My Amazon Wishlist Done Differently

Hello, everyone. I may have to do my Amazon Wishlist a different way. I'm going to post the links on this blog post. Y'all don't have to feel pressured to buy everything on this list for me. Just buy what you want, or what you can afford. Whatever quantities that you want. Thank you so much, in advance. I really appreciate it. 

Here's the link to where it was.

Ever since someone bought a few things for me, I'm now being told that my list is empty. & I know that links are always changing, whenever you try to buy stuff on there. I don't know if the perps illegally hacked in & made my wishlist empty because they were upset that a fellow TI helped me. It's possible. 

I guess I will just post current links to the things I ALWAYS need. My list wasn't very long, & I didn't ask for a whole lot. But I added a few more items than I previously had, like I said I would. These are necessities for me to survive as a disabled targeted individual, being forced homeless & trying to live as naturally as possible. If you want to order me food, gift cards, clothes, shoes or a care package from Amazon or anywhere else, I put my mailing address down @ the bottom. If you see something cheaper or better than what's listed, then you can buy that 1. 

1) 70% Isopropyl rubbing alcohol, for cleaning & sanitation because I don't have anywhere to shower when I'm homeless. Also, I suffer severe OCD & complex PTSD because of trauma.

2) Bladder pads because of the gang stalking forced urination tactic. I also use these as menstrual pads.

3) AAA batteries for my mp3 player because I suffer a hypersensitive ear condition, called "hyperacusis". I'm also supposedly on the autism spectrum. High functioning. Asperger's.

4) Mp3 player for my hyperacusis

5) Earbuds for my hyperacusis & to block out noise harassment campaigns from the gang stalkers

6) Bentonite clay for internal & external detox. I will try this new one. I feel sad because I miss the Great Plains Yerba Prima bentonite clay. I heard that they're having difficulty with production. Yerba Prima clay is currently temporarily out of stock.


This one.

7) Lavender oil, to keep away bed bugs & also relaxation & natural healing

8) My special natural lavender oil soap. I suffer seborrheic dermatitis, so this is helpful.

9) I guess I need a portable phone charger.

10) Gloves


This 1.

11) Big trash bags to cover the seats, when I ride the bus. Seats are always very dirty. Also, I have many important uses for the trash bags.

12) Amazing Grass green superfood supplement for detox

13) Coconut oil. I can use it for oral hygiene & internal & external dietary & health benefits. It also can help keep my tooth abscess down & clear up the mucus.

14) Himalayan pink salt for diet & detox baths.

& lastly...

15) Amazon gift card or e-card

I'm angry that after a year, the online perps, especially the fake Darnell Williams perp illegally found out my mailing address, & he's been threatening to call the place & tell lies on me & get me wrongfully permanently banned from there. He also threatened to stop me from getting mail there. I pay about $150/year for this mailbox. I was trying to keep my mailing address secret, away from the perps. They illegally know it now. So, my mailing address is as follows, if you want to send something. Even if you don't feel comfortable with PayPal, CashApp, etc. Some people have sent me money orders or checks because they prefer the old fashioned way. 

Candy Grandpre 
400 Lapalco Blvd.
Gretna, LA 70056

I no longer have a storage unit. I used to have a storage unit, FOR YEARS! 

The stalkers illegally know my email address, as well. Well, here's my email address.

& as usual, here's my other payment & donation information.

#TargetedIndividual #GangStalking #WritingCommunity #Christians #Homeless

$CreoleAuthor825 - CashApp

YouTube SuperThanks doesn't process until the 21st of the following month. Thanks so much for the understanding. I've been getting under $200/month lately. 

I'm a self-published fiction short story author. I can earn an income THIS way!

People have been in talks of the idea of me getting a way to get a van or some other vehicle donated, so I can hopefully have more job opportunities, & I probably won't need to ask for hotel or motel out of the weather. But I heard that when you're a TI, the perps will damage your vehicle. 

I will try to update the Amazon survival wishlist link & then post it on here.

Ok, so here's the Amazon survival wishlist link being updated.

It allowed me to add everything, except for the earbuds & the Amazon gift card. The Amazon gift card, is if you wanted to allow me to just buy whatever I want or need, as a gift.

Here's the link for the earbuds again, since they wouldn't let me save it to the wishlist.

Update: I love this hair gel.

They won't allow me to add it to the wishlist.