cult started to go after him to attack him & make him fear for his life. His money started to get wiped CLEAN out of his bank account, & the bank didn't want to do anything about it. The cops were of no help. Everyone started to call him crazy. He was set up with a fake new honeypot "girlfriend" who got pregnant by him with his 3rd child & gave him an incurable STD. Timberwood didn't protect him from catching herpes, like they do their loyal members. He was falsely framed for a felony crime, lied on & ended up going to jail. Luckily, he beat the case. He saw all this as an opportunity to turn back to God. 

Roberto realized that hell is real, & that hell is hot. He got on his knees & cried & begged Jesus to forgive him, heal him & save his soul. He realized that he's been missing JESUS CHRIST all of his life, & not a cult, money & herpes.