Mommy, Look What I Can Do!

Here's another attempt at me trying to write a children's fiction short story.

Baby Sepia is 3 years old. Ever since she was fresh out the womb, she's always been an avid learner. She always shows off what she can do. 

One morning, she went into the kitchen & saw her mom, Brittany, washing the dishes after breakfast. She was silently & secretly observing. 

Brittany took a bathroom break to go potty, & when she came back, Sepia had already grabbed a stool to wash the dishes. Before Brittany could even say anything, Sepia told her, "Mommy, look what I can do!" Brittany was so excited.

"Good girl, SeeSee! Now, show me what else you can do."

Sepia went into the bathroom & said, "Mommy, look." She began brushing her teeth on her own. She said to her mom, "You see me? I can brush my teeth as good as you." 

Brittany said, "Show me something else you can do." 

Sepia grabbed the brush & started brushing her hair. She said, "You see that? You see this? I got no more tangles! I be BIG girl, mommy!" 

Brittany helped Sepia get ready for daycare, & Sepia wanted to show off how she can snap herself inside of her car seat. She got herself in & buckled up, & she unbuckled & got herself out. She learned how to play with Play-Doh, color in coloring books, play Legos, play Tic-Tac-Toe, play Connect 4 & also do back flips, front flips, cartwheels & wide splits, all in 1 day. All afternoon after daycare, she had a WHOLE session of showing her mom what she can do. 

After dinner, Sepia got on Granny Beatrice's Grand Piano (that no one ever uses) & started playing. The neighbors heard it. Some of them said, "Get this baby a record deal already!" Others said, "Look at the Symphony Princess!" 

Granny Beatrice woke up from her late evening nap & yelled, "Who's that on MY piano! No one EVER messes with my piano! Brittany, why did you let that baby on my piano?" 

Sepia began to cry, wiping her eyes. She said, "I'm not a baby anymore. I'm a BIG girl! Ahhhh! Mommy. Please tell Granny let me play."

Granny Beatrice couldn't resist saying that Sepia is very gifted & talented. She said, "Sorry, Baby SeeSee. You know what? You sound too good for  your age. I thought somebody was coming up in here, trying to commit a burglary or something at first. I didn't know WHAT was going on!" Brittany & all the neighbors laughed, while Sepia was blushing. 

Granny Beatrice, Brittany & the neighbors loved to be awakened every morning with actual MUSIC to their ears from Sepia's piano playing. They loved it more than the noise from the birds & the roosters. They joked that she sounded fresher than a newborn. They also would compliment her sleek ponytail. One of the neighbors jokingly said, "Ponytail glossin', whippin' fresh wit' da waves"! They even said that her music sounds like ocean waves. She ended up with a nickname, "Ocean Princess of Sealpoint Neighborhood". 

The daycare paid for Sepia to take piano lessons, & people were paying Sepia to travel all over the world to play for them in different countries. Sepia had it MADE!