Gretna police & court corruption

Gretna Mayor's Court. Why does no one question this? Is this fair? 

Prosecutors & public defenders won't let innocent people plead "not guilty", when they're wrongfully arrested, taken to jail & then have to go to court. They have no problem robbing the indigent, but they threaten us that we will have HELL to pay, if we're innocent & plead "not guilty" for a crime we didn't commit. They say that it's because they have to pay more money whenever we plead not guilty. They even bully, intimidate & threaten you to not take your case to trial, COERCE you to plead "guilty". Where's the outrage, & why does everyone go along with this? 

All about meeting quotas. I heard that Gretna police had a cult-like system with bullying officers to wrongfully arrest innocent citizens, all in the fake name of meeting quotas. Gretna is the "arrest capital of America".

I'm not gonna flood y'all with too many links, but here.