Timberwood: Short Stories Edition - Vol. 48
I, Nola Bordelon, have been secretly working on exposing the Timberwood cult, using fiction short stories & novels. I kept the writings secret for years. I even switched up the names, cities, states, descriptions of the characters, etc. & everyone STILL figured out what I was talking about!
It all started when we were at Zuleyka & Jason's house, & I kept myself locked in my bedroom, like I always do. I was staying by them at the time. Without warning, Jessica barged into my room. I was in the middle of writing on my phone. I was shocked. I jumped.
Jessica was being VERY loud-mouthed & screamed, "What'cha readin'? I be readin' ya short stories & checkin' ya social media, yeah!"
Everyone laughed.
Vicious bully, the abusive, narcissistic fake punk ass Tracie snatched my phone out of my hand & said, "What IS this?! Like, you can't even write!"
She looked closer & said, "Ohhhhh, Danielle. Looka Nola talkin' bad about you!"
Danielle was shocked & like, "What! Now c'mon now, Nola!" & then she was looking on, reading with her mouth open wide. She wanted to cry. She felt hurt.
Tracie told her, "Yeah. Dat retarded ass heffa talkin' bad about EVERYBODY!"
Jason, Jr. chimed in & asked me, "Now, Nola. What did we do to YOU?" He was on the verge of tears, also.
I was sweating & on the verge of fainting, with the same kind of fear you have when you're in trouble with the police. I had a shocked & dumb look on my face. I was REALLY scared. Everyone tried to meddle in. Everyone gathered around & tried to come into my bedroom. Some of the cult members tried to take the kids to the park or something, because they KNEW it would be some "messy drama" to pop off. I didn't know if I would get wrongfully arrested & thrown in jail, mentally institutionalized, brutally beaten or even outright MURDERED! I feared that that was the LAST moment of my life.
They basically took my phone without my permission. They were taking turns reading my fiction short stories & gossiping right in front of my face. They tried to gaslight & make their fake "interpretations" of my fiction short stories to sound crazy as hell. Someone sent in Mrs. Mary Ethel. Tracie's son, Tre'Marcus kept screaming, "PRN, PRN, PRN!" & then everyone else was chanting, "PRN!", repeatedly.
Mrs. Mary Ethel confronted me about the short stories, & me using a fictionalized version of me exposing the truth. Jessica & Brian Lucas, Jr.'s wife, Jackie (Jakelynn) tried to manipulate & convince Mrs. Mary Ethel by saying, "The more we read her short stories, the more we connected the dots to realize that she was talking about US." Mrs. Mary Ethel is already bad news. She's 1 of the "authorities" in the cult, who everyone respects out of fear, yet nobody likes.
Mrs. Mary Ethel gave me a long, angry vicious HATE-ANGER stare, & she said, "You know that when you're in the IHM program (In-House Monitoring program), you're under surveillance, right? So, what made you think you were never gonna get caught? Everything you do, both online AND in person is being watched. We know everything you do on your phone. We even monitor the thoughts in your head. We see through your eyes. We even see how the food is digesting in your stomach. We even see your piss & shit being formed. We see every crumb of dirt being washed off of your body when you take a shower."
I said, "Oh, so y'all are ADMITTING that y'all are gang stalking me & have me under illegal surveillance?"
Brian, Jr. said, "Girl, shut up before you get locked up! See? That's your problem. Everything is NOT a conspiracy theory!" His dad, Brian, Sr. tried to de-escalate the situation & calm things down.
Right when Jason said, "Zuleyka has been helping Nola write these ideas because Nola isn't smart enough to think like this on her own. She doesn't have enough common sense. Nola is getting her ideas from my wife.",... Everyone went crazy, & there was a big brawl. Everyone started ghetto arguing & losing their minds.
Actually, I DID write the short stories alone, with no outside influence. Yes, I admit that I showed the short stories to some of the people in the "outcast clique", who left the cult. Maybe 1 of them was being fake & playing both sides. I thought I could trust everyone in the clique, because none of them had the personalities of the types who would be a snitch or backstab & betray me. Did Loriano secretly tell Roberto? That's the only thing I could think of.
The cult members got mad at me for exposing the mysterious deaths, the cafeteria kitchens being burned down every 6 months, the abuses that happen during the fake summer & winter camp trips, the fake secret cult prisons, the IHM program, the exploitation of the poor & homeless, their lack of originality, their masonic, satanic & new age witchcraft, etc. Everyone was shocked to find out that I knew too much, & they wondered where I got all that information from. Well, I got it from seeing blogs, videos & websites exposing the cult. People like, Mr. Harold Long AKA Buddy Herring & his wife, Mrs. Francine Giles whom they call "Frankie Dankie", Mrs. Kathy Nguyen, Mr. Jason, Sr., & quite a few others, lost their lives writing tell-all books, exposing the actual RAW truth about the fake Timberwood cult corruption & weirdness. The cult members thought I did a piss poor job at trying to expose them, using fiction. They threatened to sue both me & Zuleyka for libel, defamation & slander, even though what I said was true, yet I switched up the names. All she did was read, support & approve after I was done each short story. Mrs. Mary Ethel coerced me back into the cult against my will, & she wouldn't let me have access to any phone again for the rest of my life.
As undeserved punishment, I was wrongfully put in the prison psych ward & didn't get to live much longer.
*These are examples of what happens with cults.